United Group Insurance

Motorized wheelbarrow in Iowa unofficially broke a world record


September 22nd, 2024 by Ric Hanson

(Mitchellville, Iowa) — A man from central Iowa has unofficially broken the Guinness World Record for the fastest motorized wheelbarrow. WHO-TV in Des Moines reports John Loghry from Saylorville, Iowa retired a few years ago and since then has been trying to find ways to fill his time. Around a year ago John came across the record for fastest motorized wheelbarrow and decided it was something he wanted to do. He made the machine with idea of hopefully beating the record.

On Saturday, he enlisted the Polk County Sheriff’s Office to help set up the record-breaking event. A smooth and safe street in Mitchellville was picked out and blocked- off, and at 2-p.m. Loghry finally saw his dream come to fruition. When he began working on his wheelbarrow the Guinness World record was 47 kph (Kilometers per hour; 29 mph), Loghry set the new record at 57 kph (a little more than 35 mph).

In addition to going for the World Record, Loghry used the opportunity to bring attention to one of his favorite charities, Wounded Warriors. A veteran himself, John began volunteering at the VA hospital twice a week after he retired. All the donations gathered at the event will be donated to Wounded Warriors and those who donated had the unique opportunity to get a specialized Guinness World Record poker chip.

Loghry said once he has the official police report, he’ll gather all of his evidence and send it to Guinness to be verified as the new World Record Motorized Wheelbarrow Champion.