(Atlantic, Iowa) – The Board of Supervisors in Cass County will meet in a regular weekly session in-person and electronically, on Tuesday, beginning at 9-a.m. The Board expects to hear a presentation/request from Massena Mayor Phil Przychodzin, with regard to Clarke Street and Rockport Road. The Board will discuss and possibly act on approving a Cott Systems quote for Resolution 3 software, increasing from $510/month to $630/month, and an OIB software increase from $150 to $225/month.
Other discussion and possible action will be held with regard to continuing the County Employee’s Accident Insurance Policy, and a business property lease between the County and the Cambridge Law Firm.
The Board also expects to receive a monthly report from Cass/Guthrie County Environmental Health Executive Director Jotham Arber, and a weekly report from Cass County Engineer Trent Wolken.
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