(Radio Iowa) – The Iowa Supreme Court, Thursday afternoon, heard the case of a former Massena daycare owner/operator seeking to overturn her convictions for second-degree murder and child endangerment causing death for a child at her daycare. Alison Dorsey argued her case should not have been moved from Cass County to Pottawattamie County after a mistrial, and that there was not enough evidences to convict her. Attorney Trevor Hook told the justices the trial was moved too quickly.
Hook says Dorsey’s defense wanted to see if there was a reason to move the trial.
Prosecution attorney Louis Sloven says the court had information on coverage that would prejudice another jury in Cass County”
He says a questionnaire would only have confirmed what was going on in the county surrounding the case.
Dorsey’s defense said there is evidence the child could have been injured earlier and she was not the one who killed the boy. Sloven says the evidence didn’t show that.
Hook countered that prosecution witnesses wouldn’t substantiate that claim.
The Supreme Court will issue a ruling at a later date. Dorsey was previously sentenced to the 50-years in prison.
(View the hearing that took place HERE. The Dorsey oral arguments begin at 47:04 on the recording. )