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Drought monitor shows some change

Ag/Outdoor, News, Weather

September 27th, 2024 by Ric Hanson

(Radio Iowa) – The latest report from the U-S Drought Monitor showed a slight improvement with six percent of the state showing no dry conditions. D-N-R hydrologist Tim Hall says the majority of the state is listed as “abnormally dry,” or just before the drought level. “That’s either a precursor to or remnants of coming out of drought. So in the conditions we’re in where we’re kind of on the edge of being in drought and not being in drought,” Hall says. There are some areas in western Iowa and far northeast that have moderate drought. Hall says the dry weather can be an asset to farmers right now.

“From an ag producer perspective, being dry is great because it doesn’t cause any problems with getting into the field. You get really good grain dry down. Those are all good,” he says. Hall says it would not be good to go much longer without some rainfall. “Thinking forward to the next crop year, we need to be adding some moisture into the soil profile,” Hall says. “So it’s not good when we have a September like we’re in. This is likely to end up being the driest September ever on record for the state of Iowa.” Hall says when you look outside of agriculture needs, the state’s water systems are okay.

“Fortunately for the state of Iowa, we had some wetter than normal months for most of the last 12 months, going back to October of last year. So coming out of some pretty decent wet months this spring and early this summer, we’re in much better shape than we would be had we not had that rain,” he says. Hall says rain naturally drops off as we head through fall and into winter, so making up the gap from the dry September may not be easy.

John Deere Recalls Compact Utility Tractors Due to Crash Hazard

Ag/Outdoor, News

September 27th, 2024 by Ric Hanson

(Bethesda, MD) – Officials with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission report John Deere is recalling multiple models of its Compact Utility Tractors over concerns that their brake systems could fail, creating risk for crashes or injury. The Illinois-based company says there have been four reported incidents — including one hospitalization, two injuries, and some minor property damage. The recalled Compact Utility Tractor models are 1023E, 1025R and 2025R. John Deere says those models can be identified by the model numbers printed on the machines’ hoods. Consumers should stop using these tractors immediately.

The affected models were sold by authorized John Deere dealers from November 2017 through July 2024, and cost between $12,700 and $21,000. The company estimates about 147,900 units are affected. Customers can also check serial numbers for recalled models at the John Deere recalls page.

(Courtesy of John Deere via U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission)

John Deere advises customers to stop using the affected machines and to contact an authorized John Deere dealer to schedule a free repair of the front bell crank in the brake linkage. The company says it’s also reaching out to known purchasers directly.

For more information, customers can visit John Deere online or call Deere & Company from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. ET Monday through Friday, and 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. ET Saturdays.

Federal appeals court hears arguments over Iowa immigration law


September 27th, 2024 by Ric Hanson

(Radio Iowa) – A federal appeals court could take months to decide whether Iowa’s new immigration law that makes illegal reentry a state crime can be enforced. During a hearing in federal court yesterday (Thursday), Iowa’s Solicitor General said the law was passed in response to an immigration crisis and he argued local law enforcement should be able to arrest and charge migrants who were previously deported or denied entry into the United States. American Immigration Council Deputy Legal Director Emma Winger says some immigrants with permanent legal status could be prosecuted under Iowa’s law.

“There’s nothing that truly protects our clients from arrest, prosecution, imprisonment and then orders to leave the country other than a federal court order,” Winger says. “And that’s of course what we’re asking for.”

Winger spoke with reporters after the hearing. The U-S Department of Justice and immigrants rights groups filed the lawsuit that challenged Iowa’s law and earlier this year a federal district court judge issued an order to block it from being enforced. Iowa’s law is similar to a Texas law which has also been blocked by court action.

Iowa sues company for illegal dumping of wind turbine blades

Ag/Outdoor, News

September 26th, 2024 by Ric Hanson

(Radio Iowa) – Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird has filed a lawsuit accusing an out-of-state company and two of its top executives of failing to properly dispose of over a thousand decommissioned wind turbine blades. According to the Iowa Attorney General’s lawsuit, General Electric and MidAmerican Energy paid millions to a company in Washington state to cut up, transport and recycle wind turbine blades.

The attorney general says that company, Global Fiberglass Solutions, illegally dumped about 13-hundred wind turbine blades at parking lots in Newton and in fields in Ellsworth and Atlantic. The attorney general says those stockpiles posed an environmental risk and the company refused to act despite orders from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. The lawsuit seeks civil penalties of five-thousand dollars per day — over a roughly five year period — for violations of the state’s solid waste disposal rules.

The state of Iowa is suing a Washington-state company and its executives for dumping and then abandoning tons of old wind-turbine blades around Iowa, in violation of the state’s solid-waste laws. These blades were allegedly dumped in the city of Newton. (Photo from Iowa Department of Natural Resources files)

Both General Electric and MidAmerican Energy have had the blades removed from the three sites in Iowa and recycled out of state. General Electric has also sued Global Fiberglass Solutions for failing to dispose of retired wind turbine blades in Texas AND in Iowa. Attempts to reach a spokesperson for Global Fiberglass Solutions were unsuccessful.

Fire Prevention and Safety Considerations During Harvest

Ag/Outdoor, News

September 26th, 2024 by Ric Hanson

(Ames, Iowa) –  Officials with Iowa State University Extension reminds farmers that all it takes to start a fire is just a spark from an engine, an overheated bearing on a combine, or a hot exhaust manifold where some dirt and dry plant material have gathered. Dry plant residue, dusty conditions, low humidity levels and strong winds are a recipe for combine and field fires. During harvest periods with increased fire potential, fires cause millions of dollars in property damage in Iowa, including loss of machinery, crops, and time. Supply chain issues and limited availability of parts may only further plague down equipment. Injuries to farm workers and firefighters are also an unfortunate outcome in some instances.

Modern, high-productivity combines are powerful machines; power means heat. A fire cannot start without heat and fuel. You may not be able to remove the heat from the engine, hydraulics, and other hard-working systems, but you can remove the fuel source by keeping your combine and other equipment clean.

The potential risk for combine and field fires is always higher during harvest, but it doesn’t have to be. Taking a few minutes and following these steps and management tips could significantly help mitigate these risks.

Combine/Field fire east of Earling. File photo)

Prevention tips:

  • Keep the machine clean, particularly around the engine and engine compartment. Use a high pressure washer or compressed air to remove caked-on oil, grease, and crop residue.
  • Frequently check air filters, ensuring that they stay clean; either by blowing them out or replacing them. This will help the engine run cooler and more efficient.
  • Check coolant and oil levels daily. Pay close attention to engine and hydrostatic pump parts as well.
  • Check the pressurized oil supply line to the turbocharger for wear areas that rub and may start an oil leak.
  • At the end of each day blow leaves, chaff and plant material from the engine area with either compressed air or a portable leaf blower. Waiting until the next morning to do this may be more difficult because of the dew.
  • Remove plant materials wrapped on or near any bearings, belts, chains, or other moving parts.
  • Examine the exhaust or any hot bearing surfaces. Repair leaking fuel or oil hoses, fittings or metal lines immediately.
  • Inspect and clean ledges or recessed areas near fuel tanks and lines.
  • Prior to refueling, turn the combine off and wait 15 minutes to reduce the risk of a spill volatilizing and igniting.
  • Research from South Dakota State University suggests that if we have dry conditions and start experiencing wind speeds close to 30 mph and above, fires may be inevitable. During these periods producers should consider delaying harvest until evening hours when winds decrease or wait for precipitation. Higher humidity levels may also reduce the potential for field fires to spread.

Management tips:

  • In case of fire, turn off the engine, get away from the machine, and call 911. Then attack with fire extinguishers if it is safe to do so. Try to fight from the “black,” the area already burned. Attacking a fire from areas with combustibles (e.g. dry corn stalks) is much riskier. Always stay upwind of a fire to minimize the risk of exposure from smoke, heat, and possible flames.
  • A fire can double in size in less than a minute. Burning embers blown downwind can easily spread a fire well beyond the control of your fire extinguishers in just seconds. So be aware of possible additional fires.
  • It is recommended to have two ABC-rated fire extinguishers on hand: a smaller 10-pound unit in the cab and a larger 20-pound extinguisher at ground level on the combine. Keeping an extra fire extinguisher on other pieces of machinery or trucks that are out in the field is also a good idea.
  • Invert the fire extinguisher once or twice during the season to ensure that machine vibrations don’t compact the powder inside.
  • Keeping a shovel on the combine to throw dirt on a fire can also help.
  • Create a list with the 911 addresses for each of your field locations prior to harvest and have them easily accessible to family members and farm employees. Many fire departments are equipped with GPS equipment or mobile apps to assist in directing them to incidents. When a fire is called in with a 911 address, dispatch can more readily identify the incident location and relay this information to the fire department. This can save precious time as some fields may be in remote locations.

Create an emergency plan:

Fires can start from plant materials that may have been smoldering unnoticed for 30 minutes or more. The ignition source for field fires may have been the earlier passing of a truck, tractor, or combine. Flames may not be apparent until additional oxygen is supplied, perhaps by a gust of wind. Harvest crews and neighbors may want to discuss a plan for emergency tillage of a firebreak should that option become advisable. The goal of creating a firebreak with a tillage pass; is to stop an out-of-control fire from spreading. It creates an area that won’t fuel the fire, so the fire will eventually burn itself out.

Keep in mind that personal safety is far more important than property loss. Attempting to fight a fire should only happen after calling 911 and determining that it’s safe to do so. Fire prevention is possible; it just requires some regular maintenance and keeping equipment clean.

House Democrats list priority issues for 2025 Iowa legislature


September 26th, 2024 by Ric Hanson

(Radio Iowa) – Democrats say ensuring Iowans have access to in-vitro fertilization will be one of their priorities if Democrats win a majority of seats in the Iowa House. House Minority Leader Jennifer Konfrst says Republican Governor Kim Reynolds wouldn’t sign a repeal of Iowa’s six-week abortion ban, but the legislature should make it clear IVF and birth control are legal.

“When our minority is larger or if we were in charge in January, we would be able to protect those things proactively,” Konfrst says, “so that Iowans wouldn’t have to worry.”

Democrats have opposed using taxpayer dollars to cover private school tuition and Konfrst says the legislature should focus on the students in Iowa’s public schools. “We will be putting forward efforts to defend and support public education at every opportunity,” Konfrst says. “…Public education is a core part of what Iowa stands for and is a core issue that Iowans care about.”

House Minority Leader Jennifer Konfrst (D-Windsor Heights) (Iowa House Democratic Caucus photo)

Other priorities for House Democrats would be raising the minimum wage and legalizing recreational marijuana for adult use. “These are issues that are reflected and supported by more than 50% of Iowans — not just Democrats, but all Iowans — who want the legislature to focus on things that matter to them,” Konfrst says.

Iowa’s minimum wage is $7.25 an hour. Five of the six states that border Iowa have a higher base wage rate. Recreational marijuana is legal in Illinois, Missouri and Minnesota.

As Radio Iowa reported earlier this month, House Republicans say if they retain majority control in the next legislative session, their top priority will be property tax reform.

Three Iowans are named Mayor of the Year by civic organization


September 26th, 2024 by Ric Hanson

(Radio Iowa) – Out of some 800 mayors statewide, the Iowa League of Cities is singling out three for awards, based on the population of their communities. Lake View Mayor John Westergaard is the Iowa Mayor of the Year for towns under two-thousand residents, and Waterloo Mayor Quentin Hart won the title for cities over ten-thousand. For mid-sized cities, Garner Mayor Tim Schmidt is the winner, which he attributes in part to the community’s efforts to build new places to live and grow.

“We have really added a lot of new apartments in this last three years, and a lot of new twin homes and a lot of new homes,” Schmidt says. “So things have really come together. We were really trying to provide housing to bring that workforce into town, and it’s working.” Garner, located in north-central Iowa’s Hancock County, has seen some downtown businesses close in recent years, but Schmidt says they have -not- spiraled into looking like a ghost town.

Garner Mayor Tim Schmidt

“We’ve had some turnover on our State Street, our main street, but every time we’ve had turnover, right away, we’ve filled that storefront again,” Schmidt says, “so we have very, very few storefronts right now, and we’ve seen some neat things come to Garner.” Schmidt says he was stunned by the Mayor of the Year honor.

“This award represents just not me,” he says. “It represents all of Garner because, let’s face it, I would not have that award if we didn’t have a great town and the great people in it, a great council and great city staff, and so it took the whole community for me to receive that award.”

Some of the criteria the league uses in its Mayor of the Year awards include: leadership in other municipal organizations, exceptional service to their community and local region, providing extraordinary service to cities in training, education and development of local leadership, advocating for cities and providing professional assistance and support to cities.

Ag Ventures Foundation Awards $10,000 Grant to Vision Atlantic


September 26th, 2024 by Ric Hanson

(Atlantic, Iowa) – Officials with Vision Atlantic announced today (Thursday), that Ag Ventures Foundation (AgVA), a 501(c)(3) organization based in Mason City, IA, recently awarded a $10,000 grant to Vision Atlantic to support the outdoor classrooms in the new Lakin Foundation Child Development Center of Atlantic. The AgVA Foundation provides grants to other 501(c)(3) organizations to support agricultural education and nutrition programs for adults and youth.

Bob Cole, President of the AgVA Foundation said, “We are pleased to provide these funds to the Lakin Foundation Child Development Center of Atlantic because they will be used to support outdoor classrooms that will allow our youngest youth to learn how to plant and nurture seeds, harvest and prepare produce, and will provide opportunities for children to enjoy eating what they have produced. These learning opportunities can hopefully lead to continued learning throughout their lives of food production and healthy eating.”

The new child development center is being built to meet the increased need for childcare in Cass and surrounding counties. According to Dianna Williams, Director of the Ann Wickman Child Development Center, they are out of space at the current facility. “Over the past four years, our center has been at full capacity, and we consistently have a waitlist of over sixty children. The lack of available childcare in the region negatively impacts families and employers,” Williams stated.

Pictured: Melissa Ihnen, Vision Atlantic Board Secretary; Christina Bateman, Vision Atlantic Board President; Debbie Waterbury, Vision Atlantic Board Treasurer and Jill Euken, AgVA Foundation Board Member.

According to a study conducted in 2023, it was discovered that Cass County has a childcare availability shortfall of over 1,000 children. The new center will be constructed on south Olive Street in Atlantic and will have capacity for 300 children aged zero – five. The Jack and Jill Preschool, currently housed at the Nishna Valley Family YMCA, will be co-located with the new childcare center. “We are excited about this award to support the Lakin Foundation Child Development Center of Atlantic. We know that the new center will provide quality care for children, which is a critical component of economic development of the region, and an important consideration for families when they choose where they want to live,” Christina Bateman, Vision Atlantic President stated.

Along with a new child development center, Vision Atlantic’s project includes a 144-unit housing development and an expansion to the current YMCA facility. Over the past 11 months, $18.3 million has been raised, 60% of a $30 million goal. Vision Atlantic’s Project Committee is actively working to secure the remaining $12.1 million needed. If you are interested in helping transform Atlantic, whether it’s through monetary donations or acts of volunteerism, please contact Vision Atlantic at visionatlanticiowa@gmail.com. Follow Vision Atlantic on Facebook for behind-the-scenes access to project updates or visit www.visionatlantic.org.

Vision Atlantic is a 501(c)(3) non-profit whose mission is to empower growth, enhance lives, and build a thriving community together through the economic development of Atlantic, Iowa.

Iowa families remember loved ones who were killed


September 26th, 2024 by Ric Hanson

(Radio Iowa) – Friends and families gathered at a park in Evansdale Wednesday to share their stories of loved ones who have been killed as part of the National Day of Remembrance for victims of homicide. Heidi Maring wears a tattoo on her arm to remember her eight-year-old son Anthony, who was killed by her husband, and tells K-C-R-G T-V she came to Angel’s Park to honor those lost. “We are the last ones to tell our loved one’ story and keep their memory alive,” Maring says. For some, this is a chance to tell people about their journey and the ones they’ve lost.

““It never goes away. You just find ways, you have good days and you have bad days,” Maring says. The Evansdale park is dedicated to Elizabeth Collins and her cousin Lyric Cook Morrissey who were kidnapped and killed in 2012. Drew Collins is the father of Elizabeth and tells K-C-R-G T-V about keeping the hope that the case will be solved. “You have to keep calling the police, you have to keep following up with things, and if you don’t it goes away,” Collins says. Collins spends much of his time connecting with families in similar situations to give them solidarity.  “It’s just important for all these people to know they’re not alone, and they’re not going through it alone,” Collins says.

The people at Angel’s Park, including the father of Elizabeth Collins, said the chance to tell their story to people who understand what they’re going through is rare and also powerful.

Feenstra voted against stop-gap spending bill, all other Iowans in congress voted yes


September 26th, 2024 by Ric Hanson

(Radio Iowa) – One of the six Republicans who represents Iowa in congress voted against the spending plan that will keep the federal government operating for three months. In a message posted on social media, fourth district Congressman Randy Feenstra said Iowans and Americans deserve fiscal responsibility from their government. Feenstra did not directly refer to his no vote on the temporary spending bill that averts a federal government shut down October 1st, but Feenstra said congress needs to end reckless government spending and produce a balanced federal budget.

First district Congresswoman Mariannette Miller-Meeks, second district Congresswoman Ashley Hinson of Marion and third district Congressman Zach Nunn all voted yes on the resolution to provide funding for the federal government through December 20th. Both of Iowa’s U-S Senators voted for the plan, too.