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CAM School Board tables Daycare Agreement until next meeting; Approves extended school bus route times


September 10th, 2024 by Ric Hanson

(Anita, Iowa) – The CAM School District’s Board of Education, Monday night, tabled approval of a Daycare Agreement. Superintendent Paul Croghan..

The daycare is part of the former north elementary building. Following a Public Hearing, the CAM School Board approved an extension of Bus route times from 60-minutes to as much as 75-minutes, to bring the District into compliance with bus route times, when the shuttle bus is factored-in.

The routes times are 60-minutes without a waiver for an Elementary student, Croghan said, and 75-minutes for a high student, but that can be extended.

The Board approved an amended agreement with SitelogIQ (Sight Logic), with regard to District facilities and a $22.5-million bond referendum that will be on the Nov. 5th General Election ballot.

The Board reviewed the website information with regard to the bond issue and decided to update the site to reflect new information about the measure. The District, Monday, posted on it’s Facebook page, information about the attendance policy.

Superintendent Croghan said also, he wishes everyone a safe harvest, and to be aware of what’s going on on the roads, with regard to slow moving equipment, and, that school districts are safe this harvest season.