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Town Hall meetings in Atlantic this week to discuss & learn more about the EMS ballot measure


September 23rd, 2024 by Ric Hanson

(Cass County, Iowa) – A Town Hall meeting will be held this (Monday) evening in Atlantic, with regard to the EMS public measure that will be on the November 5th General Election ballot across Cass County (IA). The informational meeting takes place at 6-p.m., at the Cass County Community Center next to the fairgrounds. For those unable to attend, another meeting will be held from 2-until 3-p.m. Tuesday, at the Heritage House, in Atlantic.

The measure asked voters: Shall the Cass County Board of Supervisors, upon recommendation by the Cass County EMS Advisory Council, for the purpose of funding emergency medical services in Cass County, including, but not limited to, ambulance service, personnel, and equipment, be authorized, for a period of 15 years, to 1) levy and impose a local option income surtax of one percent upon the state individual income tax of each individual taxpayer who is a resident of Cass County on December 31 for each calendar year commencing with the calendar year 2025, and 2) levy and impose an ad valorem tax not exceeding seventy-five cents per one thousand dollars of assessed valuation on all taxable property within Cass County commencing with the levy of property taxes for collection in the fiscal year ending June 30, 2026?

County officials have previously said the levy will have very little impact on taxation.

A third Town Hall meeting will be held at the Legion Hall in Massena, on October 1st.