The Shelby County Supervisors have set the date for a public hearing and an auction pertaining to an amendment to the Urban Renewal Plan that would include the County’s five year plan for bridge and culvert projects. The county has notified the school districts in Shelby County, and after no comments were heard prior to today’s (Tuesday’s) meeting, the Board elected to forward and hold the public hearing 9-a.m. November 19th, for the amendment.
In other news, the Supervisors set the same date for the auction for cash rent of county owned land. Instead of bids, the supervisors have held an auction for the past two years. This year the solid waste ground will be auctioned as well. The county has installed a 4 year grid sampling and the winning bidder will have to pay to the company, Farm Service Co-Op.
Auditor Marsha Carter said “We have in the notice, it says, the county has ordered grid soil sampling on the farm. All dry fertilizer will be applied based on the results. In addition to the rent, the successful bidder will reimburse the county for 1/4th of the lime application and pay FSC Defiance directly for the fertilizer costs. Cash rent will include use of the 7,500 grain bid on the property. The successful bidder will be responsible for paying the electricity on the bin usage.”
The county land auction will begin at 9-am on November 19th. Supervisor Steve Kenkel gave another update on the Southwest Iowa Mental Health Regional Planning. The committee met in Atlantic this past Monday and has scheduled a few upcoming public input meetings. Kenkel said there will be three locations because nine different counties are involved.
“One will be November 26th in Shenandoah. One will be December 19th in Oakland and the other will be January 21st in Dunlap. That kind of spreads them out throughout the region so the public, their families can comment with what is going on and their concerns and we can learn some things from that also.”
The Mental Health Committee will be spreading the word with flyers and handouts when the date for the public input meetings gets closer.
(Joel McCall/KNOD)