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State Auditor releases Cass County (IA) Financial Report


September 3rd, 2024 by Ric Hanson

(Des Moines, Iowa) – State Auditor Rob Sand’s Office today (Tuesday), released a Financial Statement pertaining to Cass County (Iowa). In brief, the statement shows:

* Revenues of the County’s governmental activities increased 2.3%, or approximately $428,000, from Fiscal 2022 to Fiscal 2023. Property and other County Taxes increased approximately $349,000. Operating Grants and Contributions increased approximately $569,000.
* Program expenses of the County’s governmental activities increased O.5%, or approximately $65,000, more in Fiscal 2023 than in Fiscal 2022. Public Safety and Legal Services increased $48,000, County Environment and Education increased $165,000, Roads and Transportation increased $422,000, and Administration increased $506,000.
* The County’s net position increased 9.6%, or approximately $4,314,000, from June 30, 2022 to June 30, 2023.

Read the entire report, here: Cass_County_Iowa_2023_496625401942C-min