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Cass County Jury finds Adair man to be a sexually violent predator


September 22nd, 2011 by Ric Hanson

An eight-person jury in Atlantic deliberated for less than two-hours Wednesday afternoon before finding an Adair man to be a sexually violent predator. According to Cass County District Court documents, 52-year old David Charles Whetstone was remitted to the custody of the Director of the Department of Human Services, where he will be controlled, receive care and treatment for “His mental abnormality” until he is deemed safe for placement in a transitional release program, or discharged. The court made it clear his was a civil, and NOT a criminal, commitment.

Whetstone was immediately sent to the DHS Civil Commitment Unit for Sexual Offenders on the campus of the Cherokee Mental Health Institute, in Cherokee, where in addition to treatment, he will receive an annual medical examination of his mental state of being. The judge also said Whetstone must register as a sex offender before he is released from confinement, and submit a sample of his DNA to be kept on file. The sentence is subject to appeal.

In May 2008, Whetstone was found guilty of Assault with the Intent to Commit Sexual Abuse, an aggravated serious misdemeanor offense. The incident which led to his arrest and conviction occurred on April 4th, 2008. He was sentenced in August of that year to a two-year prison term. Prior to his release from prison and parole, the Iowa Attorney General’s Office filed a petition to have Whetstone committed, as an “extremely dangerous sexually violent predator.”

A little more than two-years earlier, Whetstone pled guilty to a charge of Disorderly Conduct, and was ordered to pay a $100 fine, following an incident which occurred between Whetstone and Greenfield Republican Representative Clel Baudler. Baulder told KJAN News in February 2006, that Whetstone had been harassing him for nearly a year, and had made veiled threats against his life.

Iowan who tossed cat from window gets 2 years


September 22nd, 2011 by Ric Hanson

COUNCIL BLUFFS, Iowa (AP) – A Council Bluffs man who told police that he performed a sex act on a cat and then threw it out of a seventh-floor window has been given two years in prison. Thirty-year-old Gerardo Martinez was arrested after officers  found the dead cat on a sidewalk outside a Council Bluffs apartment building on Aug. 3. Officers say Martinez was naked and told them he used methamphetamine and had had sex with the cat.

Court records say Martinez pleaded guilty last week to animal torture. A charge of beastiality was dropped. Martinez is a registered sex offender in Iowa. Online Iowa records say he was convicted in Pottawattamie County of sexual abuse of a girl age 13 or under in 1998.

Scammers try to take advantage of firefighter’s death


September 22nd, 2011 by Ric Hanson

Authorities in Shelby County are warning about a scam being perpetrated on area residents following the death of a local firefighter. Officials with the Shelby Fire and Rescue Department have learned residents are receiving phone calls asking for donations, which the caller says will help the family of Shelby volunteer firefighter Mike Collins, of Minden, who was hit by a vehicle and killed Sunday night on Interstate 80, while assisting at the scene of an accident.

A telemarketing firm has been making phone calls to residents around the area, asking for donations to the “Mike Collins Fund.” When officials with the Shelby Fire and Rescue squad heard about the scam Wednesday, they issued an alert asking resident to hang up the phone if you receive such a call, and report it to the authorities.

The only legitimate fund for the family of Mike Collins is at the Shelby County State Bank, Shelby Branch. Officials say the bank will NOT call and ask for your donation. They will accept donations in person or by mail, at an address we provided you with earlier this week, here on KJAN. The address can be found in the story we posted about Collins’ death, at www.kjan.com. Click on “News” under the “Community Hub” tab, and look for the story on September 20th.

Cass County Memorial Hospital offers blood screenings


September 22nd, 2011 by Ric Hanson

The Cass County Memorial Hospital (CCMH) in Atlantic is now offering community blood screenings for people ages 18 and over. CCMH Community Health Coordinator Denise Coder says “Regular blood screenings are a valuable tool in the early detection and treatment of many chronic diseases,” and that they’re “Very pleased to be offering this community health service at such a reasonable cost.”

The screenings will be held in the CCMH Atrium on Monday, October 24th from 7 am – 9 am, Thursday, October 27th, from 7 am – 9 am, and on Friday, October 28th, from 7 am – 9 am. Appointments can be made by logging on to www.casscountyclinics.com or by calling 243-7475. The cost for the blood profile is $35.

The basic blood profile includes the following: Lipid Panel (total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL, LDL), Glucose, Hemoglobin, White Blood Count, Red Blood Count, Hematocrit, Liver Functions, Kidney Functions, Thyroid Screening. The PSA test (Prostate Specific Antigen) is available to men for an additional $20.

The cost for a blood profile with A1c is $47, and a Vitamin D screening is an additional $30. Participants should fast overnight before their appointment, although a small amount of water or black coffee the morning of the blood draw is fine.

8AM Newscast 09-22-2011

News, Podcasts

September 22nd, 2011 by admin

w/ Ric Hanson


City of Griswold takes over Conklin Fish Farm Rec area

Ag/Outdoor, News

September 22nd, 2011 by Ric Hanson

Maintenance and care of the Conklin Fish Farm near Griswold will soon no longer be under the auspices of the Cass County Conservation Service. During Wednesday’s meeting of the Cass County Board of Supervisors, CCCS Director Micah Lee said the Griswold City Council recently accepted a resolution to take control of the maintenance duties at the farm, which is a public attraction and camping site. Lee said the City thinks it can do a better job of making progress at the park, and with the Conservation Services’ budget being as tight as it is, the staff have a hard time moving as fast as people would like, as far as getting major projects finished. The current contract is only for a management agreement, which has a 30-termination clause if either side feels the other is not fulfilling the terms specified in the agreement. 

He says last Thursday, the Conservation Board voted to accept the resolution as presented, and allow the City of Griswold to seize the management agreement, for a number of reasons. He says their reasoning for that is because there’s not enough manpower, money, or time available for his staff to handle all of the county’s parks and recreational areas. Lee says the camping receipts also indicate the farm is not profitable for the Conservation Service to operate. He also said well-intended efforts by a local group to take care of the area actually ended-up costing the CCCS money, that wasn’t budgeted for. 

With the Conservation Boards’ approval of the City-prepared resolution, the City of Griswold will assume full responsibility for the maintenance and upkeep at the Conklin Farm, beginning January 1st, 2012. The resolution does not need the approval of the Cass County Supervisors, but will need to be reviewed by the Cass County Attorney before it becomes official. Lee said as much as he’d like to keep the farm, there’s just too much for his staff to handle right now, trying to maintain the rest of the County’s parks.

7AM Newscast 09-22-2011

News, Podcasts

September 22nd, 2011 by admin

w/ Ric Hanson


IWD kiosks and terminals not available as promised in Cass County


September 22nd, 2011 by Ric Hanson

A little over three-weeks ago, 37 Iowa Workforce Development Offices closed due to a decision made earlier this year by Governor Terry Branstad, including the office in Atlantic. IWD Officials late last month tried to put a positive spin on the situation, by touting their work to set up an “access point system” to replace those offices, but during Wednesday’s meeting of the Cass County Board of Supervisors, County Mental Health and General Relief Coordinator Teresa Kanning said the promise has fallen through, mostly due to technology issues. She says the information she’s received from IWD and what’s happening in Cass County “Isn’t matching up.” Kanning says she was told there were several access points the unemployed could go to seek help in finding work or filing claims, including the local substance abuse prevention office, but the service is not available because the software support is not available or compatible with current computer systems. She says one of her staffers checked with the Zion Substance Abuse Treatment Center, who said the software was dropped off at the agency, but their staff was not told what to do with it. Yet IWD is still telling people they can access the internet there to check job postings and apply for unemployment.

In fact, this week IWD officials asserted terminals were available for those purposes at a location at the courthouse, but that’s not the case. She says none of the offices in the courthouse has even been contacted about being an access point. Kanning says she’s “Very disappointed in how Iowa Workforce Development has handled (the situation) in Cass County, and concerned about individuals needing to file unemployment claims or check for jobs, who are without computer access.  Another site IWD said was available in Cass County, is the Atlantic Public Library. At last night’s Atlantic City Council meeting, Councilman Dana Halder mentioned at a recent Library Board meeting, the topic of the IWD access point was brought up. He said it isn’t available because the software is incompatible with the library’s computers. Kanning said the same thing during the Supervisor’s meeting earlier in the day. Kanning said someone with IWD remarked those persons needing to file claims or look for jobs could use the computers in her office, but she said that’s NOT an option, because her computers have personal information on clients, that is subject to HIPPA rules and regulations.

The Cass County Board of Supervisors are set to meet with Iowa Workforce Development officials next week, to discuss Kanning’s concerns and related matters.

Latham only Iowan to vote for House bill that would’ve provided disaster relief money


September 22nd, 2011 by Ric Hanson

Republican Congressman Tom Latham was the only member of Iowa’s delegation to vote for a bill that would have provided federal aid to Midwesterners hit by this year’s Missouri River flooding. The bill not only provided federal aide for a wide range of disasters, it was designed to provide enough money to keep the government operating past September 30th. The new federal fiscal year begins October 1st, but the two parties in congress haven’t agreed on a spending plan yet. However, in a surprise to House Republican leaders, the bill failed to pass last night. Too many Republicans — like Iowa Congressman Steve King — objected to the measure, saying it didn’t make deep enough cuts. Democrats objected to the part of the bill that made deep cuts in a program that boosts the manufacture of electric vehicles and said it didn’t provide enough money for disaster relief. Iowa’s three Democratic congressmen — Bruce Braley, Dave Loebsack and Leonard Boswell — all were no votes, along with Republican Steve King.

(Radio Iowa)

Some buildings may be salvaged from Missouri River floodwaters


September 22nd, 2011 by Ric Hanson

As the flooding Missouri River slowly returns to its normal level, Iowa property owners are beginning to get a look at their homes and businesses — and the challenges they’ll face in restoring them. Bob Arritt owns an environmental, health and safety consulting firm in Omaha-Council Bluffs. Arritt says some people will be able to save the skeleton of the building and not have to start over. “If you just get it opened up and dried out as soon as possible, you can sand and treat the stud walls and the frames and so forth, hopefully keep as much of the building as you can,” he says. “It’s just not an automatic decision.” Unfortunately, Arritt says some buildings will be a complete loss and the only option will be to tear them down. He says it will still be some time before many homeowners and business owners know the extent of water damage.  “We haven’t really seen a lot of the assessments because the water hasn’t come down that far and people aren’t ready yet,” he says. “I don’t think the insurance companies, or anybody, has quite assessed it.” Some homes have sat in floodwater for several months, virtually all summer. Arritt says that doesn’t necessarily mean the property is a total loss.  “Not the whole building itself, but some of the porous materials that are in the building, the drywall, carpets and all of that obviously has gotta’ go,” he says. The river has been below flood stage at Sioux City for a few weeks, but it may not be back to “normal” in Omaha-Council Bluffs until October. Arritt’s company, B-2 Environmental, specializes in industrial clean-ups.

(Radio Iowa)