United Group Insurance

Adair County Large Scale Commercial & Industrial Bldg. Ordinance on-hold


May 8th, 2024 by Ric Hanson

(Greenfield, Iowa) – Following a public hearing and considerable discussion, the Adair County Board of Supervisors, this (Wednesday) morning, put on-hold, the third reading of a proposed ordinance that would regulate the placement of Large Scale Commercial and Industrial Buildings. The Board voted three-to-two, with Supervisors John Twombley, Jerry Walker and Jodie Hoadley opposed to the ordinance as presented. Supervisors Matt Wedemeyer and Nathan Baier were yes votes.The next move is to get an outside attorney to review the wording of the Draft Ordinance and keep moving forward with the process of redefining an ordinance for future needs.

At issue is the future of Applied Digital’s plans for a 200 mega-watt data center in Adair County, located in the 1200 block of Fallow Avenue near Adair, adjacent to the NextEra Energy substation. The company is planning two 300,000 sq ft (28,700 sqm) buildings, which will host between 40 and 70 employees. Applied Digital operates several data centers across the US, including a 180MW facility in Ellendale, North Dakota. During the Public Hearing, Dan Dreyer, who lives near the proposed data center, said he’s concerned about the misconceptions, with regard to the current draft ordinance.

He said they can accomplish a compromise that will not have the setback so that a business is “Not on top” of a residence, and vice-versa. Adair County resident Gene Hardisty was concerned about the over-regulation of private industry.

Applied Digital’s Nick Phillips asked the Board to give them a few months to see what other restrictions they may face.

Phillips said later, said their attorney cautioned imposition of the Ordinance as written, would not hurt Applied Digital per se, but it could impact others who may be considering constructing a project in Adair County.

Following the vote, members of the Board said they want to move forward, because they are not giving up on economic development.

In other business, the Adair County Board of Supervisors approved the hiring of an Engineering Intern, and wage rate progressions for two Secondary Roads Department employees. The Board also set the date for a Public Hearing on a FY24 Budget Amendment, as May 29th at 9:15-a.m. Auditor Mandy Berg explained the reasons for the proposed amendment.

The total budget increase amounts to $11,985.