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Greenfield tours Atlantic organic Farm

Ag/Outdoor, News

October 30th, 2020 by Ric Hanson

(Atlantic) – Resuming her RV campaign tour, Democrat US Senate candidate Theresa Greenfield visited Rolling Acres Farm, north of Atlantic, Thursday afternoon. The organic farm is operated by husband & wife team Larry Harris and Denise O’Brien. Due to the COVID-19 threat, the event brought out a small crowd of supporters who toured the farm with Greenfield and O’Brien. Greenfield spoke positively about her campaign and her chances of winning the seat currently held by her Republican opponent.

(Information & photo courtesy Cass County Democratic Party Chair Sherry Toelle)

Cass County Supervisors hold-off on 570th Street closing


October 30th, 2020 by Ric Hanson

The Cass County Board of Supervisors held their end-of-the-month meeting Friday (today), in Atlantic, during which they received an Annual Report and FY 2022 Funding Request from the Cass County Library Association. The representative noted that with the advent of the pandemic, all the of libraries have to adjust how books and materials are made available. They also had to make accommodations for extra cleaning by the directors and staff at those libraries that don’t have a dedicated cleaning person. Their request of $13,000 matches the same request they made last year, and includes: $5,000 for the Atlantic Public Library; $2,500 each for the Anita and Griswold Public Libraries, and $1,000 each for the Massena and Cumberland Public Libraries. Their request will be taken under consideration during the Budget deliberations.

The Supervisors also received a report on maintenance and activities from County Engineer Trent Wolken. He mentioned Henningsen Construction is handling patch- and overlay-work on Glendale Road (County Road G-27/the Canby Road). Wolken presented to the a Board a contract with the Iowa DOT for County Bridge Federal Aid SWAP Funding, for a 3-ton box culvert instead of a bridge on Indian Creek Road, .4 of a mile north of White Pole Road. The approximate cost is $600,000.

The Board passed a Resolution authorizing Board Chair Steve Baier to sign the agreement. The Supervisors also passed a Resolution pertaining to the awarding of a contract for a joint bridge bundle project with Guthrie County.

Cass County’s project is a bridge on Boston Road. The low bid for both projects was $1.43-million. Cass County’s share is $647,329, which will come out of the County’s Bridge Fund. The engineer’s estimated was around $600,000. The project is paid for through 55% federal funds and 45% from the Highway Bridge Program.

In other business, the Board voted to establish of a speed limit of 40-mph on Memphis Road (620th to Highway 71). The speed limit on 620th has been set at 40-mph. They also adopted a Resolution setting the Posted/Embargoed Weight limits on County Bridges, as recommended by the County Engineer.

And with regard to the proposed closing of 570th Street at the Interstate 80 underpass, Trent Wolken his request for further information from the DOT has not yet been addressed by the State. No decision will be made on the road closing until the Board has additional information they have requested.

Early vote in Iowa now at 56% of 2016 total turnout


October 30th, 2020 by Ric Hanson

(Radio Iowa) – Just over 885-thousand Iowans have already voted in Iowa. That’s about 56 percent of the total turnout in Iowa for the last presidential election in 2016, so Iowa has obviously set a record for early voting. There are about 100-thousand outstanding absentee ballots that have been requested, but not cast. Both political parties are encouraging those voters to either deliver their ballots in person at a drop box or to the County Auditor’s office by Monday at noon OR show up at a polling site on Election Day with that ballot.

Iowa voters can turn over their absentee ballot and get a new one to vote in person on Election Day. If an Iowan asked for an absentee ballot, but cannot find it, they may cast what’s called a provisional ballot on Election Day.

Atlantic Rising Prepares for Annual Christmas Box Program


October 30th, 2020 by Ric Hanson

Atlantic Rising, in partnership with Hy-Vee, will continue to lead the Christmas Box Program this holiday season despite the challenges 2020 has brought. On December 17th, members of Atlantic Rising will help fill and deliver boxes of food items families and individuals can use to cook Christmas dinner to those who have been nominated. To nominate a family or individual, or if you are interested in volunteering, contact Atlantic Rising at 712.243.3017 or chamber@atlanticiowa.com.

Bailey Smith, Executive Director at the Atlantic Area Chamber of Commerce said “The program was started by the Atlantic Jaycees over 20 years ago and helps families and individuals in need of a Christmas dinner.” Kelsey Beschorner, Program Director at the Atlantic Area Chamber of Commerce said “Atlantic Rising, along with volunteers, delivered boxes to 86 individuals and families last year. With the challenges of COVID-19, we are expecting to see a significant increase in nominations this year.”

Kelsey said also, “Trivia Night was continued this year as the organization’s main fundraising event and saw another packed venue in February. With the expected increase in families served, we will be reaching out to businesses and community members asking for donations and volunteers to help serve as many families as possible. Our community needs us more than ever and we are ready to put in the work.”

Beschorner says “Atlantic Rising is proud carry on this tradition of the Christmas Box program, and we are thankful that we are able to partner with HyVee and give back to the community in such a great way.”

Notice of Intent to Fill the Vacancy in the Office of Montgomery County Treasurer by Appointment


October 30th, 2020 by Ric Hanson

The Montgomery County Board of Supervisors have announced that they intend to make an appointment to fill the vacancy in the office of Montgomery County Treasurer. Their action takes place at 8:30 a.m. Tuesday, December 1, 2020, in the basement meeting room at the Montgomery County Courthouse in Red Oak. The person appointed will conduct the duties of that position until the seat appears on the General Election ballot in November 2022 or earlier if a Special Election is ordered.

Persons interested in the appointment must submit a letter of interest and a resume no later than November 20, 2020 at 4:30 p.m. Requirements must be sent to the Montgomery County Auditor’s Office, 105 E Coolbaugh, PO Box 469, Red Oak, Iowa, 51566. They can be mailed, hand-delivered or put in the drop box located at the Courthouse.

Notice is further given that the electors of Montgomery County have the right to file a petition in accordance with Code of Iowa 69.14A requesting a Special Election. Said petition shall be filed with the County Auditor within 14 days after the vacancy is filled by appointment. The petition shall meet the requirements of Code of Iowa 331.306, which, in part, states the petition must be signed by a number equal or greater than at least 10 percent of the votes cast in the County for the office of Governor at the proceeding General Election which equals to 397 signatures

Western Iowa county passes countywide mask mandate


October 30th, 2020 by Ric Hanson

(Radio Iowa) – The Harrison County board of supervisors has approved a countywide mask mandate, but the requirement won’t be in place quite yet. Harrison County Public Health Administrator Brad Brake says the county is still figuring out the next steps. He says the document will be published in local newspapers next week and will likely take effect several days later.  Brake says, “For our schools that don’t currently have a requirement in place, it gives me time to talk through what that looks like for those schools.”

Two school districts don’t require masks on their own, but the countywide requirement forces them to. The requirement applies to schools and other indoor public settings — like pharmacies, grocery stores and hardware stores. There’s no enforcement behind it but Brake says he hopes it draws attention to how real the pandemic is there.  Brake says, “If nothing else, people have learned more and we will see an uptick in mask use until we have better measures that can protect our residents.”

Some exemptions include people who are under two years old and while someone is exercising. The county’s coronavirus infection rate has stayed above 20 percent since October 9th. Three of its four long-term care facilities currently have outbreaks.

(reporting by Katie Peikes, Iowa Public Radio)

Halloween weekend may mean more drunks on the roads — scary!


October 30th, 2020 by Ric Hanson

(Radio Iowa) – Halloween is tomorrow (Saturday) night, which also marks the end of Daylight Saving Time, as we move our clocks back an hour. Sioux City Police Sergeant Jeremy McClure says the weekend brings a high potential for an increase in drunk drivers: “This weekend’s going to be big for parties and people going out, especially with Daylight Saving Time ending this weekend, so that’ll be an extra hour at the bars,” McClure says. “We know there will be an increase of impaired drivers on the road. We want to remind people to designate a driver and get home safe.”

Even though trick-or-treating takes place early in the evening, McClure says those early party goers need to be aware there will be more people than normal out on the streets:  “With more people out and about, especially Saturday night, more kids trick or treating, even just a few drinks impairs your ability to drive a car safely,” he says. “We want people to be aware of that and not drive if they’ve been drinking.”

There will be more local law enforcement on the streets, too. “As always, we have grant funds to have extra patrols out,” McClure says. “We will have officers out specifically looking for impaired drivers. Our goal would be to find no impaired drivers. That would be a great weekend for us.”

McClure hopes those people who are out partying will take advantage of ride shares or have a designated driver.

(Podcast) KJAN 8-a.m. News, 10/30/20

News, Podcasts

October 30th, 2020 by Ric Hanson

More State and area news from KJAN News Director Ric Hanson.


Adams County woman reports stolen cell phone


October 30th, 2020 by Ric Hanson

A woman from Adams County says she forgot her cell phone while she was in the restroom at the Creston Walmart, on Oct. 16th. The Prescott woman told police that when she went back to retrieve it, the Samsung S9 phone was gone. The device was valued at $400.

Police: Shooting on Des Moines sidewalk leaves 1 man dead


October 30th, 2020 by Ric Hanson

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — Police in Des Moines say they’ve made an arrest after a shooting killed a man and injured a woman. Police say the shooting happened around 7:30 p.m. Thursday near the grounds of East High School. Officers called to the scene found a 29-year-old woman with a gunshot wound to her leg and learned that a 21-year-old man had been taken to a hospital with a gunshot wound to the chest and later died. Police have not yet released his name.

Minutes after the shooting, police arrested a suspect with the help of information from witnesses. Police say 27-year-old Wesley Marquise Bekish is charged with first-degree murder and a weapons count in the shooting.