United Group Insurance

Griswold School Board approves Personnel hires & Master Contract


May 7th, 2024 by Ric Hanson

(Griswold, Iowa) – The Griswold School Board, Monday afternoon, approved the hiring of Middle School Science Teacher Seth Lembke, as the new Middle School/High School Principle for the upcoming school year. Superintendent Dave Henrichs, said with that having taken place, the Board accepted Mr. Lembke’s resignation as MS Science Teacher, in the following areas:

The Board approved also, the following additional new hires…

The remaining portion of the Griswold School Board meeting, Henrichs said, dealt with contract renewal for district employees.

Staff other than teachers received a One-dollar per hour raise.

The Lenox CSD holds and contract for the position of superintendent. The contract was renewed by Lenox on April 29. The renewal contained a 3.75% increase to the salary ($161,200 to $167,245). The amount of FICA / IPERS paid by the district increased $1,055.09. No increases to any other benefits, including insurance. Thus, the total package increase is 3.56%. Therefore, the total increase per district is $3,550.05.


Details (as mentioned):

New Hires and Resignations (D.R.) – Resignations: Seth Lembke – MS Science Teacher, Quiz Bowl Sponsor, and MS Boys Track. Blair Rush – School Nurse. (All resignations are effective at the end of the 2023-24 school year.)

New Hires: Seth Lembke – MS/HS Principal – $88,000 Base Pay, $8,000 cash in lieu of insurance, 5% TSA. Randy Wells – MS Science Teacher. Brenda Houser – “Summer” Custodian (retroactive to April 29) – up to 30 hours per week @ $14.80 per hour. Nigel Horton and Tara Littler-Scholl – Co-Home School Assistance Teachers – Nigel will serve Elementary students and Tara will serve MS/HS students. Cole Cooper – Athletic Director, Kara Victor – Business Professional Of America Advisor (10 day extended contract) and Esports Sponsor, Chad Rogers – Assistant Girls Basketball and Assistant Cross-Country.

The effective dates are July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2024. Movement was applied (advancement in steps and lanes as applicable), but no increase to the base. Additionally, the district will continue to pay for a full, single health insurance plan. (Health insurance premiums increased 10%). All of these items create a 4.69% total package increase. Finally, TSS funds, as well as some district funds were used to ensure that all certified staff members receive the State mandated minimum salary or at least a $2,000 increase. See attachment for the full list of teacher salaries.