(Atlantic,Iowa) – You don’t have to go all-out for your Thanksgiving meal, Thursday, and you don’t even have to do the dishes, if you attend the FREE 3rd Annual Community Thanksgiving meal Thursday, in Atlantic. The event – with all the traditional fixings, including turkey, ham, dressing and pie, takes place from 11-a.m. Until 4-p.m. At the Cass County Community Center (next to the Fairgrounds), at 805 W, 10th Street.
Take-out meals and delivery are available in Atlantic, and there are drop locations in Wiota, Anita, Cumberland, Massena, Lewis, Griswold, Marne, Walnut, Elk Horn and Exira (By pre-order only). To order to go meals on Thanksgiving please call or text message 712-250-1599 by no later than 5-p.m. On Wednesday (Nov. 27). Last year over 500 meals were served. Kristen Holaday-Brooks with Holaday Baking Company is serving the meal, thanks to numerous sponsors. Kristin’s family has hosted the event since its inception.
The first family was served after consulting with the Atlantic School District to see who needed the most help on Thanksgiving. From there, the need grew to multiple families.
The first year, she said, they were just trying to figure out the logistics of serving numerous people. They ended-up served about 450 meals.
As of last week, there were at least 159 meals ordered for delivery and the drop locations. The meat for the meal is smoked by Troublesome Creek Cattle Company in Exira, the week before the meal. Every meal is homemade.
Their job is made easier thanks to the use of an industrial potato peeler. The Atlantic Bottling Company has donated all of the drinks for the event. That’s also included with deliveries. The deliveries are handled by volunteers. Again, deliveries are made by pre-order only. For more information, call or text Anna at 712-250-1599, or visit the holadaybakingcompany’s Facebook page.