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Forecast: Very hot weather will bake Iowa over the next four days

News, Weather

June 14th, 2018 by Ric Hanson

Another big change in the weather is coming, one that’ll feel like it’s mid-summer, though we still have a week of spring left. Meteorologist Kurt Kotenberg, at the National Weather Service in metro Des Moines, says yes, it was already really hot a few weeks ago, but the next several days promise to be the hottest of the year so far. “There’s very high confidence that temperatures will be in the middle 90s Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday,” Kotenberg says. “Heat index values will be pushing anywhere between 100 and 105 degrees in the metro area and across most of the state we’ll be pushing triple digits.”

He reminds, it’s not even summer yet. That season officially arrives next Thursday but Mother Nature doesn’t always follow the calendar. “Basically, starting tomorrow — Friday, lasting into Saturday, lasting into Sunday and probably lasting into Monday, we’re going to have some of the hottest temperatures of the year here in Iowa,” Kotenberg says. “The past couple of weeks, it’s been well above average, but this is probably going to be the hottest air that we’ve had.”

It’s been a strange few months for weather, after a prolonged winter with late snows, a shortened spring and an early summer. If you think this seems like way too hot of a forecast for this early in the year, you’re right. “In Des Moines, the normal high is 81 degrees. Up in Waterloo, the normal high is right around 78 and our forecast is in the middle 90s, maybe even the upper 90s,” Kotenberg says. “We’re going to be a solid 15 degrees above normal for temperatures.”  Due to the forecast, he says it’s likely statewide heat advisories will be issued soon for the steamy days ahead. “Heat index values are going to be over 100, pushing 105 degrees, and it’s really the consecutive days of this that cause the problems,” Kotenberg says. “Temperatures overnight won’t cool much below the low to mid-70s. When you compound things like this is where we really start to run into the heat issues, health-wise.”

A few tips to handle the heat: Wear light-weight and light-colored clothes. Drink plenty of water. If you’ll be working outside, take frequent breaks. Never leave children or pets inside vehicles. Make sure pets and livestock have access to water. Also, check on your friends and neighbors, especially the elderly, to make sure they’re doing okay.

(Radio Iowa)

Ernst says EPA’s Pruitt is a ‘swampy’ liar


June 14th, 2018 by Ric Hanson

Republican Senator Joni Ernst is calling for a senate hearing “on E-P-A Administrator Scott Pruitt’s scandals.” Ernst says she appreciates “some” of the regulatory changes Pruitt has made. “But I’ve got some real heartburn over the fact that he has been undermining the RFS,” Ernst said. “I’ve called him a liar. What he put on paper to me, he is not standing by.” Pruitt served as attorney general in oil-rich Oklahoma and Ernst says he has repeatedly failed to follow through on the president’s promises on the federal ethanol production mandate. Ernst opposes the so-called “hardship” waivers Pruitt recently has granted, exempting oil refineries from the federal requirement to blend ethanol into gasoline.  “He’s got a long ways to go to repair any damage he’s done in our relationship,” Ernst said, “what little there was.”

According to Ernst, Pruitt “is about as swampy” as it gets. “He is swampy and we’re trying to drain the swamp, right? Ernst asked rhetorically. “So even outside of the RFS and the fact that we do not agree on the RFS, there are a lot of other transgressions out there that Scott Pruitt has had that the American taxpayer does not appreciate.”

The Washington Post reported Pruitt asked E-P-A staff and political donors to find his wife a job, That prompted Republicans like Ernst to call on Pruitt to testify before the senate about those actions, as well as his lavish office spending, first-class travel and private security paid for by taxpayers.

(Radio Iowa)

1 dead another injured in s.w. IA power restoration efforts


June 14th, 2018 by Ric Hanson

Officials with MidAmerican Energy report one person died and another was injured during an accident near Emerson, Wednesday. According to MidAmerican Spokesman Geoff Greenwood, the accident involved private contractors working for the company to restore power. Greenwood released a statement saying the crews were working to repair storm damage when the accident occurred. The names of the victims weren’t immediately released, and the incident remains under investigation. Greenwood said the company was heartbroken by what transpired, and that their thoughts are with the family and friends of both linemen.

Reports say more than 4,000 people in MidAmerican’s coverage area lost power during peak of the storms, Monday. Power to those residences and/or businesses had been restored since then.

Occupied truck lifted during storm in Iowa


June 14th, 2018 by Ric Hanson

ROCKFORD, Iowa (AP) — A northern Iowa man was driving through a storm when his truck was lifted in the air and carried into a farm field. The Globe Gazette reports that 22-year-old Parker Brumm left Rockford on Saturday before the storm became severe to visit a friend in Nora Springs. Brumm says conditions worsened so he decided to turn back, but the storm lifted his vehicle off the ground before he could return home.
Rockford volunteer firefighters Corey Johnson and Jim Moore spotted Brumm’s truck in the air. The pair helped Brumm to safety once his truck hit the ground. Moore estimates that the storm carried the truck about 50 feet. The National Weather Service says it can’t confirm tornado activity in Rockford Saturday.

Lawmaker under fire for retweeting post by Nazi sympathizer


June 14th, 2018 by Ric Hanson

WASHINGTON (AP) — Steve King is a Republican congressman from Iowa who’s a hard-liner on immigration with a penchant for making racially charged comments. Now he’s facing heat for sharing a Twitter post by a Nazi sympathizer from Britain. Mark Collett posted a screenshot of a Breitbart.com story citing opinion in Italy on immigration, where the new government recently refused to admit a vessel carrying African migrants. Collett is a self-described admirer of Adolf Hitler and is active in the digital “alt-right.”

King retweeted the post and added: “‘Europe is waking up … Will America … in time?” King has stirred controversy with previous anti-immigrant comments such as a tweet last year that said, “We can’t restore our civilization with somebody else’s babies.”


Trading Post

June 14th, 2018 by admin

WANTED: A 7 x 14 or 7 x 16 ft enclosed trailer. Text me if you have one for sale. 712-579-2912

YARD SALE: 5th and Pine in Atlantic. Friday 4:00pm-7:00pm. All day Saturday. Antiques, collectibles, and much much more. Good stuff.

FOR SALE: Homelite weed trimmer. Good shape and runs well. $25. Call 712-420-3016.

Family of woman who had reaction to scan dye wins $29.5M


June 14th, 2018 by Ric Hanson

ORANGE CITY, Iowa (AP) — A jury has awarded $29.5 million to the family of a northwest Iowa woman who died after she had an allergic reaction to a dye she was given for a medical scan. The Sioux County jury made the negligence award Wednesday to the family of 40-year-old Carrie DeJongh. She died June 9, 2015, after receiving the dye at Sioux Center Health in Sioux Center.

Her attorney Nicholas Rowley says DeJongh went into anaphylactic shock and lost consciousness upon receiving the contrast dye for a CT scan. Rowley says Dr. Roy Slice gave her an antihistamine drug but didn’t immediately take her vital signs or administer epinephrine, which could have countered her shock. The doctor and Sioux Center Health denied the negligence allegations.

Healthy Cass County Highlights


June 14th, 2018 by Ric Hanson

The monthly Healthy Cass County meeting was held Monday, June 11 at Cass County Memorial Hospital. The group watched a documentary titled ”Wasted – The Story of Food Waste,” which was followed with a short discussion led by Lora Kanning, Cass County Naturalist. Additionally, walking maps for each community in Cass County have been printed and will be distributed in each town, soon. If businesses would like to have their town walking routes on display, please contact Public Health at (712) 243-7552 for copies.

Healthy Cass County would like to remind all residents of the Urgent Need Community Resource Guide, which is reviewed and updated at a minimum bi-annually. The guide is available online at the Public Health, Healthy Cass County and Cass County Extension websites for easy access to the latest version. For more information on local health and wellness events or resources, follow the Healthy Cass County Facebook page.

MATURA Head Start Launches Child Care Development Specialist Registered Apprenticeship Program in Iowa


June 14th, 2018 by Ric Hanson

MATURA Head Start in Creston and the IowaWORKS Center in Creston, together with the U.S. Department of Labor/Office of Apprenticeship, has launched a Child Care Development Specialist Registered Apprenticeship Program. A Registered Apprenticeship is employer-driven training combined with on-the-job learning and related classroom instruction. The program allows the Registered Apprentice to earn a paycheck from day one while learning. The Child Care Development Specialist Registered Apprenticeship is a two-year program.

Julie Lang, Director for MATURA Head Start, said her organization decided to offer a Registered Apprenticeship to increase recruitment and staff retention. This is the first Registered Apprenticeship Program for a child care development specialist in southwest Iowa.  “One of our goals is to be viewed as a premier early childhood workplace,” Lang said. “Offering a Registered Apprenticeship in child care development brands us as someone who takes this career seriously.”

Growing the number of Registered Apprentices in Iowa is one of the goals of an ApprenticeshipUSA State Expansion Grant received by Iowa Workforce Development from the U.S. Department of Labor. MATURA Head Start is a free comprehensive child development program, serving children from three to five years old, who live in Madison, Taylor, Ringgold, Union and Adams counties. Job seekers interested in learning more about the Child Care Development Specialist Registered Apprenticeship Program are encouraged to contact the IowaWORKS Center in Creston or complete the online form at earnandlearniowa.gov.

Registered Apprenticeship Programs help recruit, train a skilled workforce and retain talent. There are currently more than 1,000 apprenticeable occupations in industries that include energy, information technology, healthcare, financial services, transportation, advanced manufacturing, food and beverage preparation, and the building trades. Businesses interested in learning more about Registered Apprenticeship opportunities can visit the earnandlearniowa.gov website and complete a form to receive more information.

Homeless shelter settles lawsuit filed over bedbugs


June 14th, 2018 by Ric Hanson

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — A Des Moines homeless shelter has settled a class action lawsuit filed for several dozen people over bedbugs that had infested the facility. A Polk County District Court judge preliminarily approved the settlement Tuesday and scheduled a settlement hearing Aug. 17 to hear any objections to it. The Des Moines Register reports that the people who stayed at Central Iowa Shelter & Services or in its transitional housing or apartments between November 2014 and December 2015 could receive as much as $400, depending on the length of their stays.

The lawsuit filed Dec. 28, 2015, listed 70 people as complainants, saying the infestation subjected them to substandard living conditions. Plaintiffs’ attorney Steve Wandro says the shelter had problems in the past but has brought them under control.