United Group Insurance

Adair County Supervisors pass bond resolution, vacating a road, & courtyard use permit


May 1st, 2024 by Ric Hanson

(Greenfield, Iowa) – The Adair County Board of Supervisors, Wednesday (today), approved a request from Auditor Mandy Berg, for 6-month pay increases for the Courthouse Custodian and Auditor Clerk. Supervisor Jodie Hoadley said she’s “heard nothing but good things” about the two County employees. The Board also passed a Resolution to issue General Obligation Bonds, not to exceed $5-million. Auditor Mandy Berg…

On a related note, the Supervisors in Adair County passed a resolution to take additional action on the bonds, along with a resolution directing the advertising for sale of, and electronic bidding, and an Official Statement. In other business, representatives of Main Street Greenfield requested from the Board a courtyard use permit for the July 23rd RAGBRAI® event. Main Street Greenfield Executive Director Stacie Eshelman laid-out the tentative arrival plan.

Some of the support vehicles for the riders will be arriving in town the night before.

Vendors for the event will be located on the square in Greenfield, and at the park. Local vendors have dibs on where they will locate their items. The Supervisors voted unanimously to approve a permit issuance. The Adair County Supervisors held a public hearing to vacate a portion of 292nd Avenue/Lane, south of Bridgewater. Rich Hall, of Massena, who owns property in the area, asked the Board not to close the road.

Hall previously told Supervisor Jodie Hoadly, according to Hoadley, that it would decrease the value of his property, and make it harder for someone who wants to build a new home, access to the property. It’s unclear what the road is classified as. It is maintained by the County, as if it were a Level B road, even though it is not posted as such. After considerable discussion, the Board voted three-to-one to pass a resolution vacating the road, as proposed. Supervisor Hoadley was the lone no vote.

In other action, the Adair County Supervisors approved a Hungry Canyons Project agreement, contract and performance bonds. County Engineer Nick Kauffman reported on the effects of the heavy rains and hail received in the County, Tuesday evening.

Kauffman said some roads were closed overnight due to water flowing across the them.