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Drought Monitor still shows Abnormally dry soil conditions

Ag/Outdoor, News, Weather

September 10th, 2021 by Ric Hanson

The latest U.S. Drought Monitor (USDM) data released Thursday, indicates this past week saw continued improvement in conditions across drought-stricken areas of the Central and Northern Plains states as well as in Iowa and Minnesota, where light-to-moderate rainfall accumulations were observed. On this week’s map, widespread one-category improvements were made in drought-stricken areas in northern Iowa and western Minnesota, which received another round of beneficial precipitation this week. In those areas rainfall accumulations ranged from 1 to 4 inches. In areas of northern Iowa and southern Minnesota, percentage of normal precipitation has ranged from 150% to 300% of normal for the last 30-day period.

Likewise, light rainfall this week led to trimming back of small areas of Moderate Drought (D1) in northwestern Illinois and west-central Indiana. Conversely, dry conditions during the past 90-day period led to slight expansion of areas of Severe Drought (D2) in northern Wisconsin as well as areas of Moderate Drought (D1) in Upper Peninsula Michigan.

In the immediate KJAN listening area, the Drought Monitor map shows Abnormally dry conditions remain over most of Cass, Adair, Audubon, Montgomery and Madison Counties, along with small sections of Mills, Adams, Fremont and Page Counties. Under those conditions, corn shows drought stress and the soil is dry  The southeast quarter of Guthrie and most of Dallas County, is in a Moderate Drought. In a moderate drought: Soybeans abort pods; corn test weights are struggling; Grasses are brown; more grass fires occur; burn bans are issued, and pond levels decline.

The NWS Precipitation Forecast calls light precipitation accumulations (generally under 1 inch) during the week ahead.

Axne says Democrats’ infrastructure plan reserves $1 billion for biofuels

Ag/Outdoor, News

September 10th, 2021 by Ric Hanson

(Radio Iowa) – Congresswoman Cindy Axne, a Democrat from West Des Moines, says the initial draft of the Democrats’ infrastructure plan in the U.S. House now reserves a billion dollars to promote the use of ethanol and biodiesel over the next eight years. “To issue grants directly to fuel retailers so that they can convert their existing pumps to deliver higher blends of ethanol and biodiesel,” Axne says. “They can install new pumps or related infrastructure, retrofit terminal operations, etc., so that they can carry more ethanol and biodiesel.”

Axne says it will be quite some time before electric models make up the majority of vehicles in use in America and biofuels are a greener alternative to gasoline AND to hybrid electric vehicles with a liquid fuel back-up. “There are multiple sectors of transportation that should also look to other opportunities, so this is a win-win,” Axne says. “This puts money in the pockets of Iowans while literally reducing our greenhouse gas emissions.”

A recent study led by a Harvard University environmental health professor found carbon and other greenhouse gas emissions from corn-based ethanol were 46 percent lower than from gasoline. Axne says she’s pretty confident the billion dollars for biofuels will stay in the infrastructure package, but she concedes it hasn’t been an easy fight to get it included in the initial draft.

“I’ve been handing out flyers in, literally, the chambers, educating people about biofuels. We’ve been hammering this thing home and, I think it sunk in that: ‘Listen, as we move towards this, let’s not forget a tool that really can move us in the right direction immediately,'” Axne says, “and that’s biofuels.”

The bill, which Democrats call their Build Back Better plan, will be considered in the U.S. House Agriculture Committee today (Friday).

Biden Administration says meatpackers engaged in ‘pandemic profiteering’

Ag/Outdoor, News

September 9th, 2021 by Ric Hanson

(Radio Iowa) – Biden Administration officials say the nation’s four major meatpackers are engaging in profiteering during the pandemic and generating record or near-record profits this year. U-S Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack says it’s time to hold meatpackers responsible for unfair practices. “Farmers are losing money on cattle, on hogs and poultry that they are selling at a time when consumers are seeing higher prices at the grocery store,” he says.

Vilsack and other members of the administration’s competitiveness council meet Friday to discuss ways to address consolidation in the industry. “I remember talking to a producer the other day in Council Bluffs and he said: ‘I don’t get this, Mr. Secretary. I just sold my cattle and I lost $150 a head, but the processor made $1800 a head,” Vilsack says. “How can that be?”

Legislation introduced in congress would require more disclosure of the prices meatpackers are paying private contractors. That may give independent livestock producers a better sense of what meatpackers are willing to pay for cattle, hogs and poultry. According to the National Meat Institute, consumers are paying higher prices for beef, pork, chicken and eggs because of a persistent and widespread shortage of workers in meatpacking plants.

Cass County Extension Report 9-8-2021

Ag/Outdoor, Podcasts

September 8th, 2021 by Jim Field

w/Kate Olson.


Produce in the Park extended through Oct. 14th

Ag/Outdoor, News

September 8th, 2021 by Ric Hanson

(Atlantic, Iowa) Cass County Wellness Coordinator Brigham Hoegh reports Produce in the Park is extending the farmers market season through October 14 for fall 2021. The extension of the season through the first two weeks in October is made possible thanks to sponsorship from the Atlantic Elks Lodge #445, and support from the City of Atlantic, and Atlantic Parks and Recreation.

Hoegh says “In August, Erickson Foods, a produce vendor at the market, realized fall crops were going to be ready later than usual, and they asked if other market participants would be interested in extending the season. Craft vendors, baked goods vendors, and prepared food vendors supported the idea, and Atlantic Parks and Recreation agreed to bring games and crafts to the park in October.”

October markets in the park will feature late-season produce crops such as sweet potatoes and winter squash, in addition to farm favorites such as local meat, granola, and honey. A highlight is sure to be candles, soaps, and wax melts from Smudge, as October is a perfect time for cozy fall scents.

Produce in the Park continues to accept vendors for the 2021 fall season. Both food and craft vendors are invited to join the market. More information on vending at Produce in the Park can be found at www.produceintheparkatlanticiowa.com. Questions on vending can be directed to Market Manager Brigham Hoegh at produceintheparkatlanticiowa@gmail.com or (712) 249-5870.

Produce in the Park is a community-oriented farmers market held every Thursday evening (4:30-6:30 PM) from June through October 14 in the Atlantic City Park.

Iowa corn and soybean development ahead of average, Naig predicts Iowa #1 corn producer in 2021

Ag/Outdoor, News

September 8th, 2021 by Ric Hanson

(Radio Iowa) – Iowa Agriculture Secretary Mike Naig is predicting Iowa will retain its spot as the number one corn producing state, despite challenging weather conditions in some areas. “Crop development is really kind of all over the map,” Naig said. “…Generally speaking, drought is the number one issue that folks are thinking about, however there are parts of our state that have gotten exactly what they’ve needed throughout the year and then we’ve got parts of southeast Iowa that have had too much rain.”

The U-S-D-A’s latest crop and weather report shows some corn fields in northwest and west central Iowa were damaged by heavy rain, hail and strong winds in the past week, but 60 percent of Iowa’s corn crop is still rated in good or excellent condition. Naig says the number of acres planted with corn this year will be the deciding factor in keeping Iowa at the forefront in corn production. “We are a big corn user in this state, so the user community, the livestock folks that use corn for feed and the processors are certainly looking at that supply very closely,” Naig says.

Sixty-one percent of Iowa SOYBEANS are in that good or excellent category.  “I think you’re going to see record yields in some places and you’ll yield reductions because of too much water or not enough water in other places,” Naig says, “and the true test is getting out and running the combine in the field and seeing what’s out there.”

The fall harvest of corn and soybeans hasn’t started, but record heat has advanced development of Iowa’s two main cash crops. Corn development statewide is about five days ahead of average, while soybean development is about two days ahead of normal.

Fall could be warmer and drier

Ag/Outdoor, News, Weather

September 7th, 2021 by Ric Hanson

(Radio Iowa) – State climatologist Justin Glisan says as we move into fall there’s a clear signal on the outlook for September, October, and November. “We are seeing an elevated signal for warmer conditions for much of the Midwest — including Iowa. And then no clear signal on the precipitation front,” he says. Glisan says the long-term outlook for September shows an equal chance of warm or cool, and wet or dry. “If we look at those short-term outlooks that get us into the middle of the month, we do see an elevated chance of cooler than normal temperatures — and that’s coupled with a slightly elevated drier signal,” according to Glisan.

Glisan says a little dry weather would not be a bad thing. “Those types of conditions would be great for harvest, we don’t want to get wet as we start to get the combines out into the fields,” Glisan says. “But we do want to replenish subsoil moisture profiles as we complete harvest and get into the later part of fall and into winter for the next growing season.”

Fall begins on September 22nd.

Cass County Master Gardeners Fall Plant and Bulb Sale Returns

Ag/Outdoor, News

September 7th, 2021 by Ric Hanson

(Atlantic, Iowa) – The recent rains and more moderate temperatures make this Fall a great time for gardening projects. Cass County Master Gardeners are inviting you to their third annual Fall Plant Sale, set for Saturday morning, September 18, at the Cass County Community Center, 805 W 10th Street, on the fairgrounds in Atlantic. The sale will be open to the public to purchase divided perennials suitable for fall planting. The sale begins at 8 AM, and will be held in the front parking lot of the Cass County Community Center on the fairgrounds in Atlantic. Interested gardeners are encouraged to arrive early for best plant selection, as the annual spring and fall sales occasionally sell out before 10 AM.

Plants expected to be on the sale include iris (bearded and Siberian), peonies, daylilies, and spring-flowering bulbs, along with perennials such as hostas, perennial geranium, bachelor buttons, baptista, sedums, garden mum, rudbeckia and more. There will also be a large collection of frog garden decor, along with pots, houseplants, and possibly some garden tools and other decor.

Bulbs bring spring color! The Cass County Master Gardeners added a bulb sale to the fall plant sale last year, and are bringing it back in 2021 due to overwhelming support! The bulb sale for this year will feature mixtures of tulip or allium bulbs for fall planting and spring color. The sale is now open to the public for pre-order, with delivery by the end of October, in plenty of time for fall planting. Order forms are available at the Cass County Extension office, or online at www.extension.iastate.edu/cass. Orders will also be taken at the plant sale on the 18th, if not already sold out.

The bulbs will be freshly dug from the gardens of Van Engelen, Inc., in Connecticut, and shipped in bulk to the Cass County Master Gardeners. The bulbs are expected to arrive by the end of October, and are available now to pre-order with five bulbs to a bag, with each bag of tulip mixture or allium mixture selling for only $5. Pre-payment is requested at the time of order to guarantee your bulbs.

Descriptions of bulb mixes available are below, and each bag of 5 will feature a random selection from the colors listed, with no guarantee of any certain colors available.

TULIPS: The Finest Single Tulip Mixture includes: Candy Prince (whisper-pink), Christmas Dream (fuchsia-red), Flair (ruby-red), Purple Prince (Lilac-purple), Red Revival (deep red), and Sunny Prince (pale lemon-yellow). Blooms in mid-April, with plant heights from 14 to 16 inches.

ALLIUMS: Sphaerocephalon (crimson-purple globes), Azureum (cornflower-blue orbs of starry florets), Nigrum (white spheres with pale green eyes) and Ostara (wide dark purple globes). Plants range from 16 to 24 inches in height, with blooms from 1 to 6 inches in width. Bloom times May to July.

Many favorite perennials work well for fall dividing and transplanting, including daylilies, peonies, garden phlox, bleeding heart, coneflowers, speedwell, and more. Irises and hostas can also be transplanted successfully in early fall. By dividing the plant when it is not flowering, all the energy it produces can be directed to root and foliage growth, so plants overwinter in place and come back strong in the spring. Additionally, the cooler weather is easier on the plants (and the gardener!), and the plants generally do not use as much water as in spring and summer. Plants should be placed in the ground as early in fall as possible, but most can be successfully planted up until the ground freezes. The plants should also be adequately watered until the ground freezes, and covered with mulch to reduce moisture loss through the winter; particularly important steps as we are still emerging from a drought this year.

The Master Gardeners will bring perennials dug and divided from their own gardens to the fall plant sale. Community residents are also welcome to donate plants, and members may even help you dig! Please call in advance and make arrangements to drop off donated plants before the date of the plant sale.

To donate items, to order bulbs, or for more information about these events and other Master Gardener activities in Cass County, please call the Cass County Extension Office at 712-243-1132, email Cass County Extension Director and Master Gardener Coordinator Kate Olson at keolson@iastate.edu or visit www.extension.iastate.edu/cass. You are also invited to follow the Cass County Master Gardeners Facebook page at www.facebook.com/CassCoMG to keep up with local events and tips for gardening!

Cass County Local Food Policy Council Expands Coupons to Farm Stands for Fall 2021

Ag/Outdoor, News

September 7th, 2021 by Ric Hanson

(Atlantic, Iowa) –  The Cass County Local Food Policy Council (CCLFPC) reports they have expanded their 2021 farmers market coupons to be used at approved farm stands for the remainder of 2021. Although the printed coupons indicate they are only redeemable at farmers markets in Cass County, as of September 2, the coupons will also be redeemable at approved Cass County farm stands. The coupons were distributed at schools, food pantries, and other events throughout the summer, and were originally designed to be redeemed at Cass County’s four farmers markets:

  • Atlantic Farmers Market
  • Anita Farmers Market
  • Produce in the Park
  • and the Lewis Farmers Market at 3HO.

As of September, only Produce in the Park and the Lewis Farmers Market remain open, and the Cass County Local Food Policy Council is hoping to have more coupons redeemed. Therefore, the CCLFPC is now allowing the 2021 farmers market coupons to be used at approved farm stands. In order to accept the coupons, a farm stand needs to fill out a simple application available from Cass County Wellness Coordinator Brigham Hoegh via email at bhoegh@iastate.edu or from the Cass County Iowa State University Extension office (805 W. 10th St Atlantic, IA 50022). The application ensures the farm stand will agree to only accept coupons during specified business hours for produce grown on their farm.

Farm stands accepting coupons will be advertised on the CCLFPC’s Facebook Page @CassCountyLocalFood. People without access to Facebook can call or email Brigham or call 712-249-5870 for a list of approved stands. The coupons will continue to be accepted at the two Cass County farmers markets open this fall.

Produce in the Park is held in the Atlantic City Park (10 W. 7th St. Atlantic, IA 50022) from 4:30-6:30 PM every Thursday evening through October 14. The Lewis Farmers Market is held at 3HO (201 1st St. Lewis, IA 51544), from 4:30-6:30 PM every Tuesday and Thursday evening through October 14.

The coupons, which can only be spent on locally grown produce, promote the CCLFPC’s strategic goals of increasing consumption of nutritious food and supporting local farms and food businesses. All farmers market coupons must be mailed or turned in to Cass County Wellness Coordinator Brigham Hoegh at the Cass County Iowa State University Extension Office (805 W. 10th St Atlantic, IA 50022) by December 31, 2021.

More About Cass County Local Food Policy Council
For more information on local food, farmers markets, and food access, follow the Cass County Local Food Policy Council’s Facebook page @CassCountyLocalFood. The Cass County Local Food Policy Council is a Cass County Government advisory body that promotes local foods and food access. The Council facilitates networking among people and groups who are involved in all aspects of the local food system—from growing and processing, to selling and eating. In its work, the Council gathers information about local food-related needs and considers what might be
done to make sure everyone in Cass County has access to healthy food. The Council then makes recommendations and supports organizations working toward that goal. To learn more about the Council, contact Cass County Wellness Coordinator Brigham Hoegh at bhoegh@iastate.edu or (712) 249-5870. The next Council meeting is September 14 at 2:00 PM at Mollett Park (1020 E. 3rd St. Place, Atlantic, IA 50022). Meetings are open to the public.

Axne leads Rural Reinvestment Task Force of New Democrat Coalition

Ag/Outdoor, News

September 6th, 2021 by Ric Hanson

(Radio Iowa) – Third district Congresswoman Cindy Axne is co-chair of the new Rural Reinvestment Task Force formed by the New Democrat Coalition in the U.S. House. Axne says she’ll be recruiting other House Democrats who can articulate a policy agenda that supports rural communities. “I see it as an opportunity for us to have a greater voice of a concerned group of legislators who can raise these issues up,” Axne says. “…There is a big misunderstanding of what rural America does contribute.”

Last Thursday Axne heard from representatives of farm groups, the biofuels industry and farmers growing organic crops at a forum on the Dallas County Fairgrounds. She expects other House Democrats to hold similar forums around the country. “We want to make sure we’ve got it from the north to the south, from the east to the west,” Axne says. Axne says the New Democrat Coalition represents 95 of the 224 Democrats in the U.S. House and the group will lobby to direct more federal resources to support rural areas, focusing on things like broadband access, housing and biofuels policy. Axne is a member of the U.S. House Ag Committee.

Democratic Congresswoman Cheri Bustos, the other co-chair of the Rural Reinvestment Task Force, is also a member of the House Ag Committee. Bustos, who represents a district in northwest Illinois that includes Moline and Peoria, is not seeking reelection in 2022.