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Oakland auto dealership donates $100k toward the Riverside Community School District capital campaign


August 28th, 2024 by Ric Hanson

(Oakland, Iowa) — A local automobile dealership has donated $100,000 toward the Riverside School District’s capital campaign. According to reports, Keast Motors in Oakland presented the school district with a check Tuesday morning. The funds will be used for the second phase of the campaign, intended to make multiple improvements to the school’s athletic facilities, plus an addition to the agriculture program.

Riverside Superintendent Dr. Stephanie Anderson told reporters that donations like the one from Keast go a long way in making capital projects possible, that would otherwise be difficult to budget for as a school district. Plans call for replacing the football field with natural grass, installing wells to water the football, softball, and baseball fields, installing a satellite concession stand with restrooms near the softball and baseball fields, and obtaining a greenhouse for the district’s agricultural program.

The total estimated cost of phase two is $710,000.

Photo from the Riverside Community School District’s Facebook page.

Phase one of the capital campaign was completed in the summer of 2023. That phase included a new Riverside welcome sign, a “We R Riverside” donor recognition wall, a digital marquee sign, parking lot improvements, landscaping and repairs to the baseball and softball fields, and adding a retaining wall and landscaping for the safe room. For more information on the campaign or how to contribute, visit goriversidepride.org.