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Iowans should prep their pooches before a night of fireworks


July 4th, 2024 by Ric Hanson

(Radio Iowa) – Many Iowans will be celebrating the nation’s independence today (Thursday) by lighting the fuse on fireworks, and those big booms can be confusing and upsetting for some pets. Michelle Casey, with the Humane Society, says it’s likely -not- a good idea to take your dog to a fireworks display, either a big professional show or in your backyard. “You never know when those fireworks start to go off or those loud noises, you never know how a dog’s going to react. So, I would suggest keeping your pets inside the house, somewhere where they’re secure during fireworks displays,” Casey says. “It can be really very stressful, and dogs can experience a lot of anxiety from that.”

Casey says if your pet does not like fireworks, consider getting some dog-specific anxiety medication before the -next- Independence Day. “The big thing, I would say, is just keep your pets inside. During Fourth of July, you can turn on some music, turn on the TV, something like that, to kind of drown out the sound,” she says. “And then, of course, you can speak to your veterinarian, if you think that your pet might require some medication to make them more comfortable.”

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Casey also recommends using a weighted “thunder shirt” for dogs to help keep them calm.