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2024 Iowa State Fair Queen has shown cattle, camped at the fair


August 13th, 2024 by Ric Hanson

(Radio Iowa) – An 18 year old who’s a frequent camper at the Iowa State Fair is the 2024 Iowa State Fair Queen. Elli Blackford says being crowned at the end of Saturday night’s contest was a surreal moment. “It was just so unbelievable and it’s something I never imagined I could do,” she says. “It was truly a dream come true and I can’t even tell you what was running through my head because it was running at 10,000 miles per hour.” Blackford watched the queen contest as a child, one of the activities she’s enjoyed due to having such close access to the fairgrounds. “I’ve been at the fair 18 years and I’ve camped at least 13 of them,” she says. “It’s just a super fun tradition with our family. I actually camp with my grandparents and my aunt and uncle have a site real close to us.”

Blackford, a 4-Her, has showed cattle — Simmental heifers — at the fair, too. “You get to know so many 4-H and FFA members throughout the entire state, so we really build a community in the barn as a family and as a 4-H group, as a county, being stalled with the people that you’re working with all year long, just building those connections,” she says, “then also having the ability to cheer on your fellow 4-H or FFA members while they’re also doing the same in the stands for you.” Blackford joined a different community this past week as she, along with 102 other Iowa county fair queens, gathered in Des Moines. The group learned the lyrics to “Our State Fair” — featured the State Fair play on Broadway and in the State Fair movies.

2024 Iowa State Fair Queen Elli Blackford of Weldon. (Iowa State Fair photo)

Blackford and the rest of the queens sang it as they rode a trolley down Grand Avenue in Des Moines in this year’s Iowa State Fair parade. “They taught it to us kind of on the buses on the way there. I’d heard it before, but didn’t 100% know all the lyrics. I was able to catch on pretty quick,” Blackford says. “Sometimes it gets in my head and other people will be singing it and I kind of hum along with them.” Blackford is from Weldon, a small town in Clarke County and she graduated from Clarke Community School in Osceola this spring. She’ll be a student at Iowa State University this fall and plans to study animal science and agricultural business. “That career pathway for me right now looks like marketing or sales with either of the two degrees,” she says.

Blackford, the queen of the Clarke County Fair, provided daily reports on “Go Clarke TV” — a video network run by her school — to provide updates on activities during the local fair.

Fremont County Sheriff’s Dept. arrest report: 7/29-8/12/2024


August 13th, 2024 by Ric Hanson

(Sidney, Iowa) – The Fremont County Sheriff’s Office has released a report on arrests occurring from July 29th through August 12th. The entire press release can be found in the link below:

081324 press release

Montgomery County Supervisors approve courthouse A/C replacement, & repairs to other units


August 13th, 2024 by Ric Hanson

(Red Oak, Iowa) – The Montgomery County Board of Supervisors, today (Tuesday), approved a proposal from Camblin Mechanical, Inc., to remove and replace a bad courthouse air conditioning unit in the courtroom, that was causing some people to become overcome with heat exhaustion. Board Chair Mike Olsen…

The also approved an invoice from Camblin Mechanical for repairs to A/C units on the second and third floors of the courthouse, amounting to a little more than $27,538. Supervisor Mark Petersen said faulty work by a contractor, resulted in the units failing. He wanted to make it clear, that he did NOT blame Camblin Mechanical for the issues associated with those units.

In her weekly report to the Board, Montgomery County Engineer Karen Albert said for one thing, they’ve been hauling rock.

She said also, there are road repair and other projects that are, or will soon-be, underway, so please slow down when you approach those crews as they work to make the roads smoother and safer.

In other business, the Board approved the Treasurer’s Semi-Annual Report, with an ending fund balance as of July 31, 2024, of nearly $10, 526, 468. They also discussed and agreed to accept a Letter of Intent from the estate of Rodney Most, to acquire the bordering vacant property known as Walnut Street in Hawthorne. Board Chair Mike Olsen explained…

And, they approved claims payable on August 14th, in the amount of $560,048.44. West Township resident Jan Norris spoke to the Board during the Public Comment part of their agenda. Here is a transcript of what she had to say:

“Good Morning, I am Jan Norris from West Township. Summit Carbon Transport is planning to kickoff their Phase II public information meetings in Red Oak on Tuesday, Aug 27 at noon at the Red Coach Inn. There will also be a meeting at the Corning Opera House on Mon, Aug 26 at 6:00pm. The public is invited to attend as many meetings as they wish and ask questions.  Summit filed their slide presentation to the docket yesterday.

These 14 new lateral routes will expand Summit’s total project by about 50% in Iowa & are gaining a lot of attention. Corning will be the first official Summit meeting, but last week 200 people showed up in Guthrie Center and 75 in Jefferson to hear the Sierra Club’s presentation.  Sunday night a couple of us held an informal Q&A in Stanton where 35 people stayed for 2 hours asking questions.

Other than Charla & Randy attending the first event in Stanton earlier this spring, I haven’t seen board members showing up to learn more. Two weeks ago the board asked Snyder & Assoc to wait until members had left the room before opening public Q&A. I hope you are not going to ONLY rely on Summit for information. Their meeting on the 27th will be heavy on spin, and skimpy on facts. I would be happy to meet with you individually any time to review what I have learned over the last 3 years of research.

The Free Soil Foundation is holding a meeting at the Viking Center next Tuesday, Aug 20 at 6:30 pm with former Congressman Steve King. Maybe you could announce a possible quorum and be in attendance?

Just an update on the open meetings complaint – last week the County filed their response and I filed a rebuttal. Our case can expect to be on the Iowa Public Information Board agenda on Sept 19. This process is neither pleasant nor easy and is not intended to be adversarial. Our communities are all stronger when we have open and transparent government. I trust that we all agree on that.

Thank you.”

Charges filed in Fremont County Neglect/Abandonment and Child Endangerment case


August 13th, 2024 by Ric Hanson

(Sidney, Iowa) – Fremont County Sheriff Kevin Aistrope reports a couple from Hamburg are facing felony charges, following an investigation that began in late July. As we previously reported, on July 25th, the Fremont County Sheriff’s Office received a report at around 8:53-a.m. on that date, about a small child seen alone near the roadway in the 1700 block of Washington Street, in Hamburg. Deputies discovered a 4-year-old child, with reported developmental disabilities, covered in filth and a mixture of both human and animal feces outside the residence. Deputies located another child inside the home. Both children were taken to a nearby hospital for evaluation.

Deputies allege that the parents, 26-year-old Dustin Carl Lee Perry, and 26-year-old Lindsey Barbara Marie Hamilton, both of Shenandoah, left the children in the care of relatives with the direction to keep the 4-year-old in a makeshift cage. Deputies located the cage in the home constructed out of a pack and play, a baby gate roof, and zip ties. Deputies allege that the child was able to escape from the device and left the home without waking the occupants. Deputies discovered a second homemade cage where it is alleged that the child was kept in a walk-in closet in a home in Shenandoah. Both Perry and Hamilton were arrested and charged with Felony Felony Neglect or Abandonment of a Dependent Person, and Child Neglect, an aggravated misdemeanor. Several children were removed from the home by the DHS. Both were being held in the Fremont County Jail without bond, pending a court appearance.

Martha Perry-Culley

Elvin Culley

Also as a result of the investigation, on August 9th, 78-year-old Elvin Leroy Culley, and 61-year-old Martha Karen Perry-Culley, both of Hamburg, were arrested and charged with Felony Neglect or Abandonment of a Dependent Person, and Child Neglect, an aggravated misdemeanor. Both were being held in the Fremont County Jail on $10,000 cash-only bonds, each.

Hamburg Rescue, the Iowa Dept. of Health & Human Services, and Shenandoah Police assisted with the investigation.

Grocery stores try to scare up profits with early Halloween candy sales


August 13th, 2024 by Ric Hanson

(Radio Iowa) – How early is too early? It’s still the heart of summertime, yet many Iowa grocery stores are already offering spooky Halloween decorations and big bags of trick-or-treat candy. Some stores had the orange-and-black boxes of sweets on display in July. Professor Peggy Stover, who directs the University of Iowa’s Marketing Institute and spent 25 years in the grocery industry, says stores are looking for any angle they can find to scare up profits.  “In the old days, when there was a major holiday coming, a month, maybe a month and a half in advance was pretty typical,” Stover says. “Now, we’re seeing — Halloween is a good example. We’re seeing Halloween merchandise in the stores, so it seems like every year it gets earlier and earlier.”

Back-to-school sales started at some Iowa retailers in June, and Stover says she wouldn’t be too surprised if we saw Christmas ornaments appear on the shelves soon. “We’re seeing a faster acceleration being driven mainly by manufacturers and retailers,” Stover says. “In the grocery business, the margins are so thin that anything that they can do to increase the profitability of their operations, I can’t blame them, they’re going to take advantage of it.” Some Iowans might buy Christmas gifts early and hide them until December, but Stover says nobody’s buying Halloween candy in mid-August who’s intent on saving it until late October.

Radio Iowa photo

“A lot of manufacturers are probably offering incentives to entice that impulse purchase,” Stover says, “you know, I see it, I’m going to throw it in the buggy, I wasn’t really looking for candy, but there it is, front and center, toss it in the cart.” Consumers may be mystified when they run across holiday items so far out of context, but she doubts few would actually file a complaint with the manager, not that it would likely have much impact — or would it? “It’s going to take consumers to tell retailers and manufacturers, ‘Enough is enough’,” Stover says. “Let’s go back to being more reasonable in when we’re going to be merchandising holiday items. I remember last year, I think it was January, right after the holidays, I was already seeing Saint Patrick’s.”

She says the best way for Iowans to send a message about Halloween in summer sales is to resist buying the products.

Iowa Transportation Commission approves funds for airport improvement projects in Carroll, Creston and Denison


August 13th, 2024 by Ric Hanson

(Ames, Iowa) – The Iowa Transportation Commission today (Tuesday), approved $9.3 million for the fiscal year 2025 State Aviation Program, which includes several subprograms.  The Airport Improvement Program (AIP) will fund $6.3 million for a variety of aviation safety initiatives, system planning, and air service development activities. It will also provide funding for airport development projects at 23 airports in Iowa. Eligible AIP projects include runway, taxiway, and apron development; fuel systems; navigational aids; maintenance of aviation weather systems; runway marking; windsocks; emergency operational repairs; land-use planning; air service initiatives; and the mitigation of obstruction and wildlife hazards at airports. The AIP program is funded through the State Aviation Fund using revenues from aircraft registration fees and aviation fuel taxes.

In this area, AIP projects approved include:

  • $13,491 towards the total project cost of $17, 988, for Taxiway Repair at the Arthur N Neu Airport, in Carroll.
  • $55, 250 towards the total project cost of $65,000, for Obstruction Mitigation at the Creston Municipal Airport.
  • and, $33,500 for the removal of underground storage tanks at the Denison Municipal Airport. The total project cost for which is $67,000.

The Iowa DOT’s Aviation vertical infrastructure programs will provide $3 million for projects at six general aviation airports and eight commercial service airports throughout Iowa. These programs provide funding for the maintenance and development of airport facilities such as terminal buildings, maintenance facilities, and aviation hangars. Vertical infrastructure programs are funded from Rebuild Iowa Infrastructure Fund appropriations.

Iowa DOT Aviation Program Manager Shane Wright notes the FY 2025 program has many good projects that make headway developing an aviation system that supports the economy and important aviation services in the state. “It builds a strong aviation system while leveraging federal, local, and private investment.”

The State Aviation Program supplements local and federal funding sources and seeks to maintain a safe and effective statewide air transportation system. Details on the State Aviation Program funding can be viewed at https://iowadot.gov/aviation/airport-managers-and-sponsors/State-Funding/state-funding-programs

Nodaway Valley Superintendent talks about using district facilities following the May, 2024 tornado


August 13th, 2024 by Ric Hanson

(Greenfield, Iowa) – Nodaway Valley Community School District Superintendent Paul Croghan said there was never any question the District would respond to serve the City of Greenfield and Adair County, following last May’s devastating tornado. Croghan told KJAN, after-all, “Community” is in the District’s name.

He said they were glad to be able to open-up the building so the Adair County Memorial Hospital could use it for a good part of the Summer. Croghan said the hospital moved its staff and equipment out last week, and the custodial staff from CAM and Nodaway Valley stepped-up to get the school ready for teachers by Monday, August 12th.

The hospital re-opened on Monday, with some services, such as the ER, surgery room and the inpatient floor not expected to re-open until October.

Mr. Croghan says he anticipates the school will be ready for the first day of classes at Nodaway Valley on August 23rd.

The district’s facilities in Greenfield weren’t damaged by the tornado, which was amazing, Croghan said considering the extent of damage the City and parts of the county sustained.

Sadly, a total of five lives were lost during the tornado’s trek through parts of Adams and Adair Counties.

CAM School Board tables Daycare agreement, but passes Bond referendum Resolution


August 13th, 2024 by Ric Hanson

(Anita, Iowa) – The CAM School Board met in a regular monthly session, Monday evening, in Anita. Superintendent Paul Croghan told KJAN News, the Board approved their 400 Series policies, but tabled action on a Daycare Agreement. They passed a Resolution ordering an election on the issuance of $22.5-million in General Obligation Bonds. The referendum paperwork will be submitted to the Cass County Auditor’s Office in the near future so it can be placed on the ballot for the November General Election.

The Board then discussed plans for the CAM School District’s facilities.

Mr. Croghan reminds residents that school starts August 23rd for the CAM School District, and safety should be a top priority to make sure students are safe this coming school year, especially when it comes to transportation of students.

Police in a Des Moines suburb investigating 2 day care center bomb threats


August 13th, 2024 by Ric Hanson

(Clive, Iowa) – Police in the Des Moines suburb of Clive said Monday, they were investigating two bomb threats made at daycare centers in the community. Clive Police said that at around 3:38-p.m., Monday, staff at the Cadence Academy, 14300 Hickman Road, called Westcom Dispatch to report a bomb threat to their building. Staff reported that an e-mail had been received stating that a bomb had been placed inside the facility. As part of Cadence Academy’s policies, and to safeguard the children, evacuation of the facility was conducted. Clive Police and Fire responded to the scene and were able to search the building, however, no threat was located.
The e-mail also mentioned a similar threat to the KinderCare facility at 15200 Hickman Road. That center was also evacuated and searched, with no threat being found. Chief Mark Rehberg stated, “Due to the robust security procedures in place at both centers, it is unlikely that anyone would be able to access them without the knowledge of staff.” Rehberg continued, “The policies both centers had in place were followed by staff and ensured that all of the children in their care were safe and well protected.”
Police say they will follow up with their federal partners to attempt identification of the person(s) responsible for the e-mail. Authorities said “Communication is key during an incident such as this, and the Clive Police and Fire Departments encourage all parents to update their contact information with any daycare provider to ensure immediate notification of any event.”
The matter remains under investigation.

Small town Iowa is setting for new novel, as well as locale for book’s launch


August 13th, 2024 by Ric Hanson

(Radio Iowa) – A writer of historical fiction from the West Coast will make several appearances in Iowa this week to launch her latest novel, which takes place in eastern Iowa more than a century ago. Rachel Fordham, who lives in Washington state, has set many or her books in Iowa. “Beyond Ivy Walls” follows a young woman in 1903 who lives in the town of Monticello and works in a feather duster plant, which Fordham says was a real factory at that time. She says extensive research is key. “I started reading the old newspapers in hopes of finding more about the factory, and while doing that, I read about miracle cures, you know, there’s an advertisement for all kinds of home remedies,” Fordham says. “So that played into the story, as well as roller skating and other things that were relevant to that time period.”

Helpful folks at the Monticello library were able to connect Fordham with a descendant of the factory’s owners, and others, who knew a wealth of information about the town’s history. While she’s only been in the state once before, Fordham says she adores Iowa as the setting for her work. “My first novel featured the orphan trains, and so I picked a state that was a popular destination for the orphan trains to end in, and kind of fell in love with Iowa,” Fordham says. “I liked the idea of being able to have them be standalone novels, but still have little nods to each other in them, and so I wrote several books in Iowa for that reason.”

Rachel Fordham

Historical fiction isn’t just about the past, Fordham says, but there are many tie-ins with modern day, which is part of why she says the genre continues to be popular. “Obviously, people kind of love jumping back in time and getting to experience what it might have been like for their ancestors and people who came before them,” Fordham says. “As far as our feelings and our emotions and things like that, those are really universal, so being able to feel this like connection, this story may have taken place in the past, but I see myself in it, I think keeps drawing people back again and again.”

Fordham says she did not meet with her publishers or publicist to determine where to launch the book in order to boost sales, calling this week’s trip to Iowa a “heart project.” “I really loved my research experience with these people. I loved setting my book in Monticello. I want to go there. That’s where I want the book launch to take place. I want to meet these people. I want to walk on these streets,” Fordham says. “It will be rewarding for me, and it will be a fun experience for the people who have this unique and special connection to the book.”