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Nov. 7, 2023 Adams County City/School Election results FINAL – Contested races only


November 7th, 2023 by Ric Hanson

Full results can be viewed HERE

CITY OF CORNING – Public Measure AG (re: changing the current makeup of the City Council from 2 elected At Large and 1 from each of 3 wards, to ALL 5 Council members elected At Large without any ward residency requirements), effective at the beginning of the term following the next regular city election.

Yes 191**

No 83

CITY OF PRESCOTT – Public Measure AH (Shall the composition and manner of selection for the Prescott Library Board be changed to reduce the number of trustees from 6 to 5, and to change the residency requirement for trustees from city residents to county residents?)

Yes 12**

No 4


School Board Director – At Large (Elect 2)

Jake Tripp 5**

Eric Caldwell 4

Seth Evans 5**