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House GOP plans Medicaid reimbursement hike for Iowa nursing homes


March 23rd, 2023 by Ric Hanson

(Radio Iowa) – House Speaker Pat Grassley says Republicans in the House plan to increase the rate Iowa nursing homes are paid to care for residents enrolled in Medicaid.

The Medicaid program pays for the care of over half of Iowa nursing home residents. Grassley says the current reimbursement rate was set before COVID hit, based on nursing home costs in 2018. Since then, nursing homes have been dealing with inflation and paying higher wages to try to keep and attract workers. Seventeen nursing homes closed last year due to financial strain and advocates warn more closures will happen if the Medicaid reimbursement rate doesn’t rise.

“We recognize that there is that need,” Grassley told reporters during a news conference on the House floor.

According to the Iowa Health Care Association, the daily rate Iowa Medicaid pays is covering just 80% of the costs of providing nursing home care.

“I don’t know if we can fix it in one year as it was created over a couple year period, this gap that now exists again, but that’s why we went higher with our budget target.” Grassley said.

House Republicans have a handful of state spending priorities like this one that put their overall state spending plan about $50 million above the target amount Governor Reynolds recommended in January. Republicans in the Senate have signaled they’re building a budget with a bottom line number of about $8.5 billion — identical to the governor’s budget plan.

Governor Reynolds is recommending the state spend $15 million on the Medicaid reimbursement rate for nursing homes. Grassley says Republicans in the House have not yet decided on an amount.

Iowa Department of Natural Resources releases summary of PFAS sampling

Ag/Outdoor, News

March 23rd, 2023 by Ric Hanson

(Des Moines, Iowa) – The Iowa Department of Natural Resources has released a summary of PFAS testing of public water supplies from October 2021 to December 2022. Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are chemicals used in water-resistant, stain-resistant, and heat-resistant products such as carpets, clothing, fire-fighting foams, non-stick pans, and food packaging. Ingestion of these chemicals may increase cancer risk, affect the ability to become pregnant and interfere with pancreatic, thyroid and liver function. The DNR began sampling public water systems in October 2021 using a tiered system prioritizing locations in close  proximity to potential locations of PFAS storage or use and surface water or groundwater sources at higher risk of being contaminated.

The 116 drinking water supplies tested represent approximately 46% of Iowa’s population. Water samples included both treated finished, or treated, water and raw/untreated water from wells and surface water bodies used for drinking water.  Samples were analyzed for 25 different PFAS compounds, four of which currently have health advisory (HA) levels set by the Environmental Protection Agency: PFOA, PFOS, PFBS, and HFPO DA (also known as Gen X Chemicals). Although one or more PFAS compounds were found in 52 finished water samples, just 15 (12%) of the finished water samples reported PFAS concentrations above the current health advisory levels.

If a PFAS chemical with a health advisory is found at a community water supply in either treated or untreated samples, the DNR will revise operation permits to the public water supply. To date, 20 water supply operations permits were revised to require quarterly monitoring.

This summary report was written prior to EPA’s recent announcement of proposed drinking water standards for PFAS chemicals. Once standards become effective, possibly by the end of 2023, water supplies that exceed the standards in finished water will be required to develop and execute treatment plans. In the meantime, many communities have already adjusted their operations to reduce or remove PFAS.

The DNR will continue to sample PFAS in raw and treated water at public water supplies over the next few years. The Environmental Protection Agency will also require testing of finished water supplies as part of the Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule #5, which includes communities with 3,300 or more people and 18 smaller communities, between 2023-25.

The complete summary and results can be found at iowadnr.gov.

February unemployment rate drops


March 23rd, 2023 by Ric Hanson

(Radio Iowa) – Numbers out today show Iowa’s unemployment rate dropped below three percent in February. Iowa Workforce Development director, Beth Townsend, says that’s one of the positives for the state. “The unemployment rate went down to two-point-nine percent (2.9%), which is a tenth of a point decrease from last month, which is always good news. And our labor force participation rate, we maintained the strong gains we had made in December in January. So we’re still at, we’re at 68point-one percent which is a good sign,” Townsend says.

She says the participation rate is important as they have been working to get more people back into the workforce. “In January I think we gained almost a half a point, that was a pretty good increase. We had been trending up, but it was pretty small increments, and then we saw a big jump in December,” she says. Townsend says manufacturing added 700 jobs in February. “They’re up about four-thousand-300 jobs over the course of the year. Iowa’s economy is really reliant upon advanced manufacturing. So that’s a good sign,” she says. “We do see that transportation and warehousing is down a little bit over the last year about two-thousand jobs, which probably is related to supply chain and inflation and more indicative of what’s going on federally, nationally.”

Townsend says leisure and hospitality jobs are up almost 45-hundred jobs over the course of the year, and the service industries had the biggest increase in jobs this past month “Gained 13-hundred jobs. So we’re seeing some good indications that our economy is is resilient and riding the storm out of what’s going on nationally from an economic standpoint,” Townsend says.

The construction industry did lose 16-hundred jobs in February — which Townsend says is probably related to bad weather. She says they expect to see the industry gain back jobs as the weather improves and more projects get underway outside.

Moore on the Issues: A recap of the week in the IA House


March 23rd, 2023 by Ric Hanson

(Des Moines, Iowa) – Griswold District 18 Republican Representative Thomas Moore, Thursday, issued a summary of bills that passed this week, and other matters discussed in the Iowa House.

Moore says 24-bills passed the House, with 21 passing with bipartisan support. Topping his list of bills that passed, was Teacher Empowerment (HF604), which passed Wednesday afternoon.

It includes teacher whistleblower protection, and lays out a 3 strike system for student discipline. First offense, meet with school counselor and one day of in-school suspension. Second offense, meet with school counselor and 5 days of in-school suspension. Third offense, remove student from that class and if in high school, not receive credit for that class.

In summary, Moore says, the bill includes authorizing the ombudsman to investigate complaints received by individuals who hold a license, certificate, authorization, or statement of recognition issued by the board of educational examiners, modifying the responsibilities of school districts, accredited nonpublic schools, and charter schools, and authorizing teachers employed by school districts, accredited nonpublic schools, or charter schools to remove disruptive students from the classroom.

Another bill that passed dealt with Eminent Domain. HF565 relates to the CO2 Pipeline utility construction project requirements, and including effective date and applicability provisions.

“It is my belief ,” Moore said, “that the pipelines will still go forward even with the increased regulations.. The bill requires a liquefied carbon dioxide pipeline company to get voluntary easements for 90% of the affected route miles before being granted the right to use eminent domain. It says the IUB (Iowa Utilities Board) shall not grant a liquefied carbon dioxide pipeline company the right of eminent domain unless 90% of the affected route miles have been achieved through voluntary easement. The company shall submit regular reports on its progress in acquiring voluntary easements as determined by the board.

Other bills that passed through the House the past few days include (But are not limited to):

·     HF253, which allows charter school students to participate in activities in their resident district if their charter school doesn’t offer an extracurricular activity. Charter school students will be counted as 1/10 of a pupil in the school district.

·     HF349 that makes changes to the probation code section. It allows a person on probation to earn credit for working, education, and staying in compliance with probation requirements.

·     HF595 increases penalties for fentanyl related crimes and for those who manufacture or possess controlled substances around a minor. It enhances the sentence for a person who causes the death of another through controlled substance use and doesn’t seek medical help. It also expands who can provide and possess opioid antagonists.

Representative Moore can be reached at tom.moore@legis.iowa.gov and (712) 789-9954.

Glenwood man arrested on an Assault charge


March 23rd, 2023 by Ric Hanson

(Glenwood, Iowa) – The Glenwood Police Department reports 39-year-old Robert McAtee, of Glenwood, was arrested Wednesday. He was taken into custody for Aggravated Assault. McAtee’s  bond was set at $2,000 (cash or surety).

Iowa dumps federal study on at-risk youth


March 23rd, 2023 by Ric Hanson

(Radio Iowa) – Iowa will -not- take part in the Center for Disease Control’s 2023 Youth Risk Behavior survey, which asks kids about their drug use, sexual behavior, mental health and other behaviors. Instead, the state will focus on its own Iowa Youth Survey to monitor at-risk behavior. Child advocates are concerned. Anne Discher, executive director of Common Good Iowa, says the Iowa Youth Survey doesn’t ask questions about students’ gender identity, unlike the C-D-C’s survey.

“It’s really the only one that allows us to see the specific needs of trans kids,” Discher says. “So we’re doing away with the opportunity to really have fine grade data around health and mental health that includes trans kids.” Discher says it’s important to ask questions about gender identity, given the recent passage of several controversial pieces of legislation by state lawmakers that affect transgender children.

“What it looks like to me is, we are going to make life harder for trans kids,” Discher says, “and then conveniently, we’re not going to gather any data that would prove that it actually the things we do make their lives worse.” Not all states participate in the C-D-C’s survey. Colorado, Florida and Idaho say they are also opting out of it, starting this year.

(reporting by Natalie Krebs, Iowa Public Radio)

Senate approves governor’s education policy package


March 23rd, 2023 by Ric Hanson

(Radio Iowa) – Republicans in the Iowa Senate have approved most of the elements in the governor’s wide-ranging education bill. The legislation would require educators to tell parents if a child asks to be known by a different name or gender at school and it would prohibit teachers from leading discussions about sexual orientation and gender identity in kindergarten through sixth grade classrooms. Senator Ken Rozenboom, a Republican from Oskaloosa, says those topics are totally unnecessary for elementary students. “Parents and guardians that wish to have that conversation with their child can do so,” Rozenboom said, “…but to have that in the public school most of us, many of us believe is inappropriate.”

The Senate bill also calls for removing books from school libraries that describe or depict sex acts. Democrats in the Senate voted against the legislation. Senator Molly Donahue, a Democrat from Cedar Rapids, is a teacher. “This country is supposed to be a country of freedom — freedom of speech, freedom of ideas,” Donahue says. “But those freedoms end when politicians begin censoring certain ideas because they find them uncomfortable.”

House Republicans have approved elements of the governor’s education package as separate bills. Republican legislative leaders now have to decide whether to approve the policies separately or together in one large bill.

Ringgold County woman arrested in Creston


March 23rd, 2023 by Ric Hanson

(Creston, Iowa) – The Creston Police Department reports a woman from Ringgold County was arrested Wednesday afternoon for Failure to Appear. 25-year-old Casandra Dawn Allen, of Tingley, was taken into custody at a residence in the 500 block of N. Division Street a little after 3-p.m., and transported to the Union County Jail. She was subsequently released per an Order from a Judge.

Applications are now being accepted for the 14th Annual Trevor Frederickson Memorial Scholarship


March 23rd, 2023 by Ric Hanson

(Atlantic, Iowa) – Applications are now being accepted for the 14th Annual Trevor Frederickson Memorial Scholarship. Applications may be obtained from the Atlantic High School guidance office at 1201 E. 14th Street or the Atlantic High School website: www.atlanticiaschools.org. Fund spokesperson (Trevor’s mom) Melanie Petty says up to two $750 scholarships are available to those graduating from Atlantic High School in the spring of 2023. Applicants must plan to attend a college or vocational school, show involvement in school and/or community activities, supply a copy of their college acceptance letter, provide two letters of reference along with their 7 semester transcripts, and maintain academic achievement of 2.5 or better. The scholarships will be awarded at the Atlantic High School Class Night held in May.

Trevor Frederickson graduated from Atlantic High School in 2006. He went on to further his education at Southwestern Community College in Creston where he studied automotive mechanics and played baseball for the Southwestern Spartans. Two additional $750 scholarships will be available for Southwestern Community College students this fall. Trevor, who passed away in 2009, had plans of pursuing a career in law enforcement and returning to his hometown of Atlantic. Melanie Petty says “Anyone who knew Trevor, knew he valued family, life and community. Trevor continues to live on in our hearts and minds. To this day, Trevor is still giving back to the community he loved to be a part of.”

Trevor Frederickson

Funds for the scholarships are raised at an annual golf tournament. Plans are already in the works for the 15th Annual TFred Memorial Golf Tournament to be held on Saturday, June 17th, 2023. Organizers look forward to another successful tournament so they can continue to grant scholarships for many years to come.

Judge approves expert in Fairfield teen’s murder trial


March 23rd, 2023 by Ric Hanson

(Radio Iowa) – A judge has approved a request from one of the teens accused of killing a Fairfield teacher to have the state pay for an expert witness when he goes to trial. Willard Miller’s attorneys asked for the expert witness and also filed a motion asking to suppress evidence from a search warrant of his home. K-C-R-G T-V reports the request for the witness was granted — and a hearing on the request to suppress the evidence is set for March 29th.

Miller is charged with first-degree murder along with classmate Jeremy Goodale in the death of their Spanish teacher Nohema Graber. Graber’s body in a park by the high school in November of 2021.

Miller’s trial is scheduled for April 21st. Goodale’s trial is set for May 15th.