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Local Rainfall Totals at 7:00 am on Thursday, September 8

Ag/Outdoor, Weather

September 8th, 2016 by Jim Field

  • KJAN, Atlantic  .62.”
  • 7 miles NNE of Atlantic  .7″
  • Massena  1.08″
  • Elk Horn  .49″
  • Audubon  .42″
  • Oakland  .54″
  • Guthrie Center  .65″
  • Woodbine  .28″
  • Red Oak  1.13″
  • Villisca  .73″
  • Clarinda  .22″
  • Glenwood  .4″
  • Shenandoah  .27″
  • Denison  .13″
  • Carroll  .13″

Atlantic City Council rules against pot bellied pig

Ag/Outdoor, News

September 7th, 2016 by Ric Hanson

By a vote of 6-to-1, the Atlantic City Council, Wednesday, moved to enforce the City’s Animal Protection and Control Ordinance, and will require the owners of a pot bellied pig to remove the animal from their home at 805 Chestnut Street. Councilman Chris Jimerson was the only vote in favor of leaving the animal where it is.

Prior to their vote, the Council heard from the owners of “Pumba,” Chris and Darci Coatney. Darci Coatney said “The only reason we even got a pig was because of a childhood dream to have one. They are very smart, he is completely potty trained,” and (acts like a dog when given a command).

Chris (Left) and Darci Coatney make their case for "Pumba"

Chris (Left) and Darci Coatney make their case for “Pumba”

She said if she would have been told they would have to get rid of Pumba last year, when the Police first showed up and he was just a piglet, “He would have been a lot easier to get rid of, I would have done it with no problem…we could have made different arrangements so he’s not in the back yard.”

Chris Coatney said the issue of flies a neighbor complained about, is because they (the neighbor) has fly traps designed to attract insects that would normally be found on a farm. He said also “We haven’t had one person sit here (at his home) and say that there’s any smell.” He said his family is very attached to the pig, and “it’s part of the family now.”

Rebecca Sponsler, the neighbor who complained to the Community Protection Commission about the flies, smell and the effect on her property value, said she has no problem with family or the pig, but the smell is intolerable.

"Pumba," the pot bellied pig.

“Pumba,” the pot bellied pig.

Councilman Dana Halder said allowing the pig to live within the City would “Open up a whole ‘nother can of worms,” and its unfortunate that it’s gone on this long. Newly appointed Councilman Gerald Brink said “It’s hard to lose a pet…but since there is an ordinance in-place, I agree with Dana, that at this point in time we have no choice.”

Councilman Chris Jimerson said pot bellied pigs are not mean and are pretty intelligent, but he understands the issue with the odor. He says it’s all about being a good neighbor, with regard to pig droppings in the yard and cleaning up after it, and “I think people can do that.”

It’s not clear where “Pumba” will end-up, but in all likelihood, he will be relocated to a farm setting.

$7.4 million in grants awarded small businesses in 35 states

Ag/Outdoor, News

September 7th, 2016 by Ric Hanson

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — Small businesses in 35 states are getting research grants from a federal government program designed to help develop products related to food security, natural resources and agricultural issues. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced Wednesday that 76 businesses will receive $7.4 million.

Bugeater Labs in Lincoln, Nebraska, is getting help developing rice and pasta products from protein-rich bugs and Windcall Manufacturing in Venango, Nebraska, is developing a small handheld grain combine designed to gather grain samples for moisture level testing.

In Iowa, Accelerated Ag Technologies of Urbandale is developing methods for storing plant pollen to help in the development of new hybrids and Gross-Wen Technologies in Ames hopes to develop algae that removes nitrogen and phosphorous from wastewater and is then turned into a slow-release fertilizer. Most grants are around $100,000.

Cass County Extension Report

Ag/Outdoor, Podcasts

September 7th, 2016 by Jim Field

w/Kate Olson.


Missouri River waterfowl hunting zone remains the same for 2016


September 6th, 2016 by Ric Hanson

Waterfowl hunters who plan to hunt in southwest Iowa are reminded that the Missouri River zone has not changed for the 2016-17 hunting season. The current Missouri River zone includes all lands and waters in Iowa west of I-29 and north of Hwy. 175. The zone map is on p. 3 of the 2016 Iowa Migratory Game Bird Hunting Regulations. The expanded Missouri River zone will be available to hunters in the fall of 2017.

(Iowa DNR)

Tree stand safety focus of awareness campaign


September 6th, 2016 by Ric Hanson

A campaign is underway by tree stand manufacturers, retailers, media, natural resource agencies and deer hunters to reduce and eliminate tree stand accidents by raising awareness of this issue and providing education about safe tree stand hunting best practices. Falls from tree stands are annually the number one cause of death and serious injury to deer hunters and involve all types of stands. Nearly all of these incidents are preventable by implementing three simple measures: First, inspect your equipment. Second, wear a full-body harness and third, stay connected from the time your feet leave the ground. It really is that simple.

Tree stand accidents can happen to deer hunters of all skill levels and result in serious injury or death. In Iowa last year, there were three tree stand incidents- two resulted in injury and one in death. Since September is traditionally a busy time for deer hunters who are preparing for the upcoming hunting season; it has been chosen as Tree Stand Safety Awareness Month. “Hunters are encouraged to take treestand safety seriously, every time you hunt from, hang, or move a tree stand,” said Megan Wisecup, hunter education administrator for the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR).

To help prevent injuries, the Iowa DNR is offering the following safety tips:

• Always wear a safety harness, also known as a fall arrest system (FAS), when you are in a tree stand, as well as when climbing into or out of a tree stand.

• A safety strap should be attached to the tree to prevent you from falling more than 12 inches.

• Always inspect the safety harness for signs of wear or damage before each use.

• Follow all manufactures’ instructions for use of a safety harness and stand.

• Follow the three point rule of tree stand safety. Always have three points of contact to the steps or ladder before moving. This could be two arms and one leg holding and stepping on the ladder or one arm and two legs in contact with the ladder before moving. Be cautious that rain, frost, ice, or snow can cause steps to become extremely slippery. Check the security of the step before placing your weight on it.

• Always hunt with a plan and if possible a buddy. Before you leave home, let others know your exact hunting location, when you plan to return and who is with you.

• Always carry emergency signal devices such as a cell phone, walkie-talkie, whistle, signal flare, personal locator device and flashlight on your person at all times and within reach even while you are suspended in your FAS. Watch for changing weather conditions. In the event of an accident, remain calm and seek help immediately.

• Always select the proper tree for use with your tree stand. Select a live straight tree that fits within the size limits recommended in your tree stand’s instructions. Do not climb or place a tree stand against a leaning tree.

• Never leave a tree stand installed for more than two weeks since damage could result from changing weather conditions and/or from other factors not obvious with a visual inspection.

• Always use a haul line to pull up your gear and unloaded firearm or bow to your tree stand once you have reached your desired hunting height. Never climb with anything in your hands or on your back. Prior to descending, lower your equipment on the opposite side of the tree.

• Always know your physical limitations. Don’t take chances. Do not climb when using drugs, alcohol or if you’re sick or un-rested. If you start thinking about how high you are, don’t go any higher.

(Iowa DNR)

Iowa’s youth deer season begins September 17

Ag/Outdoor, Sports

September 6th, 2016 by Ric Hanson

The Iowa deer hunting tradition will be passed on to about 10,000 youths who are participating in the youth deer hunting season, which opens on Sept. 17. This season provides an opportunity to teach deer hunting, wildlife behavior, and safe hunting practices to resident youths while they are under the watchful eye of a licensed adult.

For many young hunters, this will be their first experience hunting deer, and mentors are encouraged to take the needs of the new hunter into account when planning the hunt. The goal of the hunt should be a positive, enjoyable, and ethical experience, and harvesting a deer should be considered a bonus, not define the success of the hunt.

The youth season coincides with the disabled hunter deer season for hunters who meet certain criteria. Each season runs September 17 through October 2. Each youth must be under direct supervision of an adult mentor, with a valid license and habitat fee (if required). The youth license is valid statewide.

An unfilled youth season tag may be used during the early or late muzzleloader season or one of the two shotgun seasons only. That youth must follow all other rules specified for each season. However party hunting with a youth tag is not allowed. A deer must be harvested by the youth with the tag. However, that tag holder may obtain deer tags for other season, just as any other hunter can do.

The youth deer season usually has mild temperatures and biting insects. Hunters should be prepared in case they youth harvests a deer by bringing bags of ice to cool the deer cavity and by having a locker that can accept the deer for processing. All deer taken must be reported using the harvest reporting system by midnight the day after the deer is recovered. Harvest reporting is a very important part of the deer management program in Iowa, playing a vital role in managing deer populations and hunting opportunities.

Hunters can report their deer on the DNR website at www.iowadnr.gov, by calling the toll free reporting number 1-800-771-4692, or at any license vendor.

(Iowa DNR)

ICCI blasts DNR on Clean Water Act rules for CAFOs


September 6th, 2016 by Ric Hanson

The Iowa Department of Natural Resources is offering a progress report three years into its five-year work plan agreement with the Environmental Protection Agency to clean up the state’s waters. Jess Mazour, with the Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement, says many confined animal feeding operations, or CAFOses), still don’t have a Clean Water Act permit.

“They have done a ton of inspections, they’ve gone after a bunch of manure spills, but nothing has resulted in a Clean Water Act permit,” Mazour says. “There’s still not a single hog confinement in Iowa with a Clean Water Act permit, so that’s a problem. One of the things they were supposed to do as part of this work plan was to identify factory farms around the state that they didn’t have in their database already.”

She says there are more than 5,000 CAFOs that are still not accounted for in the D-N-R work plan. Mazour also says the E-P-A needs to take over from the Iowa D-N-R in order to enforce the Clean Water Act and bring those CAFOS in line. “We, in Iowa, cannot wait longer, our water can’t wait,” she says. “DNR has proven for now three years that they don’t take this seriously and they’re not willing to do their job to enforce the Clean Water Act. Yeah, it’s absolutely fine if the EPA steps in and cracks down.”

Mazour says all CAFOS should have to have a Clean Water Act permit before they’re allowed to operate. “We want every hog confinement in Iowa to have a Clean Water Act permit because, one, they’re five-year permits, so they have to be renewed which means we can shut down bad actors, and two, it increases the amount of fines we can give for manure spills. Right now, DNR has a max of $10,000 and that’s just not enough. It’s become a cost of doing business.”

She says permitted operations can faces fines of $37,500 per day when they’re in violation. Mazour says Iowa is going through a water crisis with a record number of waterways polluted.

(Radio Iowa)

Will corn yield in Iowa meet USDA projection?


September 6th, 2016 by Ric Hanson

Some crop experts are questioning the very high corn yield numbers put out by the USDA in August. The agency estimates Iowa’s average corn yield at 197 bushels per acre, five bushels better than last year’s record yield.  Todd Claussen, director of agronomy with Landus Cooperative in Ames, says he’s seeing a lot of variability from field to field. “I get that every day — ‘Boy, the crop looks great’ — and yes, it does look good at 60 miles per hour,” Claussen said. “But when you get out in it, don’t get me wrong, it’s not bad, there’s no catastrophe here — but we’re quite variable,” Claussen said.

Reduced stands are an issue in some fields, according to Claussen. “If you dropped 33,000 or 34,000 (seeds), you’ve got a lot of 27,000 to 28,000 (plants today) — so we’re short of ears,” Claussen said.corn-ear-late-August-2016 Jordan Carstens, who farms near Bagley in west-central Iowa, says tip-back on corn ears will shave the high-end off his yield potential. “We got into some heat there in July, when things were really going there, pollinating,” Carstens says. “Some of the tip-back I’m seeing, it’s on ears that probably would have been 45 kernels long and they went back to 34 or 35.”

The term “tip-back” means the kernels don’t fill all the way out to the end of the ear. Still, Carstens expects “a really good” corn crop. “You never really know until you get the combine in the field and start weighing stuff up, but I think we’ll have a decent fall,” Carstens said.

The USDA crop report issued on August 12 estimated the 2016 total U.S. corn production at an all-time record level of 15.15 billion bushels. The projection, if accurate, would best the previous record U.S. corn production of 14.2 billion bushels in 2014.

(Radio Iowa/Brownfield Ag News)

Feds work to improve habitat for pollinators like bees & butterflies


September 5th, 2016 by Ric Hanson

Insects that pollinate crops are vital for Iowa’s agriculture industry, but many species have been dying in large numbers in recent years. The U-S Fish and Wildlife Service is trying to change that. The agency’s Gary Van Vreede says they’re trying to help various groups improve the habitat for pollinators like bees and butterflies. Van Vreede says, “If we can just get the nectar species and the flowering species out there that they need, we can help them provide the habitat and the nectar and the food source that they need to thrive.”

Van Vreede says insecticides and other chemicals are taking a toll on honey bees and monarchs. “It’s been a huge problem and the decline in the number of pollinator species has been astronomical,” he says. “We’re doing whatever we can to help them out.” When Iowans put new plants in the ground, he’s asking them to keep the bugs that pollinate crops in mind as it doesn’t take a lot of nectar-producing plants to make a big difference. “Having these little stop-over areas is very important,” Van Vreede says. “They don’t need a big area like a lot of grassland birds. As they’re moving along and traveling along, these little spots can provide a lot of benefit.”

Iowa has some 4,500 beekeepers who manage more than 45,000 colonies of honey bees. Those bees produce about 4-million pounds of honey annually, valued at over $8-million. Honey bees are also responsible for the pollination of many Iowa crops, as well as home gardens and plants eaten by wildlife. The economic value of honey bees as crop pollinators in Iowa is estimated at $92 million a year.

(Radio Iowa)