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Southwest District Soils Judging

Ag/Outdoor, News

September 27th, 2024 by Ric Hanson

(Atlantic, Iowa [Story by Atlantic FFA reporter Maddy Anderson]) – The Atlantic FFA chapter competed in the Southwest Iowa District Soils Judging Contest at the Armstrong Research Farm in Lewis, on Wednesday, September 25th. Atlantic FFA had 6 individuals compete in 2 teams. One team that place 9th, consisted of Lily Johnson, Frank Freund, and Hayden Kleen. Members of Team 2, consisting of Jarrett Hansen, Jacquie Freund and Rylie Vandevanter, placed 25th out of 47 teams.

The Soils Judging Career Development Event is designed towards motivating students to gain knowledge on surface features, the soil profile, land capability and productivity, evaluation of land use and management practices, and suitability of soils for non-agricultural uses. Students also develop the ability to observe selected soil properties, and use these observations to interpret and evaluate these properties for recommendations for land use.

Team members from left to right are: Jarett Hansen, Hayden Kleen, Frank Freund, Lily Johnson, Rylie Vandevanter, Jaquie Freund. (photo submitted)

After the contest took place, Lily Johnson said, “I enjoyed getting the opportunity to go study soil and learn about the different things that contribute to soils judging and was very pleased with how our team placed!”