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Mental Health Awareness Walk


May 21st, 2021 by Ric Hanson

Cass County Health System’s Senior Life Solutions team is hosting a free community walk in support of Mental Health Awareness Month on Saturday, May 22, 2021 from 9 to 10 am in downtown Atlantic. The event is being co-hosted by Healthy Cass County and Cass County Iowa State University Extension.

“We welcome participants of all ages to join us to show support for mental health awareness. We all need to help end the stigma around seeking care for mental health, and showing up to community events like this is one small way that each of us can help normalize mental health care and show our neighbors that we’re here for them,” said Karmen Roland, RN, Program Director of Senior Life Solutions.

The walk will kick-off at 9 am in City Park at 6th and Chestnut. Participants will walk on the sidewalks to the Rock Island Depot, and then loop back to the park. Information about mental health services as well as light refreshments will be available in City Park.

“People across the county identified mental health as the number one health need in the recent Community Health Needs Assessment. It’s so important to have events like this where we can come together and show that mental health matters. It’s OK to not be OK. We want to end the stigma in Cass County,” said Brigham Hoegh, Cass County Wellness Coordinator.

“Green is the official color of mental health awareness, and while we encourage folks to wear green – you don’t have to! Just come and join in the fun, show your support, and get in some great exercise, too,” said Roland.

Rep. Axne Named Vice-Chair of Housing and Insurance Subcommittee


May 21st, 2021 by Ric Hanson

WASHINGTON – This week, Rep. Cindy Axne (IA-03) was named Vice-Chair of the Financial Services Committee’s Subcommittee on Housing, Community Development and Insurance. In a statement to the media, Axne said “During my first two years in Congress, it has been my privilege to work with my Committee colleagues to support improving the safety and affordability of housing, and it is my honor to be named as Vice Chair of the Housing, Community Development and Insurance Subcommittee.

“This past year has shown how absolutely critical housing is to the health and prosperity of American families, and I look forward to working with our Chairs and with members on both sides of the aisle to continue crafting and advancing policies that will help improve access to affordable housing, promote equity, and ensure that rural and urban communities alike have the resources to invest in the success of their residents.”

Her office says Rep. Axne has used her position on the subcommittee to support improved housing access and increased investments in affordable housing, and to advocate for the tens of thousands of Iowans that work in the insurance industry. Earlier this year, two Rep. Axne bills aimed at supporting Iowa’s homeowners and renters were included in the American Rescue Plan, a COVID-19 relief package that included over $30 billion in housing support. The House also recently passed legislation authored by Rep. Axne to preserve affordable housing options in rural areas. 

Rep. Axne is also a member of the Financial Services Committee’s Subcommittee on Investor Protection, Entrepreneurship and Capital Markets

Atlantic Area Chamber Ambassadors Visit NISHNANET


May 21st, 2021 by Ric Hanson

The Atlantic Chamber Ambassadors were hosted by NISHNANET on Thursday, May 20th, 2021. The Ambassadors learned more about NISHNANET’s goals and expansion with their new 514 Chestnut store.

NISHNANET came to serve the rural Atlantic and Audubon counties in 2018. Since then, NISHNANET has expanded to serve over 300 customers providing them with low cost, high-speed internet, fiber optics, phone service, tech support, and more.

With the opening of their new Customer Service hub at 514 Chestnut Street, NISHNANET will be able to better support their existing customers and non-customers alike by providing internet technology support and high-quality technology retail. Scott Bennett, owner, shared that with this store, the company can answer questions in a detailed way and offer unique support in which when a customer purchases an item, the employee will configure the device and when the customer returns home, the device will work providing one on one customer support.

With NISHNANET’s new walk-in space, the question is raised, “What will be done with their original location at 2 East 6th Street?” Scott explained that with Cass/Atlantic Development’s help, they plan to turn their previous space into a “shared workspace.” A shared workspace allows those that work remotely to have access to a desk, telephone line, fast internet, printer, etc. The spaces can be rented with the purchase of a membership. More details will be released as the space comes together in July.

To keep up with NISHNANET, visit their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/nishnanet and be sure to check out the new space located at 514 Chestnut Street.

NISHNANET can also be reached at 712-243-2497.

Cass County Sheriff’s Report


May 21st, 2021 by Ric Hanson

The Cass County Sheriff’s Office reports two arrests. On May 14th, 34-year-old Reciever Berdon, of Atlantic, was arrested on a charge of OWI 1st offense.  Berdon was transported to Cass County Jail and was later released on his ow recognizance.

And, on May 17th, Cass County Sheriff’s deputies arrested 37-year-old Ryan Joel Castle, of Griswold, on two Cass County warrants for probation violations.   Castle was transported from the Pottawattamie County Jail to the Cass County Jail where he is being held on $40,000 bond.

“All criminal charges are merely accusations and the defendant is presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty in the court of law.”

Reynolds’ request to ban transgender athletes from girls sports alive for 2022

News, Sports

May 21st, 2021 by Ric Hanson

(Radio Iowa) – Governor Kim Reynolds asked Republican legislators to pass a bill to prohibit transgender athletes from competing in girls sports, but House Speaker Pat Grassley says they ran out of time. “We just had a lot of other things on our agenda and on our plate to wrap up the end of session and I don’t think we ever got to the point where everyone was comfortable with what that would look like right now,” Grassley says.

The 2021 legislative session ended late — very late — Wednesday evening. Reynolds says letting biological males who identify as females compete in volleyball, softball and other girls sports in Iowa is unfair to girls who’re trying for college scholarships. While the issue was tabled in the 2021 session, Grassley says there remains a level of support among Republicans for the ban.

“That will be part of the conversations between now and the next session, what legislation would look like,” Grassley says. “I think we just want to make sure the House, Senate and the governor are all on the same page.” Governor Reynolds publicly revealed her request for the transathlete ban three weeks ago during a Fox News forum with other G-O-P governors. House Democratic Leader Todd Prichard of Charles City says that’s part of a pattern.

“This is a governor that’s put headlines and impressing viewers of Fox News over being a leader for Iowa,” Prichard says. Representative Jennifer Konfrst of Windsor Heights, the second-ranking Democrat in the House, says it’s a divisive policy that hurts Iowa’s reputation and transgender students. “She’s been working to make sure that she’s a national figure by making political statements…and trying to build her brand. That’s not her job,” Konfrst says. “She’s supposed to serve Iowans.”

Nearly two months ago, South Dakota’s governor issued an executive order banning transgender athletes from girls sports in public high schools and public colleges and universities and similar legislation has been introduced in more than two dozen other states.

Iowa legislature passes another round of election law changes


May 21st, 2021 by Ric Hanson

(Radio Iowa) – The Republican-led Iowa legislature passed a second round of election law changes this week, including limits on who can take someone else’s absentee ballot to the county auditor’s office. Senator Roby Smith, a Republican from Bettendorf, says there are all sorts of security provisions once an absentee ballot reaches a county auditor’s office, but without these changes, anyone can grab someone’s absentee ballot and claim they’ll deliver it.

“It was treated like a Kleenex. There’s no security when someone can knock on your door. ‘Oh, yeah, I’ll return your ballot,'” Smith says. “You don’t know who it is. They can open it up. They change the vote. They can throw it away. They could shred it.” Family members may deliver a relative’s absentee ballot and any registered voter in Iowa can help two blind or disabled voters deliver their absentee ballot to the county auditor’s office.

Political parties, unions and campaigns cannot have paid representatives or volunteers collect absentee ballots. Senator Pam Jochum of Dubuque and all the Democrats present Wednesday opposed the bill. “One more nail in democracy’s coffin,” Jochum said. “You’ve been working overtime, pal…to make sure you are creating an obstacle course for Iowa’s voters.” Senator James Carlin, a Republican from Sioux City, says the FEDERAL election law congress has proposed is designed to facilitate fraud and Iowa needs strong state rules.

“I like knowing that the people who are voting are who they say they are,” Carlin said, “and my trust issue, whatever it is, has really been triggered since Election Day.” Senator Tony Bisignano, a Democrat from Des Moines, says Republicans are using former President Trump’s claims of a rigged election as their guide for this year’s election-related bills. “What you’re doing is all based on a premise of a lie,” Bisignano said. “It’s a big lie.”

The election bill Republicans approved on the 2021 legislative session’s final day covers a wide range of issues. It stipulates 17-year-olds who’ve registered to vote because they’ll be 18 by Election Day are not to be removed when voters are cut from registration lists if they haven’t cast a ballot in the last General Election. That problem cropped up as a result of the election law passed earlier in the legislative session.

Creston Police Report


May 21st, 2021 by Ric Hanson

Creston police report the arrest of John Antonio Medina, 35, of Waterloo, Iowa at 1:48 pm on May 20, 2021, on a charge of Theft 5th.

Medina was cited and released on a Promise to Appear

Trevor Frederickson Memorial Fund Donates to The Friends of Lake Anita


May 21st, 2021 by Ric Hanson

The Trevor Frederickson Memorial Fund donated $500 to The Friends of Lake Anita for their free fishing clinic which will be held on Saturday, June 5th at Lake Anita State Park.  This is a wonderful opportunity to spend time as a family fishing and enjoying the great outdoors at one of Iowa’s beautiful state parks.  Trevor loved to fish and this donation fits our mission statement perfectly.

The fund is in full swing getting ready for their 13th Annual TFred Memorial Golf Tournament which will be held on Saturday, August 14th at Nishna Hills Golf Club in Atlantic.  Please contact Melanie Petty at 249-3696 if you would like reserve a spot for a team, donate to our silent auction or become a hole sponsor.  All donations are given back to the community Trevor loved.  Since Trevor’s passing we have been blessed to give back over $250,000 and we look forward to giving back for many more years.

Gov. Reynolds Signs Proclamation to Prevent Fuel Supply Issues In Iowa


May 21st, 2021 by Ric Hanson

Today, Governor Kim Reynolds signed a proclamation that eases transport for crews and drivers hauling motor fuels.

The proclamation temporarily suspends regulatory provisions of Iowa law pertaining to hours of service for crews and drivers hauling motor fuels, including gasoline, diesel #1, diesel #2, ethanol and biodiesel. The proclamation also temporarily provisions of Iowa law pertaining to oversize and overweight loads of fuel. Increased demand, along with above average wait times at petroleum product terminals, along with ripple effects of the Colonial Pipeline shutdown, have created challenges to timely access of these fuels.

While some states across the country are experiencing shortages, the state of Iowa wants to proactively take steps to maintain supply. The proclamation is effective immediately and expires on June 19, 2021 at 11:59 pm.

Officer testimony of 11-hour interview with man accused of Tibbetts’ murder


May 20th, 2021 by Ric Hanson

(Radio Iowa) – An officer has testified that the man accused of killing college student Mollie Tibbetts in 2018 led investigators to the field where her body was found. Pamela Romero was an Iowa City police officer two years ago who interviewed suspect Cristhian Bahena Rivera. “He showed me the corn field and he goes: ‘This is the corn field where I came, took her out of the trunk, carried her on my shoulder, went inside the corn field, dropped her on the ground, covered her with leaves and I left right away,'” she testified.

Romero said during an 11 hour police interview, Rivera admitted chasing Tibbetts and fighting with her when she threatened to call the police. She says Rivera told her he couldn’t remember how he killed Tibbetts. “The next thing that he told me was that he remembered him driving and looking down into his legs and finding the ear buds that belonged to Mollie,” she testified, “and that is when he remembered that he had Mollie in the back of his vehicle, in the trunk.”

Based on the questions Bahena Rivera’s attorneys are asking witnesses, it appears they plan to argue Rivera was sleep deprived and coerced into making a confession.

(Reporting by Iowa Public Radio’s Kate Payne)