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Cong. Hinson criticizes student loan bail out


September 5th, 2024 by Ric Hanson

(Radio Iowa) – Iowa Congresswoman Ashley Hinson, a Republican from Marion is criticizing the Biden Administration’s continued effort to forgive college student loans. She says it shifts the burden to others. “Truck drivers, farmers, bartenders, electricians and plumbers shouldn’t have to pay for someone else’s degree. Those who sacrificed and worked hard to pay off their own student loans shouldn’t then have to take on someone else’s debt,” she says.

The Second District Representative says forgiving student loans does not stop the problem of college students building large amounts of debt. “This would not be a one time occurrence. This will incentivize students to take on more debt, knowing that someone else will ultimately pay it back,” Hinson says. “That’ll drive up tuition rates and perpetuate the accumulation of the cycle of debt instead of breaking it.”

Hinson says students need to be educated on the front end of what they are getting into. She says Iowa colleges are doing a good job of explaining to potential students how much it will cost and how much they can expect to earn in their respective majors. “I think that that’s the conversation that needs to happen in higher education before students are taking on literally thousands and thousands of dollars in debt and all the interest that goes along with that,” Hinson says.

Hinson’s comments come as several states led by Republicans have sued the Biden Administration over the plan to eliminate 73 BILLION dollars in federal student loan debt.