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Crop report, and holding corn to meet ethanol contracts

Ag/Outdoor, News

August 14th, 2012 by Ric Hanson

Cooler temperatures and rain last week helped some of Iowa’s crops. The latest U-S-D-A crop report says the heaviest rain fell in the northeast and southwest portions of the state. The report says that helped soybean conditions improve for the first time in seven weeks. Thirty-seven percent of the soybeans are now rated in very-poor or poor condition, while 38-percent are rated fair and 25-percent are in good to excellent condition. The corn crop saw a slight decline in its condition, with 51-percent in very-poor or poor condition. Thirty-three percent is rated in fair condition and just 16-percent in good to excellent condition.

(Radio Iowa)

Obama says Ryan is blocking the Farm Bill

Ag/Outdoor, News

August 13th, 2012 by Ric Hanson

At a grassroots campaign event held this morning at Bayliss Park in Council Bluffs,  President Obama discussed how Congressman Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney’s pick for his Vice Presidential running mate,  is blocking the farm bill that Congress needs to pass in order to provide relief and certainty to U.S. farmers and ranchers. The President also highlighted his Administration’s efforts to mitigate the impact of the current drought – including purchasing livestock to provide assistance to those who need it.

Here are some excerpts of the President’s prepared remarks….

“Right now folks here in Iowa and across the heartland are suffering from one of the worst droughts in 50 years. Farmers and ranchers depend on a good crop season to pay the bills and put a roof over their heads, and I know that things are tough right now.

“The best way to help these states is for leaders in Congress to pass a farm bill that not only helps farmers and ranchers respond to natural disasters, but also makes necessary reforms and gives them some long-term certainty.  But right now, too many members of Congress are blocking that bill from becoming law. Now, I’m told Governor Romney’s new running mate might be around Iowa these next few days. And he’s one of those leaders of Congress standing in the way. So if you happen to see Congressman Ryan, tell him how important this farm bill is to Iowa and our rural communities. It’s time to put politics aside and pass it right away.

“But the folks suffering from this drought can’t wait for Congress to do its job.  So in the meantime, I’ve made sure my Administration is doing everything we can to provide relief to those who need it. Last week, we announced $30 million to help farmers and ranchers, get more water to livestock, and rehabilitate land affected by the drought. Today, we’re announcing that the federal government will help livestock producers by purchasing over $150 million worth of meat and fish now, while prices are low, and freeze it for later.”

Hunter Education Online Field Day set for Sept. 8th

Ag/Outdoor, News, Sports

August 13th, 2012 by Ric Hanson

Persons who are at least 12 years of age and interested in hunting, are encouraged to sign-up for an online Hunter Safety Education Field Day, set to take place on September 8th, from 8-a.m. until Noon. The Field Day will take place at the Nishna Bend Recreation Area, about 1.5-miles southeast of the Harlan Municipal Airport.

Anyone who was born after January 1st, 1972 must complete a hunter safety education course, in order to obtain an Iowa Hunting license. Go to www.iowadnr.gov to sign-up. You must complete the online class before coming to the Field Day, and you”ll need to bring your online completion voucher with you, in order to be admitted to the Field Day event.

Posted County Prices 08-13-2012


August 13th, 2012 by admin

Cass County: Corn $7.83, Beans $16.42

Adair County: Corn $7.80, Beans $16.45

Adams County: Corn $7.80, Beans $16.41

Audubon County: Corn $7.82, Beans $16.44

East Pottawattamie County: Corn $7.86, Beans $16.42

Guthrie County: Corn $7.85, Beans $16.46

Montgomery County: Corn $7.85, Beans $16.44

Shelby County: Corn $7.86, Beans $16.42

Oats $3.72  (always the same in all counties)

USDA expects drop in Iowa corn, soybean crops

Ag/Outdoor, News

August 10th, 2012 by Ric Hanson

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) – During a summer of drought, the U.S. Department of Agriculture says Iowa’s corn crop likely will plunge 19 percent below last year’s production. The crop is forecast at nearly 1.92 billion bushels, based on Aug. 1 conditions.  A USDA report released Friday says the yield is forecast at 141 bushels an acre, which would be the lowest figure since 1997.  Soybean production is forecast at 406 million bushels, which would be nearly 13 percent under last year’s figure.  Soybean yield is forecast at 43 bushels an acre, which would be 7.5 bushels under last year.

Third Annual America’s Farmers Grow Communities program/contest underway

Ag/Outdoor, News

August 10th, 2012 by Ric Hanson

Officials with the Monsanto Corporation have once again launched their America’s Farmers Grow Communities program, which gives farmers the opportunity to win a $2,500 donation for their favorite local nonprofit organization. This year, the program, which in its third consecutive year, and is sponsored by the Monsanto Fund, expands to 26 new counties, and will provide an online platform to aid community involvement.

With more than 90 percent of the U.S. corn and soy production currently impacted by the drought, a farmer’s ability to invest in his or her community is affected. To help, the Monsanto Fund will provide additional financial support. Winning farmers from counties that have been declared natural disaster areas by the USDA will have an opportunity to direct an additional $2,500 donation to a local non-profit to address community needs that have surfaced due to the drought. To date, more than 660 counties have been declared disasters areas within the 1,271 eligible Grow Communities counties.

Since the inception of America’s Farmers Grow Communities, thousands of farmers have nominated their favorite local nonprofit groups, such as FFA chapters, schools, fire departments, local food pantries or other civic groups.  This year, rural community members can suggest an idea or initiative that needs funding in their local community. Eligible farmers may review the ideas and consider them in their application. Community members who wish to plant an idea and encourage farmers to support their cause can do so at www.growcommunities.com.

Now through November 30, 2012, eligible farmers can apply online, and rural community members can submit their ideas at www.growcommunities.com or by calling 1-877-267-3332. The Monsanto Fund will select one winner at random from each of the eligible counties and announce winning farmers and recipient nonprofits in January 2013. Farmers in all of Iowa’s 99 counties are eligible to participate in Grow Communities.

Another program that is part of this effort is America’s Farmers Grow Rural Education, giving farmers the opportunity to nominate their local public school district to apply for a grant up to $25,000. Winners of the first annual Grow Rural Education program will be announced on August 28. For more information about these programs and to view the official rules, visit www.americasfarmers.com.

(Press Release)

Posted County Prices 08-10-2012


August 10th, 2012 by admin

Cass County: Corn $7.85, Beans $16.11

Adair County: Corn $7.82, Beans $16.14

Adams County: Corn $7.82, Beans $16.10

Audubon County: Corn $7.84, Beans $16.13

East Pottawattamie County: Corn $7.88, Beans $16.11

Guthrie County: Corn $7.87, Beans $16.15

Montgomery County: Corn $7.87, Beans $16.13

Shelby County: Corn $7.88, Beans $16.11

Oats $3.66  (always the same in all counties)

Iowa State Fair officials are watchful for signs of swine flu


August 10th, 2012 by Ric Hanson

The hundreds of head of hogs at the just-opened Iowa State Fair are being carefully monitored for signs of illness. Outbreaks of a new flu strain were reported at recent fairs in Ohio and Indiana. Iowa State Fair manager Gary Slater says they’re being vigilant at the big event in Des Moines for any indications of influenza.

Ten people got sick at the fair in Ohio. The new flu strain is called H-3-N-2, a disease in swine that’s slightly different from the H-1-N-1 strain that hit three years ago. Slater says H-3-N-2 can be passed from swine-to-humans but not from human-to-human. The H-1-N-1 strain could be passed human-to-human. Slater says they’re being watchful at the fair, but he says he’s not particularly worried.

He says the state fair’s livestock entries are steady in number with past years and he’s expecting a very good showing with all the species. Slater hopes to match or beat last year’s attendance of one-million-80-thousand fairgoers. He says the most unique exhibit this year is an 11-foot stainless steel moose, covered with two-inches of Dutch chocolate in the Food Building. It contrasts from the cow covered in butter in the Ag Building. The Iowa State Fair opened Thursday, and runs through August 19th.

Ethanol producers meet in Omaha during “incredibly challenging year” for industry


August 10th, 2012 by Ric Hanson

Facing one of their most difficult seasons in history, hundreds of people involved in the production of ethanol are meeting this week in Omaha. U-S Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack will be the keynote speaker today (Friday) at the American Coalition for Ethanol conference. Brian Jennings, the coalition’s executive vice president, says the worst drought to hit the region in decades is hurting farmers, consumers and everyone in between.“This is going to be an incredibly challenging year financially for ethanol producers,” Jennings says. “As corn prices continue to climb, many ethanol plants across the country have had to adjust output accordingly because corn is the greatest cost component of an ethanol production facility.”

Iowa is the nation’s number-one ethanol producer with more than 40 plants operating. While one of the conference sessions is called “Proud History, Bright Future,” Jennings says the future is uncertain for many of those producers in Iowa and nationwide.
“We know of some plants that are not operating what-so-ever today,” Jennings says. “We know of others that have cut production back by as much as 20 or 30%. The challenges are very real for these producers.” While there’s much anxiety over the drought’s impact on the corn crop, Jennings says waiving the Renewable Fuel Standard — which insures more ethanol is blended into gasoline — is not the way to go.

“It simply would not reduce corn prices,” he says. “It certainly won’t make it rain or make more feed available and the consequences of removing that would result in higher gas prices and more costs on the refiners who benefit handsomely today from the cheap octane that ethanol provides them.” As the corn plants have withered in fields across the region in the hot, dry weather, the corn supply has thinned while demand has gone up. Gasoline prices have risen more than 20-cents a gallon in the past month. “Ethanol prices have tended to track along with corn,” Jennings says. “You see some instances where ethanol prices are increasing in association with corn but you also see gas prices are rising along with that and corn prices are rising far greater than ethanol prices.” This is the coalition’s 25th annual conference, drawing ethanol producers and other industry officials from as far away as Arizona and Michigan. Learn more at “ethanol.org

(Radio Iowa)

“Reggie” sets new record for Iowa State Fair big boar competition


August 10th, 2012 by Ric Hanson

One “must see” every year for many Iowa State Fair-goers is the big boar. This year, they’re seeing the biggest boar EVER at the fair.

“Reggie” (Radio IA photo)

“Reggie” was the last of seven supersized swine to waddle onto a scale before a big crowd gathered Thursday to witness the annual big boar competition. He posted a new Iowa State Fair record weighing in at 1,335 pounds. Reggie’s owner, Rick Stockdale of Madison, Indiana, says his big boar is not too picky about his diet.

“He’s a slop pig. He eats a lot of bread, Twinkies, Ho-Hos and donuts,” Stockdale said. “Then, of course, corn and produce. He’s a big fan of all the melons – watermelon and cantaloupe. He’ll eat virtually anything, except squash. He will not eat a squash.” Reggie also holds the Indiana State Fair record for biggest boar. At five years old, the Iowa State Fair prize may be Reggie’s last.

“This possibly was his last show, we don’t know. He is getting up in age,” Stockdale said. “We have his son…that is keeping the tradition alive.” A giant pig with the number 32 painted on his side was quite the crowd pleaser – despite finishing third in the competition.

Fred “Hoiboar” escorted by Fred Hoiberg (Radio IA photo)

Fred Hoiboar was escorted to the scale by Iowa State men’s basketball coach Fred Hoiberg. He was contacted late last year by some Cyclone fans who wanted to use the pig to raise money for charity.

“When I heard that, it was a no-brainer for me,” Hoiberg said. “It’s for a camp for kids with heart disease. I was up there last week to spend time with the kids and raise money for the organization.” Camp Odayin is located in northern Minnesota. Prior to Hoiberg’s return to Ames, he worked in the front office of the NBA’s Minnesota Timberwolves. Hoiberg and dozens of others wore cardinal and gold t-shirts which feature a pig and a basketball. The group is selling the shirts to raise money for the camp.

(Radio Iowa)