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Iowa GOP leaders emphasize ‘bank the vote’ for 2024


September 5th, 2024 by Ric Hanson

(Radio Iowa) – The chairman of the Iowa G-O-P says the party will spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on a voter turn-out effort this year. Jeff Kaufmann says getting Republicans to vote BEFORE Election Day is the priority. “I understand tradition. I get grandmas and grandpas wanting to take their grand kids into the voting booth. I get that and respect it,” Kaufmann says, “but here’s the deal: every single dime has got to be maximized.”

Kaufmann says once an Iowa Republican votes early, the party will no longer call or send them reminders in the mail — or pay people to knock on their door to ask about their voting plan.While former President Trump has said his goal is to have all votes cast on Election Day, Trump has called early voting and absentee voting an acceptable option in 2024. “I think he’s starting to realize, I know the campaign is starting to realize that they have got to move into that,” Kaufmann says, “so our Republican Party, we’re going to put a lot of resources into absentee voting and chasing them.”

Democrats have embraced early voting for years. In 2022, for example, Democrats held a significant edge in early voting a week ahead of Election Day. Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds says heading into this year’s election, she has a simple message to her fellow Republicans. “We need to ‘bank the vote, bank the vote, bank the vote.’ We need to learn to play their game,” Reynolds says. “We have very safe elections in the state of Iowa.”

Reynolds and Kaufmann made their comments last (Wednesday) night at a fundraiser for House Speaker Pat Grassley. Grassley’s grandfather — U-S Senate Chuck Grassley — closed his remarks at the event by announcing he intends to vote early. “You don’t know what the future holds for you. Vote just as soon as you can under the laws of Iowa,” Grassley said. “…This country is in a perilous time and we can’t fiddle around wondering what will happen on November the 5th. We’ve got to get this thing locked up before November the 5th.”

Iowans can submit absentee ballot request forms to their county auditor now. County auditors may start sending ballots to voters on October 16th. The early voting period in Iowa used to be 40 days before Election Day, but Republican lawmakers have taken steps to reduce the early voting window to 20 days. And absentee ballots must be in the county auditor’s office by 8 p.m. on Election Day.

Extension to Host “A Journey Through Parkinson’s Disease” series at Heritage House in September


September 4th, 2024 by Ric Hanson

(Atlantic, Iowa) – Growing older is the greatest risk factor for acquiring Parkinson’s disease and many people live with symptoms for several years before being diagnosed. Often people in early stages of Parkinson’s disease assume their symptoms are part of normal aging or are due to other health problems they may have, such as arthritis. However, early Parkinson’s disease symptoms may not be that apparent and may even come and go. Frequently it is the spouse or other relatives who first notice slight problems with a loved one’s movements.

You can learn about Parkinson’s disease, its effects, and possible treatments, by participating in “A Journey Through Parkinson’s Disease” an educational series from Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. Cass County Extension, along with Iowa State’s Department of Kinesiology, Human Sciences Extension and Outreach and Heritage House are sponsoring the series in Atlantic beginning Monday, September 9, 2024.

The educational series consists of three, 1-hour sessions held weekly. Leah Brooke, a Human Sciences Specialist in Food and Health, will teach the classes, which include interactive lessons, discussions, and activities. Sessions are scheduled for September 9, September 16, and September 30 from 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM at Heritage House, 1200 Brookridge Circle, in Atlantic. There is no fee for the program. For more information or to register on-line, go to https://go.iastate.edu/WHFLJL or contact Kate Olson, Cass County Director, at 712-243-1132 or by e-mail at keolson@iastate.edu.

According to Brooke, “Participants will learn about the signs of Parkinson’s disease and how to seek medical care, as well as the cause of the disease and how specific treatments work. You will also learn about alternative therapies and in-home activities that can delay the progression of Parkinson’s disease, which is very important for continuing to live a full and happy life.”

More information and a registration link are also available on the Cass County Extension website at www.extension.iastate.edu/cass. Anyone affected by or interested in learning more about Parkinson’s disease is invited to participate. Register today to reserve your space for this free program!

Atlantic City Council meeting recap, 9/4/24


September 4th, 2024 by Ric Hanson

(Atlantic, Iowa) – The Atlantic met this (Wednesday) evening in a regularly scheduled session. During the meeting, the Council:

  • Approved an Order to approve an Engineering Agreement with Snyder and Associates, for the 2025 Street Improvements Project. Snyder and Associates Engineer Dave Sturm said “This project includes the majority of the  downtown, Chestnut Street and Walnut Street, from the highway (7th St.) north, all the way to the Chamber of Commerce, or where your right-of-way ends, north of 2nd Street. It also includes 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th [streets], the two blocks of downtown.” It also includes Laurel Street, from 10th Street to the dead-end south (one block). That area has never been completed, Sturm said, and has some drainage issues. And, one block of Hickory Street, between 6th and 7th, which is also experiencing some drainage issues.  The street projects are expected to cost more than $2.1-million, and will be financed by the LOST (Local Option Sales Tax) for Street revenues, which will not impact the Debt Service Levy, and not require property taxes service for the debt.
  • The Council, Wednesday, passed the Second Reading of an ordinance “Vacating the 66′ wide Street Right-Of-Way (ROW), West 4th Street,” beginning at the west ROW line of Laurel Street, extended, then west to the east property line of the Iowa Interstate Railroad, or about .7 (Seven-tenths)of an acre. The First Reading was passed following a public hearing, on August 21st.
  • The Council’s final order of business was to approve the second pay application (for nearly $56,000) to Hydro-Klean, LLC, for the 2024 Sanitary Sewer Rehab project – Ultra Violet Cured In Place Pipe (CIIP) lining project. The total cost of the project was $91,500. The first payment of $30,975 was approved by the Council on August 21st. Dave Sturm said the project is finished.

Mayor Grace Garret, in her report, said there will be a 911 Memorial in the City Park, on Sept. 11th, beginning at 8:30-a.m. The event is sponsored by the American Legion, the Elks and the Does. Additional information will be forthcoming. There will also be a couple of “Yes for EMS” meetings coming up in September 16th at 6-p.m., and at 2-p.m. on Sept. 24th.  Cass County Medical Examiner, Dr. Elaine Berry will be one of those who will be speaking about the EMS initiative that will be on the Nov. 5th General Election ballot for voters to act on.

Garrett said also the City is still working on the Bull Creek Initiative, but the grant opportunity they were hoping for has fallen through. She said they are “Continuing to work towards other avenues of funding,” and moving forward. Bull Creek erosion and other issues have been a sore spot for several years, and is being taken-up once again, in hopes of getting something accomplished, other than just discussion on how to solve the issues.

The Council’s next meeting will take place on Monday, Sept 16th, instead of the regular Wednesday meeting on the 18th, due to the Annual Iowa League of Cities Conference.

2024 HousingIowa Awards Recognize Innovative Iowa Housing Initiatives and Leaders


September 4th, 2024 by Ric Hanson

DES MOINES – The Iowa Finance Authority (IFA) today recognized outstanding housing initiatives and leaders through the annual HousingIowa Awards at the 2024 HousingIowa Conference in Des Moines. The HousingIowa Awards recognize outstanding programs, projects and professionals for leadership and innovation in advancing housing opportunities for Iowans.

The award categories include: Single-Family Development, Multifamily Development, Innovation, Special Needs Development, Kay Anderson Friend of Iowa and the Mark Sertterh Friend of Housing Award. HousingIowa Award nominations are accepted each year and an independent panel of judges determines the statewide award winners.

2024 HousingIowa Award Winner:

Single-Family Development
Project: Hillside Estates, Council Bluffs
Development Partners: Turn the Paige Construction, Iowa West Foundation, the City of Council Bluffs, NeighborWorks Home Solutions and Habitat for Humanity of Council Bluffs.

Hillside Estates project

Cass County Master Gardeners to Host Fall Plant Sale on September 14

Ag/Outdoor, News

September 4th, 2024 by Ric Hanson

(Atlantic, Iowa) – The shorter days and more moderate temperatures make this fall a great time for gardening projects. The Cass County Master Gardeners invite you to their annual Fall Plant Sale, set for Saturday morning, September 14, at the Cass County Community Center, 805 W 10th Street on the Fairgrounds in Atlantic. The sale will be open to the public to purchase divided perennials suitable for fall planting.

Plants expected to be on the sale include iris, rudbeckia, clematis, Siberian iris, perennial geranium, grape hyacinth bulbs. peonies, daylilies, hosta, dahlias, salvia, sedum, houseplants and more! There will also be a large collection of gently used garden decor, pots, books, and tools for shoppers to explore.

The sale begins at 8 AM, and will be held in the front parking lot of the Cass County Community Center on the fairgrounds in Atlantic. Interested gardeners are encouraged to arrive early for best plant selection, as high-demand plants occasionally sell out before 10 AM.

The Master Gardeners will bring perennials dug and divided from their own gardens to the fall plant sale. Community residents are also welcome to donate plants, and members may even help you dig! Please call in advance and make arrangements to drop off donated plants before the date of the plant sale. All funds raised from the sale support local Master Gardener projects such as community garden spaces, grants and educational activities across Cass County.

Many perennials work well for fall dividing and transplanting, including daylilies, peonies, garden phlox, bleeding heart, coneflowers, speedwell, and more. Iris and hosta can also be transplanted successfully in early fall. By dividing the plant when it is not flowering, all the energy it produces can be directed to root and foliage growth, so plants overwinter in place and come back strong in the spring. Additionally, the cooler weather is easier on the plants (and the gardener!), and the plants generally do not use as much water as in spring and summer.

Plants should be placed in the ground as early in fall as possible, but most can be successfully planted up until the ground freezes. The plants should also be adequately watered until the ground freezes, and some may benefit from a layer of mulch to help control moisture loss and help with root establishment. If you have questions about dividing and caring for plants, stop by the Extension Office or visit the online Extension Store to pick up a free publication on dividing and caring for perennial plants in the garden!

To donate items, or for more information about these events and other Master Gardener activities in Cass County, please call the Cass County Extension Office at 712-243-1132, stop by the office at 805 West 10th street in Atlantic, email Cass County Extension Director and Master Gardener Coordinator Kate Olson at keolson@iastate.edu or visit www.extension.iastate.edu/cass. You are also invited to follow the Cass County Master Gardeners Facebook page at www.facebook.com/CassCoMG to keep up with local events and tips for gardening!

Process continues on new Council Bluffs beef plant

Ag/Outdoor, News

September 4th, 2024 by Ric Hanson

(Radio Iowa) – The developer of a new beef processing plant near Council Bluffs says they are moving into the third round of selling units to the Co-op which will supply the cattle. Chad Tentinger says he hopes they will be able to start construction next year.

“We are waiting to see that heifers are being retained, so we know that our herd is being built back,” he says. “So right now it looks like we’re starting to see that heifer retention, and as we see more and more that we’ll be able to make a business decision come next spring to break ground or not.” The Co-op will supply the beef for the Cattlemen’s Heritage processing plant using a different model than what is used now by the major processors.

“And we sell them based on the board of trade. The C-M-E (Chicago Mercantile Exchange). The problem with it is, over the last decade, the C-M-E has gotten further and further away from the fundamentals, and today it doesn’t trade on fundamentals. It trades on computer algorithms. It trades with no people in the pits anymore,” Tentinger says. Cattlemen’s Heritage will pay for cattle based on what’s called the Boxed Beef Cutout pricing model, which he says will provide and opportunity for a share of profits to go back to the cattle producer.

Tentinger says he isn’t trying to put the big processing plants out of business, he just wants to provide cattle producers like himself more options. “That’s my belief system. I think we need more options, more regional with producer involvement, so that we can get a better deal and receive more value,” Tentinger says. “But the only way we can receive more value for our product, is take ownership in the plant.” Tentinger says it’s a new way to bring more of the profit to the producers.

“The Co-op will own 20 percent give or take, but 20 percent of Cattlemen’s Heritage true ownership. So when somebody buys, for example, somebody buys a thousand shares, they have to deliver a thousand cattle every year,” he explains. He expects to have three rounds where they sell units, and the cost rises for each round.

The processing plant will source cattle from Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska and South Dakota and is designed to process two-thousand cattle daily for an annual total of 525-thousand. Tentinger says it not only supports family cattle producers, but will also stimulate the local economy by creating 800 direct jobs and 34-hundred indirect jobs.



September 4th, 2024 by Lori Murphy



1st place…Rachel Sanderson…Iowa-48, Illinois-12….$25

2nd place…Roger Charley…Iowa-35, Illinois-10… $10

3rd place… Denise Johnson…Iowa-32, Illinois- 8… $5



Iowa partners with tech nonprofit to improve corrections outcomes and enhance public safety


September 4th, 2024 by Ric Hanson

DES MOINES – Governor Kim Reynolds and the Iowa Department of Corrections (DOC) announced a public-private partnership with Recidiviz, a technology nonprofit using data to enhance public safety and improve outcomes. The partnership builds on the DOC’s already impressive record of reducing recidivism three years in a row as well as legislation passed last year to streamline government operations. Iowa joins 15 other states leveraging Recidiviz’s data and tools to improve the lives of people in prison and on community supervision.

“Together, we are ushering in a new era,” said Reynolds. “This partnership will build on the landmark alignment legislation we passed last year to streamline government operations in Iowa. Better data will improve consistency, efficiency and staff performance across the agency and across the state.”

“We’re harnessing the power of data to build a fairer and safer system,” said DOC Director Beth Skinner. “Through this collaboration, we’re continuing our work to transform our corrections system into a rehabilitation engine, enhancing public safety by getting people the support they need to reintegrate into our communities and build meaningful lives.”

Agency staff, elected officials, and communities need real-time data to improve the criminal justice system. But today, most criminal justice data is scattered, siloed and not actionable to decision-makers. Recidiviz stitches together disconnected databases to create a standardized, state-wide data layer. The nonprofit then builds technical tools that save staff time and improve agency operations. Using Recidiviz tools, leadership can view and monitor trends and better serve people in their custody and on supervision.

“Staff will have real-time data at their fingertips,” said DOC Deputy Director Sally Kreamer, who leads community supervision work. “Better data on clients’ needs and officer performance will ensure that there is consistency and efficiency statewide in community corrections.”

Probation and parole officers will get personalized dashboards showing live analytics about their caseloads, to help them better support their clients.

The partnership is currently focused on improving outcomes for the 40,000 people on supervision – including pretrial, probation and parole. By improving these outcomes, the DOC aims to improve population management within the broader system.

Recidviz Executive Director Clementine Jacoby added, “Recidiviz is thrilled to support the forward-thinking leadership and dedicated staff at the Iowa DOC. We know the tools we’ve deployed in 15 other states can support Iowa and help save corrections staff time, so that they can direct energy to people most in need.”

Recidiviz started as a volunteer project at Google to uncover how technology could standardize criminal justice data and improve the system nationwide.

Recidiviz became a standalone nonprofit in 2018. Today, the team develops an open-source software platform for corrections agencies, cleaning and connecting data from existing systems to provide a complete, timely, actionable picture of what is and is not working to agency leadership and line staff.

The group launched public data dashboards in both Pennsylvania and North Dakota that provide real-time visibility into statistics like the prison and parole populations, reasons for incarceration, parole success rates and racial disparities. In Idaho, its line staff tools identified that 5% of the people in the state’s parole program were already eligible for early release or a supervision-level downgrade; a figure like that for Iowa could identify thousands of people on the wrong level of supervision, leading to swift actions that increase efficiency and save the state money.


Hearing set for Libertarian congressional candidates seeking ballot access


September 4th, 2024 by Ric Hanson

(Radio Iowa) – A Polk County District Court judge has ordered the state to delay the certification of Iowa ballots for this year’s election. A hearing is scheduled for tomorrow (Thursday) to give three Libertarian candidates a chance to argue they should be listed as candidates for the U-S House of Representatives.

Libertarians running in three of Iowa’s congressional districts were kicked off the ballot last week. A state panel agreed with Republicans in those congressional districts who said the Libertarian Party violated state law by holding caucuses and county conventions on the same day. First district candidate Nicholas Gluba of Lone Tree, third district candidate Marco Battaglia of Des Moines and fourth district candidate Charles Aldrich of Clarion are appealing that decision in court.

Yesterday (Tuesday) was the day Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate was to certify the list of candidates who’ve qualified for the ballot. Pate says he’ll wait until he gets direction from the court about the three Libertarians, but he’s certified the rest of Iowa’s 2024 General Election candidates.

3 arrested on drug charges in Mills County


September 4th, 2024 by Ric Hanson

(Glenwood, Iowa) – The Mills County Sheriff’s Office reports three people were arrested recently on drug charges. Two of those individuals were arrested August 28th at around 11:30-a.m.: 46-year-old Lisa Rose Moyer, of Sidney (IA), was arrested for Possession of Controlled Substance and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia (Bond: $1,300). And, 53-year-old David Dean Balford,of Nebraska City, NE, was arrested for 2 counts Possession of Controlled Substance (Bond: $6,000). Both were arrested in the area of Deacon Road and Highway 34. And, 20-year-old Obbie Mariah Avirgin, of Omaha, NE, was arrested Monday night (Sept. 2nd) at the Harrison County Jail, on a Mills County warrant for Failure To Appear on a charge of Possession of Controlled Substance/2nd Offense (Bond $2,000)

The Mills County Sheriff’s Office reports also:

William Robert William, of Saint Helen, MI, was arrested Aug. 31st for OWI/2nd offense (Bond: $2,000), and, 40-year-old Michael J. Mahoney, Sr, of Plattsmouth, NE, was arrested on that same date, for Disorderly Conduct ( Bond: $300).

Early Monday morning (Sept. 2nd), 56-year-old Joel Saucedo, of Council Bluffs, was arrested in Mills County for OWI/1st offense ( Bond: $1,000).

Authorities said also, a man from Emerson reported Monday morning, an incident of Theft in the 5th Degree in the vicinity of Edwards Street. Additional information was not provided.