United Group Insurance

State moves to revoke license of car dealer with a history of violations


September 4th, 2024 by Ric Hanson

DES MOINES – A Polk County judge has temporarily blocked the state’s efforts to revoke the license of a car dealer convicted of a long series of misdemeanors related to his business. The Iowa Capital Dispatch reports court records show that in 2022, Dayton Ericson, the owner of Ericson Auto in Ankeny, was convicted of three counts of fraudulent use of a vehicle registration – charges that Ericson says are tied to the fact that he had placed old, expired dealer plates on some of his vehicles.

In October 2023, those convictions led to the Iowa Department of Transportation sending Ericson a notice that it was revoking his dealership license. Ericson filed an appeal, but the DOT’s decision was upheld by an administrative law judge and then by the director of the agency.

Ericson is now seeking judicial review of that decision. Polk County District Court Judge Christopher Kemp recently issued an order that placed the revocation order on hold at least until a hearing on the matter can be held. Refusing to grant such a stay, Kemp ruled, “would place Ericson at significant risk of catastrophic irreparable injury.”

Ericson said that if the DOT has its way, he’ll be put out of business. He acknowledged he has an extensive history of misdemeanor convictions related to vehicle registrations, storage of cars on his residential property in Des Moines, and parking dealership vehicles on city streets. Many of those cases, he said, stem from disputes with neighboring property owners.