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Adair County Board of Supervisors pass bond counsel agreement & public hearing date on issuance


September 25th, 2024 by Ric Hanson

(Greenfield, Iowa) – The Board of Supervisors in Adair County, today (Wednesday), approve a motion not to exceed $1.5-million in General Obligation Urban Renewal Bonds or Capital Loan Notes. Adair County Auditor Mandy Berg…

The Board also passed a Resolution fixing the date for a meeting on the proposition to issue the bonds. The hearing will be held Oct. 23rd at 9:15-a.m., as part of the Board’s regular weekly meeting. County Treasurer Brenda Wallace informed the Board her office will be closed Oct. 10th for staff training in Red Oak. The Supervisors received a Conservation update and Annual Report from Dominic Johnson, who spoke about projects completed over the past year, and other matters.

He said the Department’s Facebook page reached more than 17,000 people, and helped to bring attention to events from people all across the country.

For the third week in a row, the Adair County Supervisors heard from cattle producers Rob and Tony Mensing, with regard to proposed easier access to their property near Canby, for the purpose of grazing cattle. This time around, they provided letters from all the adjoining landowner’s, who expressed their support of upgrading Lewis Avenue at 150th Street from a Level B (Mud) road to a Level A (Gravel)road, or about three-quarters of a mile.

Rob Mensing also brought information with regard to the cost of upgrading the road, according to his data. Including projects the Board approved that were somewhat similar in nature, or in the same price ballpark. He said improving the road would not only help his business, but that of other property owners, as well.

Board member Jodi Hoadley said the County is not in the position right now to improve the whole roadway, but she entertained a motion to fix part of the intersection to make it wider and easier for the property owners to navigate with their vehicles and equipment.

The Board voted unanimously to get a culvert replacement project included in the list of road projects in the county’s five-year plan, and as it fits into the budget.

And, the Board heard a weekly report from County Engineer Nick Kauffman. Prior to his report, the Supervisors approved Longevity Raises for Secondary Roads Department employees Brad Cooper and Adam Comstock.