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USDA Report 02-02-2012

Ag/Outdoor, Podcasts

February 2nd, 2012 by admin

w/ Max Dirks


Asphalt overlays planned for Cass County Farm-to-Market roads

Ag/Outdoor, News

February 1st, 2012 by Ric Hanson

Cass County Engineer Charles Marker said Tuesday,  work is scheduled to begin this Summer on asphalt overlay projects for certain Farm-To-Market qualified roads. During the Board of Supervisors meeting,  Marker said a State bid letting was held January 18th in Des Moines, for an asphalt overlay project on Cass County Road M-56, north of Marne. There were two bids for the project. The Supervisors approved a bid from Henningsen Construction, amounting to nearly $1.8-million, for the 3-inch asphalt overlay project. Marker said the contract requires work to begin no later than August 13th. The contractor will have up to 50 working days to complete the project, regardless of when they start.

Marker said the next project in his 5-year construction plan, which is similar to the M-56 overlay, is for the Lewis road, from Highway 71 west, toward Lewis. Marker said they will borrow ahead out of the Farm to Market account to pay for the project, the plans for which have not yet been formulated. Marker explained how the Farm-to-Market account works to repair area roads commonly used to bring crops to local elevators. He said money for the repairs is generated through the Road Use Tax Fund. The amount is kept in Des Moines to do only those projects which are termed “Farm-to-Market.”

Marker says the County receives quarterly reports from the Iowa DOT, informing the County how much money is in the account. He says as of December 31st, 2011, Cass County had $171,000 in the F-to-M Account. The County receives just under $200,000 per quarter for F-to-M roads, or about $1-million per year. He says the County can borrow as much as 5-years ahead from that account, to combine and handle major road projects, as long as the account is not borrowed on for more than 5-years at a time. He says Cass County has a total contract amounting to nearly $1.18-million, which means the County has a negative balance because it has borrowed nearly two-years ahead.

In his five-year construction plan for Farm-to-Market roads, Marker says he has to show the County will be back in the black within two-years, which would allow the County to start borrowing ahead again. That would allow for the completion of a middle segment of M-56, from Atlantic Airport Road G-30, south to Highway 6.

Cass County Extension Report 02-01-2012

Ag/Outdoor, Podcasts

February 1st, 2012 by admin

w/ Kate Olsen


20 injured, no deaths in 2011 hunting seasons

Ag/Outdoor, News, Sports

February 1st, 2012 by Ric Hanson

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — The Iowa Department of Natural Resources investigated 20 incidents involving injured hunters in 2011, virtually unchanged from recent years, but there were no hunting-related deaths in 2011, down from a single fatality last year. Megan Wisecup, a DNR recreational safety program supervisor, says most of the hunting incidents happened during shotgun deer season when a hunter focused on a deer and not on what’s beyond their target. As a result, she says people get shot. Several injuries happened without shooting at an animal. Wisecup says in one case a hunter was shot in the foot while reaching into his vehicle to unsnag a loaded gun from several bags he was carrying and the gun discharged. There were also eight reports of hunting incidents that caused property damage.

Dealing with cattle zapped with stray voltage


January 31st, 2012 by Ric Hanson

Ag groups and utility companies are being challenged to propose changes in a bill that would set up a new statewide standard for addressing cases of “stray” electric voltage that zap farm livestock. Representative Stewart Iverson, a Republican from Clarion, is the bill’s manager.”It’s just easy to say, ‘No, no, no.’ How do we solve the problem?” Iverson asks. “Because we know stray voltage can be a huge problem.” It’s mainly a problem on dairy farms where, for example, cows hooked up to milking machines sometimes can get zapped if there’s a power surge. Matthew Steinfeldt, a lobbyist for the Iowa Farm Bureau, says farmers and utilities are doing just fine in resolving any problems and the bill’s unnecessary.

The best thing is to quickly identify and resolve stray voltage (issues). That’s what farmers want to do, but what this bill does, I mean, it’s a major change that will have a significant effect,” Steinfeldt says. “In a way, it takes away a right to due process. No other group in the state of Iowa is subject to something like this.” Kellie Paschke lobbies for the Iowa Cattlemen’s Association, another group that is opposed to the bill.  “This bill goes beyond just setting a standard for stray voltage,” Paschke says. “It completely changes how stray voltage claims can be pursued.” A three-member subcommittee has given initial approval to this controversial bill, but the three legislators say they’re hoping the interest groups involved suggest “major” changes in the legislation. Representative Brian Quirk of New Hampton was a member of the three-member committee. Quirk, who happens to be an electrician, says the bill needs to better define the standards for the stray voltage tests. 

“Cattle are a lot like people…Their tolerance levels (for pain) are a lot different,” Quirk says. “Where is that threshold?” Quirk supports the bill’s requirement that the state Utility Board be the first stop for resolving disputes over stray voltage. “I like the fact that the Utility Board, being a third-party resource, to actually define where the fault did occur,” Quirk says. “Should it be with the utility or with the consumer?” Critics say the bill limits a farmer’s ability to sue for damages if their livestock are harmed by stray voltage. Timothy Coonan is a lobbyist for Iowa R-E-C’s. 

“As Rural Electic Cooperatives, we’re very supportive of the diary industry. This bill is not to take a shot at the dairy industry, but more about resolving safety issues that result from stray voltage,” he says. “The process we’re proposing leads to resolution of those issues much quicker, much safer and less costly for everyone concerned.” The bill as currently drafted tries to combine laws and regulations from the states of Idaho and Wisconsin. Those states rank in the top five nationally in terms of dairy production. Iowa ranks 12th in the number of pounds of milk produced per year. According to the Iowa Dairy Association, there were more than 200-thousand dairy cattle in the state in 2010. There were more than 19-hundred dairy farms that year in Iowa.

(O. Kay Henderson/Radio Iowa)

Iowa and Nebraska target hidden-camera farm videos

Ag/Outdoor, News

January 29th, 2012 by Ric Hanson

LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) – Animal activists who go undercover to videotape abuse on farms and ranches could face criminal charges under proposals from Iowa and Nebraska lawmakers. Legislators say the measures would prevent misleading campaigns that paint entire industries as corrupt. Animal welfare groups say the proposals threaten their free-speech rights and would hinder efforts to expose animal abuse and neglect.
Iowa Democratic Senator Joe Seng and Iowa Republican Senator Tim Kapucian introduced the Iowa measure, which would make it illegal to gain access to an animal facility under false pretenses. Nebraska  Senator Tyson Larson of O’Neill filed the Nebraska bill. It would require people who suspect animal abuse or neglect to report their suspicion to authorities within 12 hours. They also would have to surrender all video, photo and audio evidence to investigators.

2012 RAGBRAI Route Announced

Ag/Outdoor, News

January 29th, 2012 by Ric Hanson

The 40th Anniversary ride of RAGBRAI will take more than 10,000 bicycling enthusiasts through a somewhat hilly northern Iowa this year. Officials with the Des Moines Register held a party Saturday night to announced the route for the July 21st through the 28th event. The Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa — the world’s oldest, largest and longest tour of its kind — begins this year in Sioux Center and ends 471 miles later in Clinton. In between, riders will stop overnight in Cherokee, Lake View, Webster City, Marshalltown, Cedar Rapids and Anamosa. Webster City hasn’t hosted RAGBRAI since 1980. Cedar Rapids hasn’t seen riders pass through the community since a 2008 flood inundated the largest overnight town on the list.

There’s been no word yet on whether past Tour de France winners and RAGBRAI participants Lance Armstrong and Greg LaMond will join in, but officials say they expect about 60 percent of the riders to be from places outside Iowa, including some 20 countries. An economic study from the University of Northern Iowa two years ago found the festival brings $24 million in new spending to Iowa, or $3 million for each hosting town.

The event’s theme this year is “Celebrating 40 Years of Iowa,” and its less-intensive route should afford space to pause and reflect: The route is the 18th-shortest in RABRAI history and the 11th-flattest. Only eight routes since the ride’s 1973 inception have been easier. While the precise number of towns that riders will pass through on their river-to-river run won’t be released until March, here’s what’s known about the route: Riders should pace themselves for the stretch between Marshalltown and Cedar Rapids. It will be their hilliest day with a 3,576-foot climb. At 84.8 miles, it will also be the longest. Returning riders should feel confident, though; Despite a shorter distance, last year’s route featured more hill-climbing on day one than this year’s route does in the first three days.

Farmers angry missed dealine causes them to miss out on fed disaster pgm,

Ag/Outdoor, News

January 28th, 2012 by Ric Hanson

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — Farmers whose land was damaged by Missouri River flooding expressed frustration Friday that a missed deadline will keep them from sharing in $215 million from one federal disaster program. Farmers and communities had to apply for the aid by June 30th, but many still had land under water then and couldn’t do a required damage assessment. Water didn’t recede from many farms in Iowa, Nebraska and Missouri until late September or early October. The money is part of $308 million in funding the U.S. Department of Agriculture announced last week. It is distributed through the Emergency Watershed Protection Program, which requires a sponsor such as a city, county or drainage district. The money is meant to be used to clear drainage ditches, fix levees and structures and reshape eroded banks. Officials couldn’t say Friday how many farmers missed the chance to apply for help.

The flooding started in June when the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers began releasing massive amounts of water from upstream reservoirs filled by melting snow and heavy rains. The deluge continued for months, overtopping levees and turning farms into lakes. When the water finally receded, farmers found tree limbs, trash and, in some places, a 2- to 3-feet of sand covering their land. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said the application deadline set by Congress led to the money being primarily focused on disasters that happened earlier in 2011 but that didn’t mean farmers who suffered later damage wouldn’t get help. The deadline for the next round of funding is Jan. 31, but it’s unclear how much money will be given and whether it will come in time to help farmers and communities make repairs before this spring’s planting season. The farmers’ and communities’ best chance of getting some of the $215 million already allocated will be if other communities don’t use all the money they requested. Unused money is placed in a pot that could be redistributed, and about $452,000 leftover from past storms already has been used to help farmers in northwest Missouri, where 207,000 acres flooded last year.David Sieck, who has about 1,500 acres of corn and soybeans near Glenwood, Iowa, said it really bothered him that an arbitrary deadline was keeping some farmers and communities getting immediate access to the money. About half of land is in river bottoms and about three-fifths of that flooded last year. “Never ever do I remember a prolonged flood for 3 ½ months,” he said.

Missouri and Utah shared the bulk of the $308 million in disaster aid announced last week. Missouri received $50 million, while Utah got $60 million to deal with two rounds of flooding.

Study says biking has $365 million impact on state

Ag/Outdoor, News

January 27th, 2012 by Ric Hanson

A study by the Iowa Bicycle Coalition has determined that the economic and health benefits of cycling amount to nearly 365-million dollars of direct or indirect impact on the state. Coalition executive director, Mark Wyatt, says the direct impact involves a lot of things. “It’s people spending money on bicycle gear and equipment, and it’s people taking trips and enjoying unique trails, or having the opportunity for hotel stays, and things like that that really add up in dollars very quickly,” Wyatt says. He says the impact is bigger than they expected. “That’s a million dollars per day that’s spent on bicycling…averaged out over the year,” Wyatt says. The study estimates that bicycling saves the state 73-point-nine-million dollars in healthcare costs for those who cycle recreational, and it shows another 13-thousand-266 dollars in health care costs saved by those who commute to work. Wyatt says the impact of the states bike trails could be even bigger.

“I think there’s a huge opportunity for tourism, and one of the things that this study didn’t address was out-of-state tourism dollars coming into the state,” Wyatt explains. The survey was released on the heels of the annual Iowa Bicycle Summit, which is Saturday in Des Moines.  Wyatt says the summit has been an education session the past eight years, but this year they’ve expanded it to a consumer expo. “People can come and look at bike gear and talk to people who’re running bike trail events, and all sorts of trends and what’s great about bicycling,” Wyatt says. There are some 50 vendors who will be at the summit. The event runs from 8:30 a-m until 4:30 p-m at Veterans Auditorium in Des Moines. You can find out more at: www.iowabicyclecoalition.org.

(Dar Danielson/Radio Iowa)

USDA Report

Ag/Outdoor, Podcasts

January 26th, 2012 by admin

w/ Denny Heflin
