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Bag of Bones found in western IA warehouse


May 18th, 2011 by Ric Hanson

A bag of human remains has been found in a Dow City warehouse. According to the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation (DCI) and the Crawford County Sheriff’s office, the bag of human bones was found in an unoccupied warehouse in Dow City on Monday, May 16th.

The discovery was made by a group of people who were working to clean out the warehouse, which was scheduled for demolition by the city. A medical examiner tested the bones, and concluded they are human remains. The state medical examiner’s office in Des Moines is now conducting tests to analyze the remains and determine a potential age and identification of the person.

The Crawford county sheriff’s office and the Iowa DCI continue to investigate when the remains were taken to the warehouse, and who might have knowledge of where they came from.

Officials said Tuesday they believe there is no threat to people in Dow City or Crawford County.

Grant UMC holds annual dinner


May 17th, 2011 by Ric Hanson

Grant, Ia. –The Grant United Methodist Church will hold its annual Memorial Day Dinner from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. on Monday, May 30 with a free-will offering. The menu includes: sloppy joe or ham sandwich, baked beans, assorted salads, pies and desserts, and coffee, tea or lemonade. All money raised by the dinner supports the Grant United Methodist Women and their work for mission projects and the Grant church.

In addition to the dinner, students in Time to Create, the church’s after-school program, will have a fundraising sale of homemade snack mix in decorative tins. Proceeds will benefit the program and its mission projects.

The Grant United Methodist Church, founded in 1855, is a multigenerational church focusing on concern for its neighbors and providing a center of worship for all ages. Worship services are celebrated at 9:30 a.m. each Sunday.

GCP sponsors music jam and quilt auction….

Following the church dinner from 1-4 p.m., Grant Community Preservationists (GCP) will sponsor a country-bluegrass jam session in the Grant City Park. Jim and Kathy Wymore of New Market will host the jam session, and interested musicians can sign up at the event. Everyone is welcome to attend.

In addition at about 2:30 p.m., Steve Bergren will auction a full size Circle of Stars quilt on a brocaded white ground. The stars are pieced in patterns of blue and green with snail-patterned quilting. The quilt was made locally and donated by GCP member Jacky Adams.

A concession stand will also be open, serving coffee, iced tea and desserts. Attendees should bring lawn chairs; a porty-potty will be on site. In case of rain, the event will be held at the Grant United Methodist Church. Proceeds from this event will benefit GCP and its work on the Grant Masonic Lodge and Grant Park.

The Grant Community Preservationists was formed to help maintain Grant and its unique historic character. Designated in October 2003, the Grant Commercial Historic District is on the National Register of Historic Places.

EHK School Board approves sharing of business manager w/Exira


May 17th, 2011 by Ric Hanson

Members of the Elk Horn-Kimballton Board of Education have approved the sharing of a Business Manager with Exira for the 2011-2012 school year. EHK-Exira Superintendent Dean Schnoes said Cindy Paulsen, who has the experience necessary to allow for a smooth transition as the districts lean closer toward a possible consolidation.

The beginning of the new school year marks the start of Whole Grade Sharing between the two districts. And, while Exira and E-H-K will operate as one educational district, they will still be two different entities in the eyes of the Department of Education and Management. In his May 2011 newsletter the “Den Dane Dialogue,“ Schnoes said he’s currently focused on keeping the two districts separate until 2014, due to the sharing money both districts receive from the state department. 2014 would be the last year for sharing money for whole grade sharing, and that is when both districts need to decide if they would like to consolidate into one new district.

In other business, Schnoes said the EHK School Board discussed, but did not approve, a donation to the Danish Immigrant Museum, for the “Heritage Path.” The museum is building a walk-way and had sent out information for those who might be interested in purchasing a brick along the path. Schnoes said the board declined to contribute funds toward the project because public funds cannot be used for such purposes. The board members can purchase bricks individually, but not as a whole.

The board approved a bid from Specialty Concrete, L-L-C in Exira, for improvements to the EHK parking lot. The bids, according to Schnoes, were very close. In fact, they were within $100. They also approved contracts for certified staff and support staff, who will be receiving a 1.5-percent salary increase during the coming year.

And, even though the Seniors graduated this past weekend, Schnoes said there’s no break for the administrators, because now they have to prepare for the big move over the Summer. The Elementary Building will close over the Summer in Exira, so everything has to be moved out, and into the new 2.1-million dollar Exira Middle School addition to the existing Exira Jr/Sr High School building. The Elementary School building is closing after 97-years, as part of the Whole Grade Sharing agreement with the Elk Horn-Kimballton District.

Schnoes said the Board also discussed, but did not act on changes to the baseball field, such as expanding the concession stand, restroom, and other improvements.

Adams County chase/shooting update


May 17th, 2011 by Ric Hanson

Trenton Jenkins

Eric Jenkins

Logan Jenkins

In an update to a story we brought you last week about a vehicle chase and shooting incident in Adams County, the Sheriff’s Department reported this (Tuesday) morning the names of the victims involved in the incident.

Officials say persons in the car being chased and allegedly shot at by Logan Jenkins, of Prescott, were identified as: 18-year old Andrew K. Davis, of Orient; 19-year old Alex Pellman, 18-year old Cole Gutschenritter and 18-year old Taylor Chapman, all from Creston, and 18-year old Kayla Hoskins, of Prescott.

According to the Sheriff’s Department, on May 13th, emergency dispatchers received a 9-1-1 call just before 1-a.m from Andrew Davis, indicating he was being chased by three vehicles on Union Avenue, in Adams County. Davis then reported he was being shot at by one of the vehicles.

The chase wound through Adams County and into Union County on Highway 34. Union County Sheriff’s Deputies were able to locate Davis’ vehicle along with two other vehicles that were allegedly chasing him. Three people were taken into custody as a result of the chase. They were identified as Logan Jenkins, his 22-year old brother Trenton, and 55-year old father, Eric, all from Prescott.

An investigation revealed several bullet holes in Davis’ pickup. A firearm and rounds were also recovered from one of the suspect’s vehicles, which was located on Highway 34, around 205th Street, in Union County. That vehicle was wrecked and found abandoned by one of the suspects, during the chase.

Logan Jenkins was subsequently charged with 5 Felony counts of attempted murder, and 1 Felony County of going armed with intent. He was being held in jail on $500,000 bond. Trenton and Eric Jenkins were each charged with 5 Felony counts of Assault while participating in a Felony. Their bonds were set at $150,000 each.

Hit and run investigation – no charges filed


May 17th, 2011 by Ric Hanson

Authorities in Montgomery County say no citations will be issued or charges filed in connection with an accident which occurred last Tuesday night (May 10th). After reports aired about a hit and run incident involving a semi-tractor trailer and an unknown item being pulled by a pickup truck, 58-year old Stanley Peterman, of Villisca noticed the following day, his Patriot Brand Seed tender had damage, and that he had been the other driver involved in the incident.

Peterman contacted the Sheriff’s Office and provided his information. In addition, he located a piece of the seed tender at the scene of the accident. Sheriff’s officials say Peterman did not realize the auger had struck the semi on Highway 71 at around 10:20-p.m., a few miles south of Mortons Mill, which is why he did not report his involvement in the accident earlier.

The Sheriff’s Department had reported a tractor-trailer driven by 29-year old James M. Hecker, of Trimont, MN, was traveling north on Highway 71 just south of the 36 mile-marker, when a southbound diesel pickup truck pulling an unknown item, hit the left front of the semi’s trailer. The collision resulted in damage to the left top corner of the trailer and the transfer of red paint from the item being towed by the other vehicle.

At the time the report was filed, officials said the driver of the unknown vehicle — which was later identified as Peterman’s 2010 Ford F-350 pickup — continued south to 170th Street before turning west at a high rate of speed. A check of the collision scene resulted in the recovery of a broken antenna from the semi’s cab. Damage from the incident amounted to just over $6,000.

Sheriff’s officials say the accident investigation is now complete, and no citations will be issued.

Senate passes bill aimed at Nebraska abortion doctor


May 17th, 2011 by Ric Hanson

The Iowa Senate has passed a bill that would keep a Nebraska doctor from opening a late-term abortion clinic in Council Bluffs. The Republican-led Iowa House already passed a bill to prohibit abortions after the 20th week of pregnancy. A similar law in Nebraska took effect October 15 and Dr. LeRoy Carhart announced he’d open a late-term abortion clinic across the border in Council Bluffs. Yesterday (MONDAY), the Democratically-led Iowa Senate passed a bill that would require Carhart and others who want to open that kind of a clinic apply to the State of Iowa for permit. And the clinic would have to be located near a hospital with a neonatal unit for premature babies. There is no such hospital in Council Bluffs. Senator Joe Bolkcom, a Democrat from Iowa City, suggests the proposal keeps Carhart out of Council Bluffs while still allowing late-term abortions when necessary.

“We need to be honest about the circumstances under which a woman pursues an abortion after 20 weeks,” Bolkcom said. “Not every pregnancy ends the way a family hopes it will. A woman with a wanted pregnancy that goes terribly wrong must face an awful decision that none of us ever want to face.” Critics of the plan say Carhart would be able to open a clinic in four other Iowa cities which do have hospital units for premature babies. Senator Nancy Boettger, a Republican from Harlan, was blunt.

“I’m sick that this bill actually sets up a pathway for late-term abortionists to set up work here in Iowa,” Boettger said. “…I call it the Late Term Abortionists Invitation Bill.” Senator Brad Zaun, a Republican from Urbandale, suggested the bill’s merely cover for Senate Democratic Leader Mike Gronstal who is from Council Bluffs. “We’re going to pass this bill just to save face, but not save a life,” Zaun said. “This bill is a sham. We should be ashamed of ourselves and it disgusts me.” Gronstal spoke near the end of debate, saying he “generally” votes in favor of abortion rights. “But at times I, too, have reeled at the suggestion of something like late-term abortion,” Gronstal said.Gronstal characterized the bill as a compromise that will answer the fears of his constituents in Council Bluffs without banning all late-term abortions in the state.

“I reel at the thought of abortion, but I also reel at the thought of telling a woman she must take to term a baby that cannot survive,” Gronstal said. “That’s got to be the most gut-wrenching decision anybody has ever made.” Senator Mark Chelgren, a Republican from Ottumwa, says the Senate bill won’t see the light of day in the Republican-led House.

“You know the challenge that we have in front of us right now is Senate File 534 might feel good, but it’s not going to do a darn thing,” Chelgren said. “…Even if we passed it unanimously, it — like a ship in the night — would pass to the House and nothing would happen.” Bolkcom argues the House-passed ban on abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy would be challenged in court on constitutional grounds.

“I don’t think it’s appropriate, given our budget constraints, to pass things that are unconstitutional that will require the state to defend and spend money to try and address,” Bolkcom said during debate. Republicans tried several different tactics to try to sideline the Democratic proposal and substitute their own plan. With shouts of “point of order” ringing through the senate, Senate President Jack Kibbie asked for a bit of a time out from both sides.

“Would the senators have a little patience here and cool your heels here a little bit?” Kibbie asked. After two hours of debate, the bill passed on a 26 to 23 vote, with Democrats on the “yes” side and Republicans voting “no.”

(Kay Henderson/Radio Iowa)

EPA warns 7 Midwestern feedlots on waste discharge


May 17th, 2011 by Ric Hanson

OMAHA, Neb. (AP) — Operators of seven feedlots in Nebraska, Kansas and Iowa have been told to stop violating federal rules on animal waste discharges, the Environmental Protection Agency said Monday.

The EPA’s Region 7 office in Kansas City, Kan., said in a statement that four feedlots in Iowa, two in Kansas and one in Nebraska had violated various provisions of the federal Clean Water Act. It said the violations could lead to contamination of nearby bodies of water, including streams, creeks and wetlands.

The EPA said it has issued administrative compliance orders to the feedlots, which range in capacity from 800 cattle up to 13,000 cattle.

In a phone call, EPA spokesman Chris Whitley said the compliance orders were the first step in a potential series of regulatory actions. If the feedlots fail to comply, civil penalties could follow. Those penalties would vary, Whitley said, depending on the severity of the violations and other factors.


The EPA issued the orders to the following four feedlots in Iowa:


– Crossroads Cattle Co. in Woodbine. The EPA said the feedlot didn’t have enough storage capacity in its waste lagoons and that some cattle were kept in areas that lacked adequate controls to prevent unauthorized waste discharges. Crossroads Cattle Co. did not immediately return a call from The Associated Press.

Feedlot Services Co., Neola. The EPA said the operation doesn’t have a discharge permit.

John Roane, part-owner of Feedlot Services, said Monday that he just got the letter from the EPA. He said his outfit has been working with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources for years to ensure the feedlot followed environmental regulations.

“We thought we were in compliance, and we were, until the EPA showed up,” Roane said.

He said he’s having an expert look at the EPA letter to see what his company needs to do.

Harlan Northrup Feedlot, Griswold. The EPA said the operation doesn’t have a discharge permit. The company did not immediately return a phone call from the AP on Monday.

– Petersen-Bubke LLP, Mapleton. The EPA said the operation doesn’t have a discharge permit. There was no answer at a phone number for feedlot co-owner Norman Petersen. Co-owner Joel Bubke declined to comment on Monday.

Two southwest IA Peace officers killed in the line of duty to be honored


May 16th, 2011 by Ric Hanson

Eight law enforcement officers who died in the line of duty, including two from southwest Iowa, will be honored Tuesday by the State of Iowa, as part of Peace Officer Memorial Week. Among those whose name will be on the Peace Officer’s Memorial, is Officer Robert Heller, with Avoca Police Department.

Officer Robert Heller arrived at a domestic disturbance on the south side of Avoca, on June 20, 1886. Officer Heller announced himself at the residence and was fatally wounded by a shotgun blast from the drunk offender, William Farrell. Farrell then turned the gun on himself, dying of a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

Also, being honored during Tuesday’s ceremony, is Deputy Thomas Walsh, with the Union County Sheriff’s Office. On December 4, 1899, Deputy Walsh served Al Williams a writ of execution. In the afternoon, the deputy went to the Williams farm to secure the property to satisfy the judgment. Walsh was met at the farm with Al Williams holding a shot gun. Mr. Williams told Deputy Walsh to leave and when Deputy Walsh advanced toward Williams, Williams shot Deputy Walsh just below the right ear killing him instantly.

The latest addition to the Peace Officer’s Memorial is Sergeant Erik Stein, with Keokuk County Sheriff’s Office. On April 4th, 2011, Sergeant Eric Stein was shot and killed as he, the county sheriff, and another deputy attempted to question a man regarding an incident that had occurred the previous night.

The three officers had gone to the man’s rural home shortly before noon when they were fired upon. Sergeant Stein was struck and killed. The sheriff and remaining deputy took cover and called for assistance. The stand-off was brought to an end by the Iowa State Patrol Tactical Team.  Sergeant Stein served with the Keokuk County Sheriff’s Office for 11 years. He is survived by his 9-year-old daughter, sister, and father.

The ceremony takes place at 10-a.m. at the Peace Officer Memorial next to the Lucas State Office Building, on the corner of East Grand and East 12th Street in Des Moines. Governor Terry Branstad and other notables will be on-hand for the event, which the public is welcomed to attend.

Three arrests in Atlantic recently


May 16th, 2011 by Ric Hanson

Three Atlantic residents were taken into custody over the past week, on unrelated charges.
On May 11th, 42-year-old David Jordan was cited for shoplifting, and released. On Saturday, 25-year-old Ryan Mullen was arrested for OWI 2nd offense.
And, on Sunday, 20-year-old Devin Register was arrested on a charge of Public Intoxication. Mullen and Register were brought to the Cass County Jail and held pending an appearance in front of the magistrate.

Two men arrested on drug charges in Cass County


May 16th, 2011 by Ric Hanson

The Cass County Sheriff’s Office reports an Illinois man was arrested May 10th on a drug charge. 27-year old Joseph Aaron Honorow, of Skokie, IL, was taken into custody for Possession with the Intent to Deliver, Marijuana. Honorow was being held in the Cass County Jail on $10,000 bond.
An Anita man was arrested that same day on charges of OWI 2nd offense and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia. 34-year old Jason Glen Dukes, was booked into the Cass County Jail and released on his own recognizance.
On Sunday, 19-year old Michael Todd Sonntag, of Exira, was arrested for being a Minor in Possession of Alcohol. He was released later that day after pleading not guilty before the magistrate.
And, 30-year old Ian Lee Leib, of Lewis, was arrested today (Monday), on a charge of Domestic Abuse Simple Assault. Leib was released from custody after pleading not guilty before the magistrate.