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Hinson backs ban on drones made by company linked to China

Ag/Outdoor, News

September 13th, 2024 by Ric Hanson

(Radio Iowa) – Iowa Congresswoman Ashley Hinson says farmers should be wary of agricultural drones manufactured in China and sold in the U-S by a company called D-J-I. “Every farmer needs to be eyes wide open about the technology they are currently using on their farms,” Hinson says. There are nearly 10-thousand registered agricultural spray drones in the U.S. today and Hinson says many of those were made by D-J-I, which has ties to the Chinese military.

“They have sophisticated sensing technology designed to help monitor the health of crops and direct the spray to the appropriate area,” Hinson says, “but that also means that these drones are actively collecting granular level detail on our ag industry that can be weaponized by the CCP.” Hinson says that means the C-C-P — the Chinese Communist Party — could have leverage over the U-S food supply, making this a national security issue.

D-J-I says it has no ties to the Chinese military and any ban on its products would deprive U-S farmers of the benefits D-J-I spray drones offer. D-J-I is the world’s largest drone manufacturer and 80 percent of the consumer drones sold in the U-S were made by D-J-I. This week, the House passed a bill that would ban all *future* D-J-I drone models from operating in the United States.

“Communist China is the most significant threat to the United States’ security, economy and global leadership,” Hinson says. “For decades the U-S has taken, frankly, a delicate approach to our relationship with communist China, and hoping that if we bring them into the rules based international order that they would act accordingly.”

Hinson says appeasing China hasn’t worked and it’s time to change tactics. Hinson, a Republican from Marion, is a member of the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party.