United Group Insurance

Atlantic City Council meeting recap, 9/4/24


September 4th, 2024 by Ric Hanson

(Atlantic, Iowa) – The Atlantic met this (Wednesday) evening in a regularly scheduled session. During the meeting, the Council:

  • Approved an Order to approve an Engineering Agreement with Snyder and Associates, for the 2025 Street Improvements Project. Snyder and Associates Engineer Dave Sturm said “This project includes the majority of the  downtown, Chestnut Street and Walnut Street, from the highway (7th St.) north, all the way to the Chamber of Commerce, or where your right-of-way ends, north of 2nd Street. It also includes 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th [streets], the two blocks of downtown.” It also includes Laurel Street, from 10th Street to the dead-end south (one block). That area has never been completed, Sturm said, and has some drainage issues. And, one block of Hickory Street, between 6th and 7th, which is also experiencing some drainage issues.  The street projects are expected to cost more than $2.1-million, and will be financed by the LOST (Local Option Sales Tax) for Street revenues, which will not impact the Debt Service Levy, and not require property taxes service for the debt.
  • The Council, Wednesday, passed the Second Reading of an ordinance “Vacating the 66′ wide Street Right-Of-Way (ROW), West 4th Street,” beginning at the west ROW line of Laurel Street, extended, then west to the east property line of the Iowa Interstate Railroad, or about .7 (Seven-tenths)of an acre. The First Reading was passed following a public hearing, on August 21st.
  • The Council’s final order of business was to approve the second pay application (for nearly $56,000) to Hydro-Klean, LLC, for the 2024 Sanitary Sewer Rehab project – Ultra Violet Cured In Place Pipe (CIIP) lining project. The total cost of the project was $91,500. The first payment of $30,975 was approved by the Council on August 21st. Dave Sturm said the project is finished.

Mayor Grace Garret, in her report, said there will be a 911 Memorial in the City Park, on Sept. 11th, beginning at 8:30-a.m. The event is sponsored by the American Legion, the Elks and the Does. Additional information will be forthcoming. There will also be a couple of “Yes for EMS” meetings coming up in September 16th at 6-p.m., and at 2-p.m. on Sept. 24th.  Cass County Medical Examiner, Dr. Elaine Berry will be one of those who will be speaking about the EMS initiative that will be on the Nov. 5th General Election ballot for voters to act on.

Garrett said also the City is still working on the Bull Creek Initiative, but the grant opportunity they were hoping for has fallen through. She said they are “Continuing to work towards other avenues of funding,” and moving forward. Bull Creek erosion and other issues have been a sore spot for several years, and is being taken-up once again, in hopes of getting something accomplished, other than just discussion on how to solve the issues.

The Council’s next meeting will take place on Monday, Sept 16th, instead of the regular Wednesday meeting on the 18th, due to the Annual Iowa League of Cities Conference.