United Group Insurance

Public Hearing in Atlantic, Wednesday, on FY 25 City of Atlantic Budget


April 15th, 2024 by Ric Hanson

(Atlantic, Iowa) – A public hearing on the adoption of the FINAL Fiscal Year 2025 City of Atlantic Budget will be held Wednesday evening. The hearing takes place as part of a regularly scheduled meeting of the Atlantic City Council.During their session, Mayor Grace Garrett will administer the Oath of Office to Atlantic Police Officer Kelby Smith. Afterward, the Council will hear a presentation from local Trees Forever representative Dolly Bergman, with regard to a recent award. The Mayor is then expected to sign an Arbor Day Proclamation.

In other business, the Council will act on:

  • A resolution “fixing the date of meeting for a public hearing on the receipt and approval of proposals for the disposal and development of certain City-owned Real Property in the Southeast Urban Renewal District.”
  • The first reading of an Ordinance pertaining to RAGBRAI commercial and non-profit vendor booth permits, clean-up deposits, electrical service and the use of motorized vehicles in event venue areas. The Ordinance, when passed, would be in effect until 5-p.m. July 23rd, 2024. The event will take place in Atlantic July 22nd and 23rd.
  • A Resolution “Setting the date for a public hearing on a proposed Ordinance, vacating the street located between 3009 Palm Street and 3101 Palm Street.
  • A Resolution “Adopting the wages for Seasonal/Part-Time Parks & Recreation and Airport Employees”
  • and a Resolution “Setting Salaries for Appointed Officers and Employees of the City of Atlantic,” for the Fiscal Year that runs from July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025.

The Council is also expected to act on approving Orders pertaining to a Grant Management Services Agreements and a Development Agreement – with SWIPCO – for an Upper Story Rehab Grant for 300 Chestnut Street, and a Community Catalyst Grant for 207 Chestnut Street. They are also expected to hold the first reading of an Ordinance Amending the City’s Ordinances, with regard to the “Abatement of Nuisance[s] by Written Notice of Collection Costs,” followed by a waiving of the second reading, and a holding of the third and final reading.

They will also review, and then likely act on approving, the contract and bonds for the Sunnyside Park Splash Pad Project.

A PDF of the Council’s meeting packet is available here: City Council Agenda Packet Attachments 04-17-2024-min