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Atlantic Councilman looks for volunteers to help out with City clean-up and other tasks


June 10th, 2024 by Ric Hanson

(Atlantic, Iowa) – Fresh on the heels of last week’s 4th Ward Meet-and-Greet in Atlantic, the man who represents the Ward – Councilman Shawn Sarsfield – continues his quest to promote volunteerism in the community, and to help keep Atlantic a clean city for residents and visitors alike. Sarsfield spoke with KJAN late last week. He said during the Meet-and-greet event, about 30 people attended, including some who were not from Ward 4, who wanted to partake in the discussions that were held.

He said there was discussion with regard to the City’s 5-year Comprehensive Plan, and the steps the City needs to take in order for it to grow. The new housing program was also mentioned.

Atlantic City Councilman Sean Sarsfield (Photo from the City’s website)

Out of the discussion, came the idea of volunteers helping those less fortunate, who cannot afford to pay for their lawn to be mowed, and other tasks we take for granted.

He says there are sign-up papers at City Hall in Atlantic, for those who are interested in volunteering for those odds jobs, to lend their hands in support of the Ward. You don’t have to be from Ward 4 to participate. Sarsfield says the feeling of helping your neighbors – even those you don’t know – is worth the experience.

He says you can volunteer when you have the time to do so. If you’re called upon to help with a task and can’t spare the time, it’s OK. You can share your time at a later date, if you like. Shawn Sarsfield says he just appreciates your willingness to volunteer as time allows. He said people stepped-up after the June 4th meeting, to offer their tools and equipment as necessary, to aid in the clean-up efforts.

He says he plans to hold another meeting this Fall, to see how volunteerism efforts are helping, and to see how the concerns mentioned at last week’s meeting, are being addressed. And, as previously reported, be on the lookout for other Atlantic City Council members to hold meetings for their respective Wards, in the weeks and months to come.