United Group Insurance

Montgomery County Supervisors to act on establishing a County Compensation Board


September 22nd, 2024 by Ric Hanson

(Red Oak, Iowa) – The Montgomery County Board of Supervisors are expected to draw lots, Tuesday, to determine staggered term limits for each member of the Compensation Board, and pass a resolution to establish a County Compensation Board. During their meeting last week, the Supervisors passed a resolution to reinstate the Compensation Board, which is typically comprised of representatives from each County department.

The Compensation Board recommends salary levels or increases to the supervisors during each fiscal year’s budget process. This past July, those types of boards were eliminated under a bill approved by the Iowa Legislature and signed by Governor Kim Reynolds. County officials then had the option of whether to reinstate comp boards, or assume their responsibilities.

In other business, the Board of Supervisors in Montgomery County will act on approving: a contract lease with Life Unposed, LLC, with regard to the Highland Annex; and, the abatement of taxes for certain, City of Elliott-owned properties/parcels, in the amount of $636.

The Board will once again discuss, and possibly pass, a Public Comment Policy. Last week, the Supervisors took no action on a proposed policy regulating public comment periods. Provisions included moving the comment period to the end of the meeting, and limiting speakers to three minutes. Supervisors Chair Mike Olson also proposed limiting the number of people speaking on a particular topic, and prohibiting personal attacks against board members.

The Montgomery County Board of Supervisor’s meeting begins at 8:30-a.m. Tuesday (Sept. 24), in their Red Oak courthouse Board Room.