United Group Insurance

Montgomery County Compensation Board to meet Wed. evening


December 17th, 2024 by Ric Hanson

(Red Oak, Iowa) – Montgomery County Auditor Jill Ozuna reports the Montgomery County Compensation Board is slated to meet 5:30-p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 18th, at the Montgomery County EMA Building (1906 N. Broadway, in Red Oak). Their agenda is as follows:

  1. Call to order
  1. Elect Secretary and Chairperson
  1. Discuss SF 2442 changes with action as necessary
  1. Approve minutes of December 2023 Compensation Board Meeting
  1. Overall discussion with elected officials regarding FY 2026 compensation
  1. Make a recommendation of salary schedule for FY 2026 of elected officials
  1. Set the date, time, and location for FY27 Compensation Board meeting
  1. Call for adjournment

The Montgomery County Board of Supervisors could be in attendance at the meeting therefore causing a quorum of Supervisors.