FOR SALE: 25,000 BTU,window air conditioner,used 2yrs. Call 712-764-5321.
FOR SALE: Huffy Stone Mountain 18 speed bicycle, Blue in color. Excellent Shape. Asking $40.00. Roadmaster Mt. Sport SX 18 speed, blue & black. Excellent Shape. Asking $40.00. Shimano Mt. Sport SX youth, 18 speed bicycle. Silver & Red. Excellent shape. Asking $40.00. Call 712-789-4016. Located in Elliott area. Ridden very little.
YARD SALE: 4231 Union St. Elk Horn, Iowa, Friday (July 15) 4-7 and Saturday (July 16) 8-12. 3 WHEELER, Turkey fryer/smoker, Baby clothes& toys, Blankets and lots of other misc. things
FOR SALE: 8 HP Briggs & Stratton vertical shaft engine, runs good $100; 21″ Lawn boy self-propelled lawn mower, runs fine $80. WANTED: fuel oil – diesel fuel or kerosene. 712-268-2656
FOR SALE: white wicker set: arm chair & coffee table. $150. 712-769-2396
FOR SALE: Solid oak entertainment cetner with glass doors one one side. Measures 60L, 48H, 14D. 1999 JVC TV included. Works good, all for $325. 712-784-2247
FOR SALE: 9 month small white and tan female chihuahua. 243-7790 or 249-3913.