United Group Insurance

Public hearing Monday on CAM School District Bus Route times


September 7th, 2024 by Ric Hanson

(Anita, Iowa) – A Public Hearing will be held Monday (Sept. 9) in Anita, just prior to the CAM School Board’s regular monthly meeting. The hearing, which is slated to be held at 6:30-p.m. in the CAM High School Media Center, is with regard to a proposed extension of school bus route times.

Later on, during the regular meeting of the Board, they will act on approving an extension of the bus route times. CAM Superintendent Paul Croghan has said the extension is to be in compliance with bus route times. The bus routes typically come in at under an hour, but there is a 15-minute shuttle bus, and the extension is intended to bring that bus route into compliance with the other, regular routes.

CAM logo

In other business, the CAM School Board will act on any resignations to come before them, as well as any new hires/contracts. Another agenda item, is approval of a Daycare Agreement. The daycare is part of the former north elementary building.

The full agenda can be viewed here: September 9, 2024, CAM Board Agenda