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Branstad declines to voice opinion on fuel tax increase


February 16th, 2015 by Ric Hanson

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — Gov. Terry Branstad says he expects to approve legislation this session that would address road funding, but he declined to say whether it would be through a 10 cent increase to the fuel tax. Branstad told reporters Monday that legislation in the House and Senate could change before it reaches his desk for approval. When asked if he would support a 10 cent tax increase, he said he would reserve judgment until seeing a final draft.

The bills as they’re currently written would raise the state fuel tax by 10 cents. Panels have sent bills to full committees in the House and the Senate for consideration. Branstad and lawmakers have been vocal about raising money to help fix Iowa’s network of bridges and roads, many of which are in disrepair.

Juntos Helps Families Prepare for Education Beyond High School


February 16th, 2015 by Ric Hanson

Helping a child succeed in school and prepare for education beyond high school can challenge any parent. When parents have not experienced college, it can be difficult to know how to create a path for their child to go to college. In Iowa, college participation is lowest among youth who live in families with low incomes and among Latino youth. “Juntos Para Una Mejor Educación” or “Together for a Better Education” is a series of workshops for parents and middle school youth to help them gain knowledge, skills and confidence, and access resources that will help youth be successful in school, as well as pursue higher education.

High school youth are welcome to participate as well. Sandra McKinnon, human sciences specialist with ISU Extension and Outreach, says “Juntos means together in Spanish.”The program brings together Latino families, school staff and community partners to promote academic success and high school graduation among youth. Youth explore different paths they may take – a college or university, community college or trade school, a degree or certification, and so on.

ISU Extension and Outreach partners with local organizations and schools to implement Juntos and some or all of the wrap-around components in communities. The program is led by a community team that commonly includes representatives from schools, public and private youth and family community-based organizations, as well as faith organizations. McKinnon says “In Juntos we come together for five to six workshops. We begin each session with a family meal. During the sessions parents and youth spend part of the time together, and then part of the time as a group of parents or a group of youth. During the first session we discuss the importance of education and how parents and youth can work together to make education a family goal.”

Parents and youth learn to communicate better with each other, as well as with school staff to help youth be successful in school, and to think about their future. Families learn about skills that are important for youth to develop, and how to create a plan of action to help youth be successful in school and be prepared to go to college. Families learn about courses youth need to take in high school to prepare for college, how to create an environment at home to help youth learn, how and when to apply to college, and ways to save for and pay for college.

After participating in Juntos, parents felt more confident working with their youth’s school, were more likely to pay attention to their child’s homework and increased communication with their youth about high school, college or other future plans. Parents also were more empowered to advocate and work to improve their schools. For more information about “Juntos: Together for a Better Education,” contact Sandra McKinnon at 712-355-2067 or sandram@iastate.edu or visit the website, www.extension.iastate.edu/humansciences/juntos

CCHS Foundation’s Hansen Scholarship Available


February 16th, 2015 by Ric Hanson

The Cass County Health System Foundation is offering $10,000 in scholarships to students who are enrolled and have been accepted into a nursing or medical doctor training program. The scholarships were established by a bequest from Louie and Elsie Hansen. John Molgaard, CCHS Foundation Board member, says “The Hansens believed strongly in the importance of education, and the need for well-trained healthcare professionals.” Molgaard said also “We are very proud to provide this scholarship in their memory.”

The Louie and Elsie Hansen Memorial Scholarship was established to benefit Cass County high school graduates who are enrolled and have been accepted into a college of nursing or medicine, leading to an LPN, RN, BSN, or MD degree. Two $5,000 awards will be presented. Consideration will be given to applicants’ scholarship, citizenship, and leadership abilities. Applications are available at area high school guidance offices and the Foundation office at Cass County Health System. The application can also be downloaded from www.casshealth.org.

2014 recipients of the Louie and Elsie Hansen Scholarship were Whitney Schafer of Massena who is attending the University of Iowa for her RN with Bachelor of Science degree, Kristen Schuler of Atlantic who is attending Northwestern College for her RN with Bachelor of Science degree, and Claire Markham who is attending Creighton University School of Medicine for her Doctor of Medicine degree.
Scholarship applications are due April 1, 2015.

For further information, contact Dawn Marnin, CCHS Foundation Director, at 712-243-7409 or mardd@casshealth.org

Bluffs Police make an arrest in Jan. 19th robbery case


February 16th, 2015 by Ric Hanson

Police in Council Bluffs report an arrest has been made in connection with the Jan. 19th armed robbery of a convenience store. 25-year old Brian Combs, of Council Bluffs, turned himself-in to Pottawattamie County Corrections officials last Friday. He’s been charged with 1st Degree Robbery, and remains held in the Pott. County Jail.

Brian Combs

Brian Combs

Authorities say at around 1:19-a.m. January 19th, the Kwik Shop at 3632 Avenue G was robbed by a white male, who displayed a silver colored revolver and demanded money from the clerk. After getting an undetermined amount of money, the man left the store . A security camera outside the Kiwk Shop showed the man getting onto a BMX style bicycle and riding eastbound. On January 20th, at 1:12 a.m., an Officer on patrol witnessed a man riding a BMX style bicycle without a headlamp. The Officer attempted to stop the man near the intersection of So. 1st Street and Pierce, but he refused to stop. The man fled for several blocks,but was eventually apprehended behind a house in the 200 block of W. Kanesville Blvd.

The subject, identified as Combs, was arrested that night for operating his bike without a light, eluding and being in possession of burglar tools. On January 21st, Officers were called to a church at 140 West Kanesville Blvd, for a silver colored revolver that had been located in the parking lot. The area of the parking lot where the gun was found is adjacent to the route taken by Brian Combs the previous night as he fled from the Police. The gun and other evidence was then used to apply for a warrant for Brian Combs’ arrest in connection with the Kwik Shop robbery.

HSBB: Treynor at Atlantic Boys 02-13-2015

Podcasts, Sports

February 16th, 2015 by admin

Jim Field and Chris Parks have the call of the game from Atlantic High School.


HSBB Atlantic at Kuemper Catholic Girls 02-14-2015

Podcasts, Sports

February 16th, 2015 by admin

Jim Field has the call of the Class 3A first round postseason game played at Kuemper Catholic High School in Carroll.


Iowa authorities investigate man posing as police officer


February 16th, 2015 by Ric Hanson

SIOUX CITY, Iowa (AP) – Authorities say they’re investigating a man who has been posing as a police officer and making traffic stops in western Iowa. The Woodbury County Sheriff’s Office says two traffic stops were conducted late Saturday night and early Sunday morning near Correctionville and Anthon, Iowa. KTIV-TV reports no threats were made during the fake traffic stops.

According to a news release, the vehicles were pulled over by a seemingly new Dodge Charger with red and blue lights in the dash. The release says the man driving the Dodge identified himself as a member of law enforcement. Those who were pulled over later reported the incidents to police.

The sheriff’s office says officials making traffic stops will be dressed in complete uniform and can display their credentials upon request.

Woman arrested in “mass murder plot” in Canada graduated from Coe College


February 16th, 2015 by Ric Hanson

One of the suspects in a plot to kill people at a shopping mall in Canada has ties to Iowa. Twenty-three-year-old Lindsay Souvannarath was arrested on Friday in Canada where authorities claim she and two young men planned to kill “as many people as possible” at the Halifax Shopping Centre. One of the men was arrested along with Souvannarath and both are charged with conspiracy to commit murder.

Lindsay Souvannarath (High School Yearbook photo)

Lindsay Souvannarath (High School Yearbook photo)

The other male suspect was found dead in a house in Halifax with Canadian media reporting he shot himself. Investigators say the murder plot was foiled after a CrimeStoppers tip. Souvannarath is from Geneva, Illinois. She attended Coe College in Cedar Rapids, enrolling in 2010 and graduating in 2014 with a Bachelor of Arts Degree, double majoring in English and creative writing.

(Radio Iowa)

Governor open to working with other states to give more access to cannabis oil


February 16th, 2015 by Ric Hanson

Governor Terry Branstad says he is open to looking at changes in the state law that would make it easier for parents of to get ahold of cannabis oil used to treat sick children. The people who pushed for the law allowing them to possess the oil in Iowa, say it is too tough to get and bring in from other states and they would like to see Iowa manufacture the marijuana oil here. “There might be a possibility that we could work something out with a neighboring state in dealing with this, but I want to be careful that we avoid unintended consequences,” Branstad says. “…We want this to be available for the children with epilepsy that it could help, but we also don’t want it to get into the hands of other people who are not authorized to have it.”

Branstad says approving the manufacture of marijuana brings a whole lot of things with it. He says the governor of Colorado has said there are a lot of unintended consequences and he wished the legalization of medical marijuana hadn’t happened in his state. “When you get into the manufacture and distribution, which they are now doing in his state, there are a lot of issues that they really weren’t prepared for.” Branstad says Iowa could possibly work something out with Illinois, which passed a law which allows for the production of medical marijuana. He says Illinois is still working through the process.

“There is a firm in the Quad Cities that is intending to bid on this, so I guess we have to see what happens there. Obviously the Quad Cities is right across the river from Iowa, so I thought if Governor (Bruce) Ruaner approves this and they go forward with this, maybe that is a possibility of something we could do,” according to Branstad. Branstad says the state has to be cautious in whatever changes are made to the law.

“And again, as I said, this is an area that I think we need to be very thoughtful and very careful about. We want to do what we can to try to help the families, but we don’t want to create a lot of unintended consequences like what they are facing in Colorado,” Branstad says. Branstad says he’s not sure if anything will get done in this session, but says the possibility is there to work with a neighboring state.

(Radio Iowa)

Elderly woman found dead at accident scene in SW IA


February 16th, 2015 by Ric Hanson

Authorities in Fremont County responding to the scene of a single-vehicle accident Sunday afternoon east of Randolph, found an 82-year old woman who was pronounced dead at the scene. Officials identified the woman as Donna Jean Pierce, of Malvern.

An investigation determined Pierce’ vehicle was traveling north on 330th Avenue when it left the road and entered the west ditch, before crashing through a set of closed gates and coming to rest in a creek. The accident happened in the 1100 block of 330th Avenue.

The woman was not wearing a seat belt. Her body was sent to the State Medical Examiner’s Office in Ankeny, for autopsy. Fremont County Sheriff’s deputies were assisted at the scene by Tabor Police Department, Randolph Fire and Rescue, Tabor Fire and Rescue and the Iowa State Patrol.