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KJAN Podcasts

KJAN Podcast information (feeds, downloads, iTunes, etc.) coming soon.
You can find daily podcasts and other stories in our News, Weather and Sports sections. Go to the Programs page to find podcasts of your favorite programs on KJAN!


Weekend Newscast 08-06-2011

News, Podcasts

August 6th, 2011 by admin

w/ Chris Parks


Backyard and Beyond 08-05-2011

Backyard and Beyond, Podcasts

August 5th, 2011 by admin

Lavon speaks with Mary Dreeszen, former Cass County 4-H’er, about her remembrances of 4-H involvement.


9AM Newscast 08-05-2011

News, Podcasts

August 5th, 2011 by admin

w/ Ric Hanson


8AM Sportscast 08-05-2011

Podcasts, Sports

August 5th, 2011 by admin

w/ Chris Parks


Heartbeat Today 08-05-2011

Heartbeat Today, Podcasts

August 5th, 2011 by admin

Jim speaks with a member of the staff at the addiction recovery service Narcanon.


7AM Newscast 08-05-2011

News, Podcasts

August 5th, 2011 by admin

w/ Ric Hanson


Backyard and Beyond 08-04-2011

Backyard and Beyond, Podcasts

August 4th, 2011 by admin

Lavon speaks with Karen Nelsen of Audubon, about the talent show at Operation T-Bone, Sign Up Now!


9AM Newscast 08-04-2011

News, Podcasts

August 4th, 2011 by admin

w/ Ric Hanson


8AM Sportscast 08-04-2011

Podcasts, Sports

August 4th, 2011 by admin

w/ Chris Parks


Heartbeat Today 08-04-2011

Heartbeat Today, Podcasts

August 4th, 2011 by admin

Jim discusses the proposed 2012 Cass County Fair schedule.  Our question of the day at the fairgrounds will be asking if you like the proposed schedule?

2012 Proposed Fair Schedule

Wednesday, July 25- 6pm-Prep Day

Thursday, July 26- 9am-3pm Static Exhibits Entered and Judged; 10am Food Sale; 4-6pm Swine weigh-in; 8pm Queen/King Contest; Senior Recognition.

Friday, July 27- 8-11Am Sheep/Meat Goat Weigh-in; 9am-Rabbit Show; 10-11am Horses Entered; 12pm-Horse Show; 3pm-Dog Show; 5-7:30pm-Beef Weigh-in; 5-7:30pm Poultry Check-in; 8pm- Stage Entertainment

Saturday, July 28- 8am-Sheep Show; 12-4pm-Decorator’s Showcase; 2pm-Poultry Show; 3pm-Meat Goat Show; 6:30pm-Tractor Pull.

Sunday, July 29- 7:30am-Swine Show; 9AM-Working Ehibits (Ed Pres, Extemp); 2-3pm-Feeder Calf Weigh-in; 5pm-Feeder Calf Show; 6pm-Horse Fun Show; 8pm-Bullriding.

Monday, July 30- 8am-Beef Show; 10am-Dairy/Dairy Goat Show; 10am-Best of Iowa; 1pm-Pet Show; 1:30pm-Watermelon Feed; 3pm-Livestock Judging; 3pm-Building Awards; 7pm-Grand Champion Beef Selection.

Tuesday, July 31- 8am-Livestock Sale; 3pm-Mud Volleyball

Wednesday, August 1- 6pm-Clean-up
