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Additional candidate filings in Cass County (IA)


August 12th, 2024 by Ric Hanson

(Atlantic, Iowa) – Cass County Deputy Auditor Sheri Karns, today (Monday), said three additional candidates have filed their nomination papers in advance of the November 5th General Election. As previously mentioned, Linda L. Pelzer filed last month for one of three seats on the Cass County Hospital Board Trustees.  Since then, Leanne Pellett has also filed. Both currently serve on the Board. Candidates running for that Board may file their papers any time.

Delmar South has filed nomination papers to serve as Union Township Trustee (1 seat open), and Marcy J. Dorsey has filed to run for one of four seats on the Cass County Agricultural Extension Council. Dorsey currently serves on the Council on as a Secretary.

As a reminder:   the filing period for candidates for Non-party political organization (NPPO) and Non-Affiliated persons for the upcoming General Election to be held November 5, 2024, are as follows:

  • Non-Party candidates and Township Trustees- August 5th-August 28th
  • Soil & Water Commissioners and Agricultural Extension-August 5th – August 28th
  • Hospital Board of Trustees- Anytime with a deadline of Wednesday August 28th.

County positions open are:

  1. Board Of Supervisors District 1, District 4 & District 5
  2. County Auditor
  3. County Sheriff
  4. Edna Township Trustee
  5. Union Township Trustee
  6. Soil & Water Commissioners (3)
  7. Hospital Board of Trustees (3)
  8. Ag-Extension (4)

For more information and for the number of signatures required for each office, please contact the Auditor’s office at 712-243-4570