United Group Insurance

Public Hearing in Adair County, re: Data Center Ordinance


April 24th, 2024 by Ric Hanson

(Greenfield, Iowa) – A Public hearing was held this (Wednesday) morning in Greenfield, on a proposed Adair County Ordinance regulating the placement of Data Centers. Applied Digital has an agreement to purchase land adjacent to a substation in the 1200 block of Fallow Avenue in Adair County, for a 200-megawatt data center. During the hearing, an Adair County resident said there are too many questions about the definition of a data center and specifics regarding setbacks, water usage and other property matters.

Adair County farmer Randy Caviness has wind turbines on his land, and is concerned about stopping progress and losing the opportunity to bring in jobs.

Others mentioned similar concerns, along with the affect on property values.

One of Applied Digital’s owners, Nick Phillips, said he was surprised at the amount of “Pushback” in the community since the data center was first proposed. He spoke about increasing property values and the investment in the county it would bring, along with jobs.

He addressed also, the question about the property setback.

Former State Representative and Adair County property owner Clel Baudler, urged the Board not to “Over-regulate private industry.”

Supervisor John Twombly said the County Attorney recommended the Board take no action, due to possible legal repercussions. Supervisors Jodie Hoadley and Matt Wedemeyer agreed there’s nothing they can do to stop Applied Digital, but there should have been a better plan for property setbacks. The Supervisors voted 3-2 against a motion by Board member John Twombly NOT to pass an ordinance regulating data centers on the 1st reading. Wedemeyer made, and the Board passed, a motion to modify the wording in the draft proposed ordinance in setbacks and the definition of a commercial building, and have a public hearing on the second and possibly third consideration, on May 8th at 9:15-a.m.