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Atlantic Parks and Recreation Dept. Advisory Commission to meet Wednesday afternoon


August 25th, 2024 by Ric Hanson

(Atlantic, Iowa) – A regular monthly meeting of the City of Atlantic’s Parks and Recreation Department Advisory Commission will take place Wednesday (Aug. 28), at the Parks & Rec Office located just off Sunnyside Lane. The meeting begins at 3:30-p.m.

The only item of New Business on the agenda, is “Playground evaluation,” plus any other matter of new business that may come before the Commission.

Old Business/discussion items include:

  • An update on the model solar system for the Schildberg Recreation Area. During their meeting last month, Parks Coordinator Jeff Christensen said he was still trying to find a business that would make different-size metal spheres.
  • Splash Pad Update: Concrete for the pad near the Sunnyside Pool was poured on August 15th.

    The concrete base for the SplashPad in Atlantic was poured on Aug. 15, 2024 (Atlantic Splashpad Facebook page photo)

  • Guidelines for donations – relocating, removal, etc.
  • Signage for the Bull Creek entrance. At last report, Commission Chair Kevin Ferguson had presented the cost ($600) to Junior Federated, and was waiting for a response. He was assured by the Atlantic Junior Federated organization representative Jamie Joyce, that the sign would be stable and able to withstand the elements.