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Nomination filing period for public office ends; Final list of names to appear on the ballot in Cass County, IA


August 28th, 2024 by Ric Hanson

(Atlantic, Iowa) Today (Wednesday, August 28, 2024) at 5:00 p.m., marked the final day for candidates to file nomination papers to run for public office.  Cass County Deputy Auditor Sheri Karns has released the final list of names of candidates who filed the appropriate documents to get their name on the ballot for the November 5, 2024 General Election.

See the final list of candidates here: 2024 Cass County General Election Candidate Listing by Office

The Auditor’s Office reminds voters in Cass County there are three public measures on the ballot for November.

2024 General Election Public Measures

All the public measures need 60% to pass. Information with regard to Federal and State candidates or referendums will be announced after they are certified and made available to the Auditor’s Office.


Absentee ballots can now be requested by returning an absentee ballot request form to the Auditor’s office in person or by mail.