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Cass County Supervisors table a request for funds to repair Atlantic Library roof


September 3rd, 2024 by Ric Hanson

(Atlantic, Iowa) – The Board of Supervisors in Atlantic, today (Tuesday), tabled a request from the Atlantic Public Library for the use of ARPA funds to repair the roof of the Library. Board Chair Steve Baier said the repairs are estimated to cost approximately $100,000. No action was taken because the Board wanted more details on the scope of the project and other sources of funding. It’s estimated the ARPA account has about $11,000 available, after bills for other projects are factored-in.

Cass County Supervisor’s mtg. 9-3-24

The Board approved the abatement of taxes on a property in Griswold, as recommended by County Assessor Shana Platt. She said a “clerical error” necessitated the abatement of taxes on 309 4th Street, in Griswold.

And, they approved an auditing firm contract with Gronewold, Bell, Kyhnn & Company CPA’s, for the fiscal year that ends June 30, 2024. The Board received a regular report from Cass County Engineer Trent Wolken.

In other business, the Cass County Supervisors approved the appointment of two Deputy Medical Examiners – Jeals Brines, D.O. (Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine) and Jill Pollpeter, M.D.(Medical Doctor) as requested by the County’s Medical Examiner, Dr. Elaine Berry.