United Group Insurance

City of Massena notice to residents, re: Manganese levels


October 2nd, 2024 by Ric Hanson

(Massena, Iowa) – Officials with the City of Massena have posted a notice on social media, with regard to Manganese levels in the City’s water system. The City says it received a notice Tuesday from the DNR that its “Manganese level was high. Acceptable level is .3 and we were at .36. For infants under 6 months of age please use bottled water. No federal mandatory health effects language exists for Manganese.”
The City added, “We can’t retest for Manganese until the next quarter for the DNR, however we do test daily and we have been under the limit.” They urge residents with question to please call City Hall. (A copy of the Drinking Water Healtrh Advisory is posted below)