WANTED: we are looking for some scaffolding with lots of sections. Call or email petlj_55@hotmail.com 712-549-2265.
FOR SALE: Hoverround, 1 1/2yr old, hardly used, $500 obo, also have a cloth lift chair $500 obo, call/text 712-249-8140.
WANTED: I am looking for a hospital bed to borrow for the next 2 weeks so my Dad can come to visit. Call Sheryl at 243-3075 – leave a message and phone number if there’s no answer
FOR SALE: 12 inch Craftsman table saw $200. 249-3265
FOR SALE: 2 old reel lawn mowers $25 obo; D-17 Alis Chalmers tractor, not 3 point hitch, wide front end. $3,500 obo; WANTED: looking for a small pick up, prefer 4X4. 249-4005 or 243-3756. (call cell first)
YARD SALE: Monday, June 2nd, 507 Spruce St., Atlantic from 5 pm until dark. collection of new knives for fishing, camping, hunting, very high quality. Any questions call 254-4027.