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I-29 SB to be closed early Sunday morning in Fremont County


July 31st, 2021 by Ric Hanson

Sidney, Iowa – July 31, 2021, The Fremont County Sheriff’s Office is notifying drivers that I-29 Southbound, south of the Hamburg Exit, will be closed tomorrow (August 1, 2021) at 7:00 A.M. so that an accident scene can be cleaned up at the 122 MM in Missouri. The estimated clean up time is one to two hours. Sign boards will direct traffic on a detour through Hamburg, Iowa via Highway 333 east to US 275 south to Missouri Highway 136.

Cass County Fair announcement for 7/31/21


July 31st, 2021 by Ric Hanson

Despite the heavy rain Atlantic received Friday night and early today, the Cass County Fair Board has determined that ALL activities scheduled for today, will take place as planned. Thank you.

You thought RAGBRAI was hot. UI researchers explore the sun, via spacecraft.


July 31st, 2021 by Ric Hanson

(Radio Iowa) – Sure, it’s been a sweltering week in Iowa, but University of Iowa researchers are doing groundbreaking studies on an environment that’s beyond scorching — using data from a spacecraft that’s orbiting the sun. U-I physics and astronomy professor Jasper Halekas is the lead author of a report on the sun’s electric field and the solar wind that flows outward from our star. Halekas compares that flow to an earthly waterway. “Let’s say we’re sitting here in Iowa City watching the Iowa River go by. It’s hard to know when that river might flood unless we know what’s going on upstream, say, at the Coralville Dam,” Halekas says. “So, we really need to make measurements up close, where the source of this solar wind — or in my analogy, the river — is to know what’s going to happen when that solar wind gets to Earth.”

Fluctuations in that solar wind, like a solar flare, can disrupt our power grid, our satellites, and much of our communications on Earth — everything from cell phone calls to G-P-S navigation to T-V and radio broadcasts. The Parker Solar Probe has made eight orbits of the sun so far, and each orbit takes about three months to complete. Remember, the sun is huge. “Every couple of orbits we fly by Venus and dump a little bit of our momentum there and that allows us to get in still closer to the sun,” Halekas says. “By the end of the mission, we hope to get about two times closer to the sun than we are now — and where we are now is already far closer than anything man-made has ever gone.”

The spacecraft has gotten within nine-million miles of the sun, which may not sound all that close, but temperatures on the side facing the sun are peaking around one-thousand degrees. It’s a robotic explorer like no other in history, and no, it won’t melt. “The front end of our spacecraft has this big carbon-carbon heat shield and then there’s a bunch of plumbing that hangs off of the back of it that acts to shunt heat away from that heat shield and keep it from getting back to the rest of the spacecraft,” Halekas says, “and the rest of the spacecraft kinda’ hangs back in the shadow.”

The research they’re doing is historic, he says, as these are the first definitive measurements anyone’s ever been able to make of the sun’s electric field. “I’ve been involved in this mission since it was just a sketch on a napkin, so it’s been extraordinarily rewarding to see it built and tested and launched and now we’re charting new territory closer to the sun than anything man-made has ever gone,” Halekas says, “so, yes, it’s very exciting for me.”

Launched in 2018, the NASA-funded mission is scheduled to run through at least 2025 as the spacecraft should be able to make about 20 orbits around the sun, drawing ever closer, at a speed that should top off around 430-thousand miles an hour. It’s the first NASA spacecraft named after someone who’s still alive, 94-year-old Eugene Parker, an astrophysicist and professor emeritus at the University of Chicago, who first did key research in solar physics in the 1950s.

(Podcast) KJAN News, 7/31/21

News, Podcasts

July 31st, 2021 by Ric Hanson

The broadcast News at 8:05-a.m., from Ric Hanson.


Work started on first Hawarden Habitat for Humanity House


July 31st, 2021 by Ric Hanson

(Radio Iowa) – The Siouxland Habitat for Humanity chapter has started the construction of its first home in Hawarden. Siouxland Habitat for Humanity Director, Anne Holmes, says there’s a great need for safe and affordable housing, and that Hawarden has welcomed them with open arms. They held a groundbreaking late last week where home recipient Heather Sabin was on hand. She says she’s excited to get all the help from the community, and most of all is excited for her kids to be able to grow up in the home.

Holmes says Heather Sabin’s enthusiasm and gratitude is overwhelming saying Sabin is the kind of person when you’re having a down day all you have to do is call her and her family up and just listen to the excitement in their voices, she says it automatically fills your bucket. Sabin says she can’t wait for one thing. “To move in…start new memories for my kids. It’ll be good,” she says. Sioux County Habitat for Humanity Director Kurt Franje is excited to be building a home in a new community He says they are “super excited” to be able to start another home and share God’s lover with one another.

This is the first time Sioux County Habitat is building two houses in the same year. Franje says he wasn’t sure how it would work out — but the other home in Hull is ready for the sheetrock to be taped. “That one is in a very good spot and we’ll be able to start this one and get it started before winter, there’s plenty of time to do that,” Franje says.

Sioux County Habitat for Humanity has plans to build another second home in Alton next year, and they’re working with city officials in Hospers to possibly build one there in 2022. Franje says they could use more volunteers — and anyone interested in helping with the Hawarden project can contact Siouxland Habitat for Humanity through their website: siouxlandhabitat.org, or through their Facebook page, or call the Hawarden City Office.

Rare, ghost-like bird spotted in Iowa wildlife refuge

Ag/Outdoor, News

July 31st, 2021 by Ric Hanson

(Radio Iowa) – A rare bird has been spotted in northern Iowa. Erich Gilbert, assistant manager at the Union Slough National Wildlife Refuge near Titonka, says there’s a partial albino among the Canada geese that have settled in for the past few weeks.”It looks almost like a ghost or a hologram,” he says. It’s the time of year for Canadian geese to molt — lose their feathers. Albino birds are rarely found in the wild.  “They say that birders — someone who is a bird watcher — is likely to see this maybe a couple of times in their lifetime, but it may be a cardinal, it may be a sparrow, it may be any kind of bird,” Gilbert says. “It is quite rare, but if you’re a bird watcher, you’re likely to see one at some point.”

Gilbert says the albino goose is visible from the county highway passes along the south end of the refuge. Gilbert can see sandhill cranes in a shallow area right across from his office. “They nested here for the third year in a row,” Gilbert says. “Three years ago they nested here for the first time in at least 100 years, probably more than that.”  The drought has made the refuge more attractive to birds.

“Most birds actually like water that’s knee deep or less and some of them actually like water that’s like a half inch deep or even a mud flat, so those shallow water depths aren’t a great problem for birds…but eventually we are looking forward to the rain returning,” Gilbert says. “Hopefully what’ll happen is we’ll get some rain here late summer or early fall and we’ll get things filled back up here for the fall.”

Automobiles may start driving on the tour route through the refuge on August 1st. It’s open to the public from sunrise until sunset through September 20th. The driving route starts at the Refuge Headquarters, which is six miles east of Bancroft. Gilbert says there are all sorts of birds, including ducks, trumpeter swans, great blue herons and pelicans, at the refuge and the best time to see them is in the early morning or evening hours, when the temperatures are cooler and the birds are most active.

(Podcast) KJAN morning Sports report, 7/31/21

Podcasts, Sports

July 31st, 2021 by Ric Hanson

With Ric Hanson.


Area rainfall totals (24-hour, through 7-a.m. 7/31)


July 31st, 2021 by Ric Hanson

  • Atlantic (KJAN): 1.28″
  • 7-miles west of Atlantic: 3.5″
  • Adair: 2.40″
  • Audubon: 2.05″
  • Harlan, 2.11″
  • Rural Lewis: 4.0″
  • Massena 3.04″
  • Avoca: 2.3″
  • Red Oak: 2.02″
  • Onawa: .45″
  • Mt. Ayr: 2.56″

Gov. Reynolds announces appointments to Iowa’s boards & commissions 


July 31st, 2021 by Ric Hanson

DES MOINES – Gov. Kim Reynolds, Friday, announced appointments to Iowa’s boards and commissions.

The following appointments (featuring area residents) are subject to Senate confirmation (Name/County):

  • Board of Nursing Home Administrators:  Cindy Dozark, Crawford
  • State Board of Education: Rod Bradley, Crawford

The following appointments are not subject to Senate confirmation:

  • Advisory Council on Brain Injuries: Andrea Gomez, Page
  • Iowa Developmental Disabilities Council: Roxanne Cogil, Guthrie
  • Iowa Council on Homelessness: Brandy Wallar, Pottawattamie
  • Juvenile Justice Advisory Council: Patrick Garcia, Pottawattamie
  • Missouri River Recovery Implementation Committee: Chris Larson, Cass
  • State Historical Society of Iowa Board of Trustees: Dawn Meyer, Carroll
  • State Soil Conservation and Water Quality Committee: Judy Loonan, Adams
  • Vocational Rehabilitation Council: Daryn Richardson, Pottawattamie.

(Podcast) KJAN News, Saturday 7/31/21

News, Podcasts

July 31st, 2021 by Ric Hanson

The broadcast News at 7:05-a.m., from Ric Hanson.
