United Group Insurance

Cass County (IA) Supervisors to hold Public Hearing on a zoning change for LANDUS, 12/3/24


December 2nd, 2024 by Ric Hanson

(Atlantic, Iowa) – A Public Hearing will take place Tuesday morning (Dec. 3rd, 2024) in Atlantic, with regard to an application for a Zoning Change by LANDUS Cooperative, from General Ag District to Heavy Industrial. The meeting begins at 9-a.m in the Supervisors Board Room at the courthouse. The change pertains to property in the Pymosa Township, which was previously approved by the Cass County Zoning Commission.

At their meeting on November 19th, Cass County Zoning Commissioner Mike Kennon explained LANDUS is moving their operations to the former Wickman Chemical site just off Highway 71, northeast of Atlantic. LANDUS purchased the company this past summer. Assuming the change is approved, one of the features of the site will be a 72-thousand gallon anhydrous ammonia tank. Following the public hearing, the Board will act to approve the application as presented.

The Cass County Supervisors will also act on passing the Second Reading of an ordinance “Imposing a Local Option Surtax for Emergency Medical Services (EMS) at a rate of One-percent on the State Individual Income Tax for 15-years” (in accordance with the Iowa Code), following the measure’s approval by voters in the General Election on November 5th, 2024. On a related note, the Board will acknowledge the receipt of the EMS Advisory Council Annual Recommendation of an EMS Levy, as required by Iowa law. Public input on the matter will be allowed during the Supervisor’s meeting on Dec. 17th.

The Board is expected to act during their meeting Tuesday morning, on a resolution “Amending the Secondary Roads Five-Year Program,” by moving a bridge project from 2027 to 2025, a the result of a funding change from Highway Bridge Program (HBP) to Farm-to-Market (FM).  They’re also expected to act on approving the hire of an Equipment Operator 1 position for the Anita District (Secondary Roads Dept.)

Weekly reports are scheduled to be heard or otherwise received, from Engineer Trent Wolken, Debbie Schuler (County Community Services/Mental Health Advocate), and a special presentation from Ryan Berven, with regard to County Employee Health Insurance renewal for FY 2025-26.